Describe Natsuko Kuwatani here, desu!
Natsuko Kuwatani is one of the up and coming seiyuu whose voice is very polarizing, desu! At one point, she's a super serious, protective woman of action, desu! And on the other side, she does a very hyper cutesy voice where you won't be able to recognize her old type, desu!
... desu!
Would you please stop it? You don't want her to kill you, do you? ^_^
Notable roles by Natsuko Kuwatani, desu![]
- Suiseiseki in Rozen Maiden, desu!
- Arf, Lutecia Alpino in the Lyrical Nanoha series
- Himiko Kudou in GetBackers
- Micaiah in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
- Kasuga in Sengoku Basara
- Henne Valkyria and Dorothy Mistral in Endless Frontier
- Kanako Urashima in Love Hina Again
- Yue Ayase in Mahou Sensei Negima, desu!
- Ryoko Asakura in Haruhi Suzumiya
- Achakura in the Gag Series Haruhi-chan
- Maki in Seto no Hanayome
- Sakura Ushikubo in Special A
- Karen in Sister Princess
- Satomi Kanbara of Saki WA HA HA
- Fiore in Chrono Crusade
- Lilica Stacy in Girls Bravo
- Vanessa in Agarest Senki 2
- Gust in Hyperdimension Neptunia, desu-no!
- Mati in Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
- Erika Furudo in Umineko no Naku Koro ni ~ Nocturne of the Truth and Illusions
- Chromia (Thunderblast) in Transformers Cybertron
Simply by the existence of this page, this level of description is possible for Natsuko Kuwatani. What do you think, everyone?