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Nancy Drew is a 2019 mystery television series, created by Noga Landau, Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, which airs on the CW. It is based on the novels by Edward Stratemeyer about the famous eponymous kid detective.

After the untimely death of her mother, Nancy defers college to remain in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine, where she works at a local restaurant, The Clam. She spends most of her time with her colleagues at the restaurant, George, the tough manager who doesn't like Nancy, Bess, the posh rich girl, and Ace, the cook, who has a calm and succinct nature. To destract her from the life she did not envision for herself is Nick, a mechanic whom Nancy has a sexual relationship with, but doesn't really know anything about. The five of them get tied together when a murder occurs in town and they're among the few present at the scene.

Tropes used in Nancy Drew (2019 series) include:


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