"Spy-Horror Thrills By Sean Azzopardi & Daniel Merlin Goodbrey" |
Necessary Monsters is a adventure webcomic that combines a MIB-style covert agency with the world of eldritch horror: the story of a team of cop-monster monster-cops.
This work has examples of:[]
- All in the Eyes: Jonathon's pale unworldly eyes. Charlotte's never-seen eyes. Tuesday's all-black eyes. Knife Mother's sewn-shut eyes. The Ju-Ju man's eyes.
- An Offer You Can't Refuse: Tuesday's Shackling.
- Badass: everyone.
- Black Helicopter: Frequent mode of fransport for Chain members...although something about the chopper is a little off.
- Body Horror: all over the place. A crowning moment would be the poor mook Jonathon Gravehouse utters unholy truths to: he is so horrified he tears his own skull apart via thumbs in his own eyesockets.
- Brown Note: Jonathon tells a man on the safehouse front desk something that causes him to pull his own skull apart. Also, looking into Charlotte's eyes is instant death.
- Conspiracy Redemption: there is this flavour to the Chain.
- Cosmic Horror Story: It's almost our world, save for the massive conspiracy upheld by monsters of every kind -from slashers to Eldritch Abominations- to keep humanity in general safe, ignorant and complacent, until they use us for their needs and wants. Cattle herds have to be properly tended, you know.
- Eldritch Abomination: Thomas Harp and Jonathon Gravehouse. What a name.
- Epiphany Therapy: Tuesday's showdown with Harp.
- Let's Split Up, Gang!: in the safehouse, but hey, we're the terror in here.
- The Faceless: Charlotte. Though it's only her eyes that we never see.
- Heroic BSOD: Tuesday, upon finding her true face has stuck.
- Immune to Bullets: Cowboy 13.
- Initiation Ceremony: the shackling of Creeping Tuesday.
- Jack Attack: Jack, natch. May even possibly be that Jack.
- Lovecraftian Superpower:
- Both Thomas Harp and Jonathon Gravehouse are shells for titanic horrors.
- Knife Mother's Mook Maker abilities come from the thirteen stab wounds in her back. they've become cysts where embryos form, then fall off and grow rapidly from orange-sized to fully grown, clothed, sewn-shut eyes, knife-wielding identical killers.
- Made of Iron: Cowboy 13 again. Fitting considering he's a Jason Vorhees/Michael Myers-type slasher.
- Mook Maker: The Mother of Knives' specific power.
- Motive Decay: Discussed by Charlotte. She started out killing the people who killed her. Then she started killing bad people. Then, she realized everyone is bad, in their own way...
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Almost everyone. Jonathon Gravehouse, Charlotte Hatred, Creeping Tuesday, Harp's Bane, Jack...
- New Meat: Tuesday when she's drafted into the Chain.
- One-Winged Angel: see Lovecraftian Superpower.
- Putting the Band Back Together: Jonathon getting the crew back together is part of the opening act.
- Resignations Not Accepted: the Chain.
- Serial Killer: Cowboy 13, as mentionned above.
- Smug Snake: Jack and Gravehouse.
- Spy Fiction: Martini Flavoured.
- The Spymaster: Jack.
- These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: Jonathon Gravehouse utters unholy truths to the mook on the front desk of the safehouse: he is so horrified he tears his own skull apart via thumbs in his eyesockets.
- What Have I Become?: Tuesday. She gets over it.