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The Nanman Beast Palace (Chinese: 南蛮({{{2}}}) or 南蠻野獸宮, Korean: 남만야수궁) refers to a fictional location that often appears in Korean murim stories, as one of the Five Palaces Beyond the Great Wall. They are usually based in Yunnan province, and is often ruled by a leader considered equivalent to a king.

It may be based on the various "barbaric" tribes in Southern China, collectively known as the Nanman. Alternatively, it could refer to the Baiyue or Nanyue, a name that Vietnam flipped to create their name.

Examples of Nanman Beast Palace include:

Anime and Manga[]


  • Heaven Official's Blessing: Hua Cheng's design is inspired by the Miao tribe, from which his mother is said to have descended from. However, the backstory related to this was scrapped from the outline and does not appear in the story itself.
    • The Banyue Kingdom share a similar pinyin spelling to Baiyue and Nanyue, though they do not share the same hanzi or tone. Furthermore, this kingdom is based in the Gobi Desert. Read more here.
  • Murim Login: In this webtoon, the Nanman Beast Palace consists of 32 Nanman tribes of Yunnan province, which includes 4 great tribes: The Miao Tribe (Hangul: 묘족, Hanja: 苗族)[2], Bai Tribe (Hangul: 백족, Hanja: 白族)[2], Yi Tribe (Hangul: 이족, Hanja: 彝族)[3], and Yao Tribe (Hangul: 요족, Hanja: 瑤族). Read more here.
  • Return of the Blossoming Blade: The Nanman Beast Palace is said to be based in Yunnan and is ruled by a "king." Read more here.