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A variant of Names to Run Away From Really Fast, anyone who has a name that contains the letter R in it is probably someone you shouldn't trust. This is especially true if the person's name begins or ends in R. Having the name end in -er counts as well, but not if it begins with Er-.

If the person's name contains a Verb in it ending in R or -er, that's a different variant of this trope.

Anyone whose name combines several of the distinct types of Names to Run Away From Really Fast is generally someone you really, really, do not want to get mad at you. Or they're a Mary Sue, which is arguably worse.

Examples of Names to Run Away From Really Fast/R Names include:

Anime and Manga[]

Comic Books[]



Live-Action TV[]

Tabletop Games[]

  • Warhammer 400000: Flesh Tearers (a Blood Angels offshoot) are technically good guys, but since their symbol is a drop of blood on a circular's kinda hard to consider them in the same league as the Salamanders or Space Wolves. Also the Soul Drinkers, who are usually good guys, but have a few issues with Chaos.
    • Well technically no one in 40k is good.


  • Various characters from the numerous Transformers series play this alternatively straight or subvert it:
    • On the evil Decepticons' side, there's Thundercracker, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Devastator, Wildrider, Motormaster, Menasor, Reflector, Tankor and Demolishor, just to name a few.

Video Games[]

Western Animation[]

Real Life[]

  • Hitler and Himmler, Those Wacky Nazis
    • The list of high-ranking Nazis also included Drexler, the Strassers, Speer, Streicher, Kaltenbrunner, Raeder, Schlegelberger and many others.