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The following is a fan-based parody of a fan-based parody...
—The first line of the disclaimer, explaining that this is Naruto the Abridged Series The Abridged Series.
Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show is an Abridged Series of Naruto made by Little Kuriboh of Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, originally as an April Fools' Day joke, as well as a Take That to Naruto the Abridged Series, which has struck out on its own.
As of now, it has seven episodes and a two-part movie which can be watched on Little Kuriboh's account for it, called Ninjabridge. The movie can be found in one part here. Despite the Ninjabridge channel being flagged and deleted by an ad-bot, it has returned as of 15 June 2011. The episodes (but not the extra clips) can also be found in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged website.
- The Abridged Series: Of the abridged series.
- Abuse Mistake: Ino thinks Naruto is assaulting Sasuke, but Sasuke is quick to reassure her that they're just having sex (even though he doesn't like it).
- Actor Allusion: Sasuke utters this line:
- April Fools' Day: This series was originally one of these. It came full circle in 2010, when it played its own role in Little Kuriboh's yearly prank.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Played for Laughs by Naruto in Episode 6
Naruto: Okay, it's cool everybody! I speak weeaboo! |
- Big Eater: That one guy that likes to eat food. "My eating disorder is hilarious!"
- "I mean look at him! Eating that food. It's hilarious! Food! Eating! HA!"
- Bile Fascination: In-Universe - "Check it out. Those guys are kissing. It's so wrong, and yet I can't take my eyes away."
- Bilingual Bonus: Haku: Martin-san no chinpo wa hontōni ōkiidesu.
- Big No: Episode 5's "Noooooooooo *smokes a cigarette* -ooooooooooooo!"
- Episode 6: Sasuke's monotone "Nooooooooooooo."
- Episode 7: "He was like the Sasuke's father I never had because Sasuke's brother killed him, nooooooooooo!"
- Black Comedy Rape: Fanservice No Jutsu. Though Sasuke does say it's not hurting him. He just doesn't like it.
- Bob From Accounting: "Hmmm, what would Bill from Accounting do?" [cut to man jumping out of a skyscraper window] "Hmm, I could do that, but there's no windows around."
- Brick Joke: Mermaid Melody fandubs being used to torture prisoners in The Movie.
- "Monkey D. Luffy eventually found One Piece. His breakfast still eludes him."
- Call Back: Naruto crying "Shaun" during the Heavy Rain joke is a reference to Little Kurioboh's other Heavy Rain joke of Minority Report.
- Captain Obvious: "This is a show about ninjas... apparently."
- That's less a Captain Obvious and more Sarcasm Mode; he's mocking plot and the extremely trivial social antics of the protagonists in a show that is supposedly an action series about ninjas. On the same level:
Naruto: This expired milk is an important plot point! |
- Catch Phrase no Jutsu!
- Sasuke shall get you back, sommehoww...
- "I'm not David Bowie" and "I already told you, I'm not David Bowie!" -- David Bowie
- Though, it seems in recent videos, Kakashi pretty much gave up on convincing people he was not David Bowie.
- Though he calls himself Kakashi in the movie by mistake. Maybe even he isn't sure.
- "Ain't I a stinker?" -- Naruto
- Joe-Kage's use of the word "retaaaaarded".
- I like One Piece -- Iruka
- "I couldn't have done it without the rower!" -- Naruto
- "Yes you could!" -- The Rower
- Comically Small Bribe: A Running Gag is many unconnected characters attempting to bribe people (often successfully) with "some paperclips and a Subway coupon".
- Cool Versus Awesome: Pirate versus Ninja. Parodied in the crossover video "Pirates and/or Ninjas", complete with DBZ-like powering up sequence.
Naruto: "We must fight now because you are a pirate and I am a ninja! |
- Crossover: With None Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series and Code MENT in the same video.
- And again with None Piece in Episode 7, as Gilligan's Father.
- Denser and Wackier: Compared to Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series.
- Department of Redundancy Department: More like Ninja of Ninja Department. That is of Ninjas.
- Depraved Bisexual: Naruto.
- Though in episode 5 he does claim his "ass belongs to Sasuke", implying monogamy of a kind.
- Depraved Homosexual: Zabuza.
- Dirty Old Man: The Hokage.
Hokage: *watching porn* Shhh... I'm trying to hear the nudity. |
- The Ditz: Konohamaru.
- Do Not Explain the Joke: Naruto in episode 7.
- Dull Surprise: Sasuke. Especially noticeable in Episode 6.
- Emo: Sasuke.
"Nobody will ever understand the torment I feel. The torment of an extremely attractive ninja who is lusted after by pretty much every girl he's ever met." |
- According to Naruto, emo is the only emotion Sasuke is capable of feeling.
- At times Sasuke is actually proud of his emoness:
"I challenge you to an emo off." |
- Sasuke can be emo about anything:
"Nobody will ever understand the food I eat." |
- Embarrassing First Name: Joe Hokage
- Even Evil Has Standards: Naruto, the smoker, is against drinking.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Apparently the emotion which is emo makes Sasuke highly attractive to Naruto.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Iruka is just called "Sensei," or "that annoying sensei guy."
- Fan Boy: Iruka will tell you he likes One Piece, even if you've heard him the first million times. Also the Hokage likes Bleach, but isn't nearly as blatant with it.
- Fate Worse Than Death: "...at least it's better than watching a Mermaid Melody fandub!"
- Flanderization: Iruka started of as rather eccentric, but still tried to be a competant teacher. His love for One Piece in episode 1 was only mentioned in passing. Episode 2 and onwards, being a One Piece Fan Boy seems to be Iruka's only characteristic.
- Flat What: An excellent one by the Hokage.
Hokage: You killed my nephew's pet kitten. Her name was Mittens. I mean, it's like... Why. How. What. |
- Genre Deconstruction: Naruto and the Curse of the Internet Drama is nothing but one towards the very genre its very predecessor started in the first place. The series itself is a Deconstructive Parody.
- Gratuitous Japanese: A favorite of Naruto himself.
- Haku.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: In The Movie, Naruto starts obsessing with lesbians. Fortunately, the Princess is one.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Gay?: The Princess in The Movie is repeatedly referred to as a lesbian by Naruto, but we never see her in a relationship, and she doesn't really interact with other women at all.
- Homage Kakashi is a walking parody of David Bowie. Though he'll tell you otherwise. Many times.
- Gouzu and Meizu are now Scratch and Grounder.
- And that one guy who likes to eat a lot is Cartman.
- The Movie gives us the Japanese equivalents of George Lucas, Michael Bay and, as the film's villain, M. Night Shyamamalama-sama-kun, who sounds exactly like Master Pain, a.k.a. "Betty".
- Hotter and Sexier: There are far more sex gags and sex with something that isn't an inanimate object in the Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show.
- Hypocritical Humor: At the end of "BOWIE NO JUTSU!" Iruka tells Joe-Kage to stop cramming the fact that he likes Bleach down his throat, despite the fact that that's what he's been doing the entire series.
- Also Iruka's line in the next episode: "Show some respect to the Joe-kage!"
- In "Parody Movie no Jutsu," Naruto was shocked to find out that the Princess drank alcohol. He comments that it is a bad habit and that he has lost a lot of respect for her, right before taking a long drag on a joint.
- I Am Not Shazam: In-universe in the 2010 April's Fools video, it appears that Iruka doesn't even know the name of the hero of his favourite animé, referring to Luffy as "Mr. One Piece".
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: EPISODE TITLE NO JUTSU!~
- I Do Not Own: Naruto the Abridged Series's "This is a fan-based parody" disclaimer is itself parodied with one saying "This is a fan-based parody of a fan-based parody".
- Informed Attribute: An unusual case, as it is to the series itself, with Yami's statement, "This show is about Ninjas. Apparently."
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Yes, even on a show about ninjas. Mostly thanks to Iruka.
Iruka: Aw, did you have to wake me up for this? I was having that awesome ninja dream where I'm a ninja. |
- Interactive Narrator: Naruto hates narrators with such a passion that he throws a kunai at them whenever he hears them.
- Japanese Honorifics: Naruto goes way too overboard when referring to David Bowie-sama-sensei-senpai-san-sama...-kun.
- And M. Night Shyamamalama-sama-kun.
- "Are you all right, David Bowie-kun-kittyface?"
- Jerkass: David Bowie seems to be turning into this starting with episode 6.
- The titular character is quite an asshole himself.
- Larynx Dissonance: Sakura. In fact, Little Kuriboh uses the exact same voice for Sakura as he does for Téa.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Naruto sings to one of the BGMs of the series.
"Do-do-dododo-dooo! I'm gonna fuck you in the ass!" |
- Also Joekage's rant.
Joekage: "Personally I don't see what's so important about a bridge. I mean, come on. First one guy makes a bridge. And everybody uses it, they're like, "Ooh, look, a bridge. That's new." So, like, these other two guys make another bridge. And it's kinda like the first one, but people use it anyway because the first guy is like "Oh, their bridge is pretty cool too, check it out." And then these three other guys are like, "Oh, we're going to make the best bridge ever, we're going to combine our talents and be like, 'Oh, look at our bridge, it's totally amazing, ooh.'" and it's like, it turns out really good, and it's the best out of all the other bridges. Everybody subscribes to it." |
- The opening of episode 7, which came out shortly after Masako announced that he was leaving Naruto the Abridged Series. Part of Kakashi/Bowie's dialogue was copied directly from Masako's YouTube announcement.
Bowie: Well, students, it's been a good ride, but I'm afraid I have to leave. There's just too much going on in my personal life. I wanted to say this to your faces, because you're awesome like that. So, farewell. |
- And, come to think of it, a lot of the other dialogue from episode 7 also counts, with all the discussion of building "a bridge" and one guy bringing his girlfriend to help with the bridge and so on.
- Leitmotif: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata plays whenever Sasuke is being emo. Which is always.
- Literal Music Video: There's a segment in episode 7 based on the idea (Little Kuriboh has also done full literal music videos elsewhere).
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: Sasuke's "X will never understand the Y I feel" (and similar).
- Martial Arts and Crafts: All things are described as ninja things.
- Memetic Badass: "Nothing can kill David Bowie!"
David Bowie: I am David Bowie. I can do anything! |
- The Movie: Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show Motion Picture Movie Film, which spoofs the first film, Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow.
- Musical Episode: "Bowie no Jutsu". Admittedly, there's only one major musical number, but it takes up the majority of the episode, and there are a couple of short ones at the beginning and end.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Iruka announces the graduates in the style of the One Piece theme song.
Iruka: Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Sasuke! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Naruto! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Sakura! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, that guy! |
- Ninja: Apparently this show is about them. In fact, everyone in the show is one! Sometimes "ninja" gets appended to other words.
Naruto: "The prostitutes in ninja village are also ninjas! That's why we call them ninja prostitutes!" |
- There are people who aren't ninjas, which is viewed by Naruto as being impossible.
Naruto: What is he, like, a wizard or something? Because he's clearly not a ninja! |
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: "Zombie Ninja David Bowie is my sensei! This is the BEST DAY EVER!!"
- And for a brief moment in the first episode, Iruka believes that he's a robot ninja, instead of just a regular ninja.
- No Indoor Voice: Naruto, especially from episode two and on.
- No Name Given: A Running Gag with several characters. Iruka is always only known as "The Annoying Sensei Guy" and every other member of Sasuke's family is only described in terms of their relations to him.
- Noodle Incident: Sasuke's twelfth birthday.
- And when Sasuke's brother ruined Sasuke's life, there were apparently noodles involved.
- Oh God, with the Verbing!: In episode 2 Joe-Kage says "God, always with the talking from you."
- Only Sane Girl: Sakura.
- Overly Long Name: The show has one. The full title of The Movie is: Naruto the Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show Motion Picture Movie Film.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: It'd be harder to find an episode without it.
- Phrase Catcher: Kakashi told you, he's not David Bowie!
- Reference Overdosed: The Movie. Probably done so that Masoko and Vegeta would have enough material to work with for their version.
- Running Gag: Naruto and his CONSTANT SMOKING!
- In "Parody Movie no Jutsu," it implies that the Rower helped him quit. Though, it could have been just a gag.
- Little Kuriboh commented in the commentary that he probably just started again pretty soon.
- The Ninja teacher of the Ninja class likes One Piece. Though he already sounds weary of it.
- "I'm not David Bowie."
- Naruto frequently compares The Godfather and Elf starring Will Ferrell and everyone else says the movies have nothing in common.
- In The Movie, he actually says "The Elf and Godfather starring Will Ferrell", implying that he's had Will Ferrell confused with James Caan this whole time.
- The Rower's (supposed) awesomeness seems to have become one.
- In "Parody Movie no Jutsu," it implies that the Rower helped him quit. Though, it could have been just a gag.
Naruto: I couldn't have done it without the Rower! |
- Shout-Out: More than a few lines are lifted from other media.
Mizuki: The ninjas never told you what happened to your father! |
Mizuki: Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of ninjas in one turn? |
- The first episode also opens with roughly the same dialogue as the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged.
- The theme song itself is directly ripped from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
- Naruto's "I am the Japanese version of Dennis the Menace!"
- At the end of BOWIE NO JUTSU~, there's a little snippet of 'Bowie' from Flight of the Conchords.
- "SnooPING AS usual I see!"
- "Believe in me who believes in the you who believes in the One Piece!"
- Icecap Zone No Jutsu
- Get Over Here
- Dance Water Dance
- Yoga Flame No Jutsu
- "Hey, ho, Shika-Shikamaru, Shika-Shikamaru I love you..."
- "We call him Gilligan."
- Possibly unintentional, but Gato sounds almost identical to Bob's boss in The Incredibles, down to their first lines being the same.
Gato: I'm not happy, Zabuza. Not happy. |
- Episode 3: "Hokageshouldn'twebedoingsomethingabouttheheadcrabzombies?"
- M Knight Shamalamasamakun's character is basically Betty from Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.
- The Ti Vo 'porn' scene in Fanservice No Jutsu is from Puni Puni Poemi.
- Show Within a Show: Iruka's One Piece The Abridged Series and the Hokage's Bleach Kage Abridged.
- Small Role, Big Impact: Naruto is a big fan of the rower and admires everything he does, even though Naruto just met the rower and he just... rows.
- Smoking Is Cool: Naruto seems to think so, and doesn't mind pushing it on the impressionable youth.
Hokage's Grandson: It tastes like burning! |
- Smoking Hot Ninja Sex: Naruto with Sasuke in ep 3.
- Sound Effect Bleep: The usual effect applies until Episode 3, when the series becomes uncensored.
- Spoof Aesop: "The old man's story has taught me a valuable lesson, and that is that we should not complain about Masako leaving, because we should be grateful for everything that he has done for us and respect his decision to move on with his life." That message is fine, but it had nothing to do with the old man's story.
- Stealth Parody: Little Kuriboh has made it clear that he bears no ill will toward Masako and Vegeta's abridged series, or anyone else's for that matter; some people really shouldn't take the frequent insults so seriously.
- Stealth Pun: Joe-Kage's rant at the end of episode 5 is about how one guy made a bridge, then a couple other guys decided to make a different bridge, then everybody else decided to make a bridge, some better than others, and finally a bunch of them got together to make the best bridge ever.
- Steven Ulysses Perhero: Joe Hokage grew up to become a Hokage.
- Stylistic Suck: Naruto's "movie", which is apparently styled after a Seltzer and Friedberg movie and makes him into a Gary Stu.
- And Iruka's abridgement of One Piece. It appears to have been filmed by recording snippets of One Piece episodes off youTube with a mobile phone, and that's just the start of it.
- Take That: There's a lot of these directed towards Naruto The Abridged Series, vocal Sakura haters, Seltzer and Friedberg style referential comedy (with Meet the Spartans and Vampires Suck called out specifically), and toward the show itself, but episode 5's stinger takes the cake, as Little Kuriboh disses all other *cough* bridges, and himself a little for good measure.
Hokage: So this guys's like, "I'm going to go to conventions to promote my bridge." I mean, like, it's just a bridge. It's not a big deal. Get over it. |
- This video, though it's really just a brutal satire of Naruto the Abridged Series and, more specifically, its long anticipated Naruto The Abridged Movie.
- Note that Little Kuriboh went ahead and made his own version of the movie just to spite them. And The Stinger to that movie?
- This video, though it's really just a brutal satire of Naruto the Abridged Series and, more specifically, its long anticipated Naruto The Abridged Movie.
- The villain of the abridged movie being M. Night Shamamalama(-sama-kun), the only director more hated than Japanese George Lucas and Japanese Michael Bay.
Naruto: "This is for all the fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, you white washing son of a bitch!" |
- Half of Episode 7 is a massive one against Vegeta3986[1], especially his choice to bring his girlfriend onto the show.
- Tempting Fate: After finding out the princess had been kidnapped in the movie.
Kakashi: It's okay everyone. I sent Naruto to go find her. I'm sure they'll be just fine... |
- Throw It In: Naruto's flubbed lines in episodes 3 and 5. Not known if Little Kuriboh did them on purpose, or just left in his own mistakes. Either way, sure to become a Running Gag.
Naruto: Oh my God, Sasuke is so pucking--pah pah... Oh my God, Sasuke is so fucking pretty! |
- He mentions in the commentary for the movie that accidentally mispronounced "nuclear" as "nucular" while recording and, instead of rerecording, just decided to put a quick subtitle that says "Ninjas can't pronounce nuclear".
- Also, in the crossover Pirates and/or Ninjas
Naruto Your constant disassembly of dialogue is interfering with yourrashemblehblehpahpah. |
- Unnamed Sibling: Sasuke refers to his brother as "Sasuke's Brother".
- Even Sasuke's Brother calls himself that.
- Unnamed Parent: In episode 7, Sasuke refers to his father as "Sasuke's father."
- Utility Magic: Eating food is apparently a jutsu, then again Naruto is a moron so maybe not.
- Vocal Evolution: The Naruto voice changes distinctly between the first episode and the second. It can probably be chalked up to his cigarettes.
- Sasuke's accent has changed from an American one to a British one. And it sounds almost exactly like Little Kuriboh's speaking tone. Only...emo.
- Iruka (the "annoying sensei guy") has become more high-pitched, to the point of sounding like Meowth. This has been lampshaded at least once
- David Bowie gradually stops "singing" his dialogue.
- Well, not all his dialogue. "Now I'm going to teach you all how to CLIMB A TREEEEE~!"
- Waxing Lyrical: Naruto in The Movie; makes his own lyric to boot.
- *After dramatic plot details, slam* "Row Row! Shamamalama!"
- What Could Have Been: The Spoof Movie Commentary reveals that Little Kuriboh had many different scripts for the movie before settling on the final result. According to him, however, they're not quite as good.
- Who's on First?: Zabuza keeps thinking Haku is greeting him when he's actually saying "yes". ("Hai")
- Word Salad Title
- X Called. They Want Their Y Back.:
Ino: Hey, Sakura, Christina Ricci called. She wants her giant forehead back, and her movie career. |
- And from the movie:
Cliche Henchman 1: Hey, David Bowie, the seventies called, and they want their timely references back! |
- ↑ one of the Naruto Abridged creators; the episode was made after his partner MasakoX quit the show and he himself quit Team FourStar