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Baba Lamune[]


Da Cider[]




Narcissus Dandy and Pheromone Lip[]

Don Genocide's two henchmen sent to deal with Lamunade Group.

  • Evil Costume Switch: As Black Narcissus and Black Lip, they switched to darker outfit after being empowered by BQ.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones : They truly care for each other, with Narcissus willing to sacrifice himself in a suicide mission to spare Lip from Black Lamuness' wrath.
  • Gag Boobs: Pheromone Lip
  • Good Costume Switch:  They switched from their black outfits to white ones upon being released from Abraham's control by the Light of Kira Kira Spirit World.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The two shielded Parfait and Cacao from Black Lamuness' attack in Episode 25, gravely wounded them in process. However, the last episode shown that they survived the ordeal.