Found a Trope whose page is pitiful, but don't want to champion a redux on YKTTW? Feel like editing something and don't know what? Look no further! Here's a list of pages you should visit when having a moment and urging to edit: a list of pages that need some Wiki Magic love. Some need one thing, maybe just a little re-touch, maybe an image, example or a wick. Some need much, much more work to look good.
Please italicize the names of works in order to separate them from the trope names.
A page with only one problem goes on one of these lists:
- Tropes Needing Examples
- Pages Needing an Entry Pimp
- Pages Needing Example Sorting
- Pages Needing Images
- Pages Needing Wicks
- Needs a Better Description
- Needs an Index
- Works Needing Tropes
If a trope Needs a Better Title, however, you must first take it to the Trope Repair Shop.
Pages needing much, much more Wiki Magic:
- The Accused
- Addergoole: Examples need description beyond X Just X; Crosswicking.
- Adiboo and The Energy Thieves: Needs an image, better description, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Aegis Wing: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple: Needs a real description and some tropes.
- A Js World of Discovery: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Alchemist: Needs a better description and a picture.
- Alfie Atkins: A stub that needs a better description and a trope list.
- Alan Thicke: Needs better description, works, image.
- Alien Carnage: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Alpha Waves needs a better description, more tropes, and wicks.
- American Movie
- Anarchy Reigns
- Ancient Evil: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ancients 1 Deathwatch: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ancients 2 Approaching Evil: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Animalia: Needs more tropes and a better description.
- Antarctic Adventure: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- April Stewart is just this side of being a stub.
- Arctic Adventure: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Asterix and The Magic Carpet: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Asterix Operation Getafix: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Asylum: Needs more tropes.
- Atlantis: The Lost Tales: Needs a description for the third game, perhaps a rewrite, addition of links, and a list of tropes.
- Baby Mama: Needs a better description and more tropes.
- Bad Mojo: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Balls of Steel: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Barefoot Contessa: Needs more tropes.
- Bargon Attack: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Barnyard (In need of an actual description and tropes)
- Baron Baldric: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Betrayal at Krondor: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Betrayal in Antara: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Bewitched
- Beyond the Titanic: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Bio Menace: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Big Bully
- Bizarre Taste in Food: Needs examples, and possibly an image.
- Black Dahlia: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Blackout (1997 game): Needs a better description and crosswicking.
- Black Tide: Needs a Better Description and more tropes.
- Blake Stone Aliens of Gold: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Blake Stone Planet Strike: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- What the Bleep Do We Know: Needs an actual description (currently has none) and crosswicking.
- The Blockbuster Buster: Needs a better description and crosswicking.
- Block Five: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Blockhead: Needs more tropes and wicks.
- Blood: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Bloodlust Software: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Books of Elsewhere: Needs tropes badly, needs more wicks (no wicks besides 2 indexes, including this one)!
- Born in East L.A. needs more tropes
- Borscht Belt
- Brady Bunch Spin Offs needs more tropes for some of the included series.
- Bringing Out the Blue: Needs more tropes added.
- Brix: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Buckles: A comic strip. Needs crosswicking.
- Buck Bumble: Needs more trope examples, an image, and a better description.
- Buck Tick: Needs a better description and more wicks.
- Build Tiger
- Bully: Needs an image and a better description.
- Bushido Blade: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Cabelas Dangerous Hunts: Needs tropes, an image and a better description
- Cardinal Syn: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Catacomb: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Center of the World
- Chain Reaction (Needs a better description and a trope list)
- Chaos Comics
- Chaos D 1: Needs a better description and way more tropes.
- Chaos Wars: Could use a more detailed description, less One Word Examples, and more tropes that actually describe the game's plot rather than character design details and its infamously horrible English dub track. Its character page is also an aborted mess.
- Cheap Arse Film Review: Needs more tropes.
- Chico and The Man
- China Anne McClain: Needs more tropes related to her.
- Chinese Box
- Cin Wicked: needs better description and more tropes
- City on Fire needs tropes and a better description.
- Claire Holt: Australian actress. Need more tropes about her.
- Club Paradise
- Clydes Adventure: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Clydes Revenge: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Cobra Mission: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Colonial Boy: Needs a more detailed description and more tropes and wicks.
- Colors: Needs tropes & wicks
- Combat: Only one example, and a very short description.
- Conquests of Camelot: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Conquests of the Longbow: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Cooler: Needs more tropes and wicks and a more detailed description.
- The Cornelius Chronicles needs a better description (God knows it's not an easy series to describe) and more Character entries.
- The Counterfeiters needs more tropes and wicks.
- Count Jackula: Needs longer description and more tropes.
- Critical Marine: Needs more tropes.
- Criticom: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Crooked Little Vein: Needs better description than the one from Wikipedia and more tropes.
- Crystal Caves: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Cyber Connect 2: Just a stub right now.
- Cyberia: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Cyberia 2: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Cyborg Justice: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dangerous Dave: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Danielle Steel needs tropes period.
- Dare to Dream: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dark Ages: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dark Angael: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dark Earth needs wicks and tropes.
- Dark Reflections Trilogy: Needs a better description and more tropes.
- Dark Rift : Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dark Touch: Needs more tropes, an image and better description.
- Dave McKean needs tropes.
- Davey and Goliath: Needs more tropes.
- The Day of the Pelican needs wicks, tropes, an index, and a better description.
- Deathtrap Dungeon: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Deception: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Delonge Wannabe: Better description, more tropes.
- Demoversi: Needs a good quote, a nice picture, and more tropes.
- Den En Ni Shisu: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Denver needs more summary and more examples.
- Deus Ex Machina: Needs a trope list and a longer description.
- Diamond Digger: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dognapped!: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Double Reacharound Red needs tropes and a better description.
- Double Switch: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Dragon Journals needs tropes, a better description, some wicks...
- Dragon Quest Legend of the Hero Abel needs more tropes and serious help and expansion on character page.
- Dreamsnake: Stub article. Need more information, a better description and a trope list.
- Dreams to Reality: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Druuna Morbus Gravis: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Dungeon Damage stub.
- Dunston Checks In
- Dwarfs: Needs more tropes and perhaps a better description
- Eastern Mind Lost Souls of Tong Nou: Needs more tropes, a better description, maybe an image...
- Ecstatica: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ecstatica II: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Electric Horseman: Needs tropes!
- Electric Retard: All the tropes listed need descriptions.
- Electroman: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp..
- Elephant 6: Needs tropes and a better description.
- Elevator Source: Needs more tropes and a better description.
- Elf Land: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp..
- Emmanuelle: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Epic Pinball: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Erikas New Perfume: The page was rather bare bones for the longest time, not even listing half the Tropes used by the series. It recently underwent a major overall, but it is still one of the most neglected works here.
- ESS Mega: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp..
- Evil Overlords United is currently a stub.
- Excalibur 2555 AD: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Executioners: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Extendable Arms needs a picture, examples, and description work.
- Extreme Pinball: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- EZ Rider needs more tropes and a better description.
- Face Raiders needs more tropes (at least).
- Fade Out needs examples and a good Entry Pimp.
- The Fan Fiction Critic Needs more tropes, an image, and better description.
- Fascination: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Fat Cat needs more examples.
- Faulty Logic: Needs more examples.
- FBI Fred.
- Fern Michaels: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Fifi and the Flowertots needs more tropes, and maybe a better description.
- Fight Dracula: Needs more examples, and maybe an image.
- The First Circle needs more tropes.
- First World Problems: The description is okay, but it needs much more examples.
- Fly Me to the Moon: needs a more detailed description and a trope list.
- Flywrench: Short article with few tropes and wicks.
- Forbidden Broadway: needs a much better description, an image, and maybe a longer trope list.
- Forty Shades of Blue
- Framed 1995: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Framed 2004: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Free Ride needs tropes and a better description.
- French Kiss needs a good description and more examples.
- Frothy Pint of Metal: Needs more tropes.
- The newly-made characters page for Fuzzy Knights.
- Gabriela Mistral is barely a stub.
- Galactic Empire: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Game: Needs more tropes and wicks. BADLY.
- Game Informer Needs a better description
- Game of the Year Edition Needs a Better Description and more examples.
- The Game Station: Needs a clearer/better description, needs more tropes [1].
- Geisha: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Gender Wars: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Gingitsune: Just a stub.
- Goal in Life: Needs a megaton load of examples, and the description can use a little tidying up.
- Gobliiins: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Gobliins 2: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Goblins Quest 3: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Gobliiins 4: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Going Overboard: A 1989 Adam Sandler film. Needs more tropes.
- Good Charlotte: Needs a better description talking about their music etc. Could use a trope list is applicable.
- Goodnight Moon: Needs more tropes and an actual description.
- Grace Under Fire: More detail is needed on the description as well as a trope list.
- Gravity needs a better description, pictures, trope list, etc.
- The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat: Needs more tropes and wicks.
- Hakushon Daimao: Older series, could use more tropes.
- Hanson
- Harvester: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius needs more tropes and a better description.
- Heartlight: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Heart Shaped Box: needs more tropes. More than anything, it needs an editor who has actually read the book recently (it's been several years for me, and I've forgotten a few subplots, the names of several characters, etc.).
- Heavy Water Jogger: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Helpless Good Side needs more examples.
- Hell a Cyberpunk Thriller: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Hello! Project's character sheet needs examples for some of the groups.
- "Hell Yes!" Moment: Needs more wicks and examples to grow.
- Heralds of Valdemar The characters section desperately need some love to help it get filled in!
- Hercs Adventures: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Here Comes the Puppets needs tropes and a better description.
- Heretic: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- High Times Future needs examples; any improvements to the description would be appreciated too!
- Highway Hunter: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The History of the Runestaff needs tropes and a better description. The character page could use some love too.
- Hocus Pocus: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Holly Black: Stub; needs a more detailed description
- Hopelessly Lost needs tropes and a better description.
- Hot Rocks needs tropes and a better description.
- House of Love: Needs longer description and more tropes.
- Hovertank 3D: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- How the West Was Won needs tropes.
- The Hunger Pains (More tropes, picture, better description...)
- Hungry Heart Wild Striker
- Husbands and Wives; needs way more tropes, a description and an image.
- "I Am Great" Song
- I Dream: Needs more tropes, an image and better description.
- The Idiots Lantern: Needs expanded description and way more tropes.
- Illegal in Blue
- Inca: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Infinity Blade: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Interpretative Character Needs more examples an wicks.
- In Search of Dr. Riptide: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- In the 1st Degree: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp..
- The Impressions Show: Needs examples of tropes and expanded description.
- India Arie: Needs more tropes
- I of the Dragon: needs a better description (was written from memory), more tropes, and indexes.
- IOS Games needs more entries, particularly in the "has a port or mini version" section.
- The Iron King needs tropes.
- Isabel Allende needs more of a biography and tropes.
- Ishmael needs more tropes.
- Ishtar needs more tropes.
- It Sucks to Be Weegie: Needs more tropes and wicks.
- I Vitelloni needs much more tropes.
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure needs quite a bit more examples and perhaps a better description.
- Jacks Mannequin: needs a good description and perhaps more tropes as well.
- Jade
- Jap Herron: Really needs more tropes
- Jellaby: Is in need of a more detailed description and tropes.
- Jigoku: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Joe Dante: A stub needing expanding from its one line.
- John Saul: Needs an image, better description, wicks, and entry pimp.
- John Wells: Need more entries, more variants, more tropers editing it.
- Joshua the Anarchist: Needs better description and more tropes.
- Juliette Lewis needs more tropes and a better description.
- Jumpman Lives!: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- June Bug (needs a better description and more tropes)
- The Jungle needs more tropes and a better description.
- Kalifornia: A 1993 thriller / road film.
- Karakuri Odette: Needs a lot more examples, and probably a better description too.
- Keiji Inafune: REALLY needs a better description and some of the work he has done.
- Kenpei to Barabara Shibijin: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Kens Labyrinth: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Killer Instinct: The character sheet of KI needs improvement.
- Killing Time: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Kiloblaster: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Kinectimals: Really needs more tropes
- Kinect Disneyland Adventures: Really needs more tropes
- King Arthur the Role Playing Wargame: It only has a very brief description.
- Kingdom of Kroz: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Kingpin Life of Crime: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Kings of Power Four Billion Percent: stub.
- Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects: A Charles Bronson movie.
- Kinsey Millhone: Needs more tropes.
- Kira Kira: needs a better description and more tropes.
- Kiss: Stub. No description at all besides a quote and an image, very few tropes, only 4 wicks.
- Kratts' Creatures: Needs more tropes.
- Kung Fu Louie vs. the Martial Art Posse: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- K-tai Investigator 7: Needs an image, more examples and entry pimps beyond a {{Kalle certain person's}} fanfic shout-outs.
- Lady Chatterley's Lover needs a description.
- The Land Before Time: The Character Sheet needs a lot of work. For starters, only Littlefoot, Cera, and Ducky have images.
- Last Bible needs more examples, an image, and a rewritten lead-in.
- Last Comic Standing needs pretty much everything. If it weren't such a well-known show I would cutlist it.
- The Lebrons: Needs a better description and more tropes.
- A bunch of the LEGO Themes need a much better description and more tropes and wicks, including:
- Legend of Djel: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Les Biches
- The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
- The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus: A piss-poor description, two tropes, and six wicks equals a page in DIRE NEED of help.
- Lil Formers needs tropes and a better description.
- Lipstick Jungle needs many tropes.
- Living Books: Needs more tropes and a better description.
- Llamatron: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Loaded: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Locomotion: Needs more everything.
- Lost in Time: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Mad Jack the Pirate
- Major Stryker: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Marc Mues: Needs more tropes.
- Mark Evanier: Needs more tropes and examples.
- Marvin: It is not that easy to love, per se, but the page definitely needs more tropes and wicks.
- Mary Russell: Needs more tropes.
- Math Rescue: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Maze Machine: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Maze Runner: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Mean Streets: Right now it's just a stub and one example. Needs more description and tropes.
- Meat Puppet: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Medium Two-Shot: Tropeless stub.
- Meeting People Is Easy: More tropes and wicks needed.
- Megaton Man: Needs more than one line of description and more than two examples.
- Mewilo: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Memoria Comic needs tropes and a better description.
- Memories Off needs tropes and a better description.
- Moemon: The page currently there is barely anything.
- The Messiah - 700 wicks, valid ones need to be put in the examples if they aren't there, invalid ones (trope being mistaken for Messianic Archetype, i.e Christ figure) need to be cut.
- Meteors: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- MDK: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Michael Moorcock: Needs more tropes, and maybe pages for some of the other Eternal Champion cycles.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Microsoft Studios: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Midnight Louie: Needs more description and a lot more tropes.
- Mighty Aphrodite: Needs a description, an image, more tropes.
- Mike J: Needs better description and more tropes.
- Minions At Work: needs descriptive text for all its tropes, needs a better description.
- Minnies Bow Toons needs more tropes.
- Missing: To put it bluntly, there's at least one movie and TV show, like Missing 2012, with this title, that disambiguation (among other things) is needed.
- Missing in Action: Better description and more tropes.
- Mistreated Bride
- Mobsters - A crime film starring Christian Slater.
- Mona Lisa Smile needs a description, wicks, and example fixes.
- Monster Bash: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Monuments of Mars: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Munchkin's Guide to Power Gaming needs tropes and a better description.
- Mushihime-sama: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Mutts needs more tropes, a better description and some Entry Pimping.
- My Blue Heaven: Needs at least more tropes.
- My Little Unicorn: Just launched, needs more tropes
- Mystic Towers: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Nameless: Needs more wicks, and possibly an expanded description/tropes.
- Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: Needs more tropes, wicks, and a better description.
- Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations: A stub right now. Along with the above, needs tropes, wicks, and a better description.
- Natural (Teacher's Pet)
- Needs More Love, ironically, needs more love.
- News at Ten needs tropes and a better description.
- Night Bomber: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Nights at the Circus - Feel free to add tropes, summary.
- Nick and Noel needs tons more tropes. Currently, it only has three.
- Night VGA: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Nintendo Acres - Needs more tropes, and Wicks from what tropes it has.
- Nintendo World Championships: Needs Tropes.
- Noctis: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp..
- Nocturnal Illusion - Description is a stub and none of the tropes are described.
- No Exit: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Nora Roberts: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Normality: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Norman Lear
- Nostril Shot - Needs more examples (there are three or six right now, depending on how you tabulate them, and the Fight Club one might not actually be an example), a more fleshed-out description, and some formatting work.
- Nova 9: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Oatmeal: Stub. Needs a better description and some tropes.
- Oera Linda Book needs someone who's read the actual thing to look at it. (I just got stuff off the wikipedia page.)
- Official Fanfiction University
- Off the Mark
- Oliver and Company: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Olivia, Olivia
- The Omega: Needs more tropes and a better description.
- Once Upon a Time Little Red Riding Hood: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- One Must Fall 2097: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- One Must Fall Battlegrounds: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- On Our Own
- Only One Me Allowed Right Now: Needs more examples and wicks.
- Orbit needs more tropes, and an Entry Pimp, and a picture.
- Orcs and Elves: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Orion Burger: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo: Just one paragraph so far. Get more tropes by reading the manga spinoff (Ugly Duckling's Love Revolution), and some English guides on GameFAQs.
- Our Avatars Are in A Room Together: Needs more tropes
- Our Avatars Are in A Room Together The Forum Game: Needs an avatar collage picture.
- Out at Home: Needs better description and more tropes.
- And its character page.
- O'Grady: Needs a better description, more tropes, and more wicks.
- Over Bleed: Needs more examples, a better description, and more wicks.
- Paganitzu: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Panorama needs tropes and a better description.
- The Paradise Novels: needs a better description and more trope examples.
- Parade Parade
- Peeping Tom: needs more tropes and a better summary.
- Pee-wee's Playhouse
- Perfect Couples needs tropes and a better description.
- Pessimistic Sense of Inadequacy: Needs a lot more trope examples, and which webcomic index should it be on? (Meta Comics, obviously, but what else?)
- Peter Gunn (Needs more of a description and more examples)
- Phantasia
- Phantasmagoria: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Phantasmagoria 2: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Phantom Empire
- The Philosofan: Needs tropes.
- Pharaohs Tomb: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Phrase Master: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Pick Up the Phone Booth And Die: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Pico: Being the influential Series Mascot he is to Newgrounds, his article needs a lot more Tropes and wicks.
- Pinwheel: Urgently needs a lot of help.
- Pirates of Silicon Valley: needs more tropes and an expanded or redone summary
- Plague of the Moon: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Pokémon the Abridged Series needs to be linked to from other pages.
- The Planetoid: Brand new page, has no wikis leading to it, and needs much more entries in the trope list.
- Pocoyo
- Pooch Cafe
- Power Is Sexy: Has only 8 examples and 29 wicks.
- Prey: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Prey Invasion: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Prince of the Dark Kingdom:needs more tropes and a better description
- Project M: Needs more tropes and wicks.
- Prototype 2. Just created. Needs much help.
- Pummel Duel
- Pyrates: Needs more tropes, wicks, and love.
- The Secret of Platform 13: needs a much better description as well as an actual trope list.
- Radix: Beyond the Void: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Rake: Needs more tropes.
- Raptor Call of the Shadows: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ratchet and Clank Size Matters is severely lacking in the tropes department, despite having been out for several years.
- Ravens Dojo: It needs about a hundred more examples, and a better description. And its own Crowning Moment of Awesome, Crowning Moment of Funny, and Fetish Fuel pages...
- Realms of Chaos: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Realms of the Haunting: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Reddit needs tropes and a better description.
- Redneck Rampage: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Red Ninja End of Honor: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Regime Change
- Re Loaded: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Rescue Rover: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Review - Considering the article in question, needs a lot of everything.
- Reviewtopia
- Needs entries on individual reviewers
- Return to Krondor: Needs an image, description, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Riana Rouge: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp..
- Richard Scarry - Needs more tropes.
- Rick Moranis
- Ricky Ricottas Mighty Robot: Needs more tropes and crosswicking.
- Riddle School: Needs a better, more detailed description.
- Rip Haywire: Needs more tropes.
- Rise of the Triad: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Road to Mars needs a better description.
- Robert W Chambers - The page is only two sentences long.
- Robinson Crusoe: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Robo Vampire. The page is brand new and needs work. Also needs an index.
- Roger and Val Have Just Got In - Needs more tropes.
- Rokugatsu no Hebi
- Rt E - Needs a page similar the The BBC.
- Roll to Dodge. The description is a bit bare-bones right now, if anyone wants to beef it up or make a list of notable RT Ds.
- The Rosen Hacker: Needs longer description, more tropes.
- The Ruling Class: Has no tropes and the description is a wall of text. It looks like someone wrote out the entire plot.
- [SSoHPKC:\] Needs a lot more love. For someone with 6,000+ videos, he has to have a lot more than 6 tropes.
- Salesman Cam
- Scent of a Woman: Needs a longer trope list and more detailed description.
- Secret Agent Clank is also rather blank, much like its predecessor.
- Seek and Destroy: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Sekainohate De Aimashou needs more tropes and a major grammar cleanup from someone who knows what they're doing.
- Send Me Back needs more examples.
- Sewer Gas and Electric: Stub, needs examples and lacks wicks
- Shadow Knights: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Shadows of the Damned: Recent comedy-horror game by Suda 51 and Shinji Mikami.
- Shadowboxer: Lee Daniels debut film.
- Shadow Warrior: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Shadow Watch: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Shades of Milk and Honey
- Shatter Me: Needs image, better description and tropes.
- Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper: Needs more tropes.
- Shining Wind: Needs a better description and more tropes. Both of the game and anime.
- Shinji Higuchi needs more examples and an index.
- Shinji Mikami is just a stub and needs examples of work he has done.
- Shiny Sense needs examples, indexing, clarification, work, and possibly some foster parents (Read:love)
- Shizuku-chan
- Siblings needs more tropes.
- Shoujo Senki Soul Eater: I only know of the OVA, so it needs more of everything. And show that it's indexed in hentai.
- Sidney Lumet needs a description and possibly a trope list.
- Silverball: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Simon R. Green: Author's page needing everything done.
- The Sing Off: Needs a better description and tropes.
- Sir Ron Lionheart: Needs more entries and beautiful heavy metal quotes.
- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Needs more examples.
- The Sixties
- Skunny Back to The Forest: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunnys Desert Raid: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunny in The Wild West: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunny Kart: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunny Lost in Space: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunny Save Our Pizzas: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Skunny Special Edition: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Slash EM: Needs a proper page name; Also a longer description and more tropes
- Slight Fever Syndrome (Binetsu Shokogun)
- Sliver: A 1993 erotic voyeuristic thriller based on the novel of the same name.
- Smack the Pony: Everything!
- Snoopy Flying Ace: Despite there being No Problem With Licensed Games, it has only one Trope and three wicks.
- Snow Patrol: Needs a better description, tropes, an image, and entry pimp.
- Solar Man of the Atom
- Solar Winds: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Soldner X needs synopsis of the games.
- Solitaire
- Sorry I'm Late
- Sorry, Thanks: A 2009 independent comedy film.
- Space Ironmen Kyodain: Used The Other Wiki description as placeholder so needs a better description, also needs more tropes.
- Sphere Eyes
- Spider-Man Noir
- Spongebob 2019 (A Nickelodeon crossover fanfic VS SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Sport Billy
- The Sports Guy needs links and could use an image and better description.
- Stars Above (just launched)
- Stardoc: Just launched. Needs a better description and more tropes.
- Star Street the Adventures of The Star Kids : Needs better description and more tropes.
- Star Street: Needs more tropes and an image.
- The Stalking Zuko Series:was just launched, needs better description and more tropes
- Shadow Complex: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper: The videogame, not the fanfic. This one probably needs being moved to videogames, as well.
- Shinedown: Needs a better description, an image, and tropes.
- Space Bunnies Must Die: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Stargunner: Needs wicks, an entry pimp and possibly more tropes.
- Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
- Star Trek the Next Generation Trivia: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- State Fair needs more tropes and links.
- Stellar 7: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Stock Character
- Stolen: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Stratosphere Conquest of the Skies: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Suicide Island: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Superman: Brainiac Attacks
- Supernova: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Super Robot Red Baron
- Super Smash Flash: Needs more everything!
- Super Tux Kart - Needs more tropes, and a better description.
- Super ZZT: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Surviving the World Needs more tropes and better description
- SWINE: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- A Terrible Vengeance: Needs a better description, maybe more tropes, has no wicks currently.
- Tao Feng Fist of the Lotus: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Tales of Ensign Stal: Needs more tropes.
- That Sci Fi Guy: Needs way more tropes.
- Terminal Velocity: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- There Beyond the Beyond needs more Entry Pimpage, and some editing by someone who's actually read it all the way to the end.
- The Absent Minded Professor needs a better description and more tropes.
- The Adventures of Robbo: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and The Schnibble: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Black Cauldron: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Dame Was Loaded: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Land Before Time: Its Character tab needs more images, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Last Dynasty: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Messenger: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Orion Conspiracy: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Riddle of Master Lu: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Space Bar: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Thing 1988: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Thor Trilogy: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The White Chamber: Needs wicks, and entry pimp..
- Thirsty Merc needs some more examples, and some more description.
- Thirty Three needs tropes and a better description.
- TJ Omega
- Tonari no Oneesan (Girl Next Door)
- Topless Robot needs more examples.
- Today I Die: Beautiful description, but in need of more tropes and wicks.
- Toy Soldiers: Needs proper page formatting for it and the unrelated movie, more tropes, and basically the full Wiki Magic treatment.
- Traffic Department 2192: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Trapt: Needs wicks, and entry pimp.
- Trek Trivia: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Trey Songz
- Trivia Whiz: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- True Stories: Needs a better description and more examples.
- The Stanley Parable: Needs a better description and more trope examples.
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Ugly Truth needs more examples.
- The Vampire Files: needs a better description and more trope examples.
- TV Tropes Roll to Dodge: Check out the thread and add any tropes you can spot! The tropes list is pitifully short right now.
- Tyrian: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Universal Studios: Needs a lot more tropes.
- Urban Runner: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ushpizin: Needs many more examples and some pimping.
- Vacation Gone Awry: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Valhalla: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vampires Castle Adventure: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vampyr Talisman of Invocation: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vanguard Ace Vertical Madness: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vaxine: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vegas Bandit: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Veil of Darkness: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vengeance of Excalibur: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Venus Wars needs more tropes and expansion on character page please. Description may need editing.
- Veronica Mars: Needs to have a lot of things moved into their proper places.
- Vette: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- V for Victory D Day Utah Beach: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- V for Victory Gold Juno Sword: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- V for Victory Market Garden: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- V for Victory Velikiye Luki: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- VGA Miner: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- VGA Sharks: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vida: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Video Trek 88: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vigilance: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vinyl Goddess From Mars: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtua Cop: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtual Karts: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtual Pool: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtual Reality Studio Two Point Zero: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtual Reality Volume Two: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtual Snooker: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virtuoso: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Virus: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Visions of Aftermath the Boomtown: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vixen: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Vladimir Putin is a stub that needs expansion.
- Vlak: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Volfied: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Voodoo Island: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Voyeur: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Wacky Wheels: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Warhawk (1995 video game) needs an expanded PlayStation 3 synopsis. Needs a PS 1 synopsis.
- Wayward Sons: This character sheet is very incomplete, and what's there is merely copied from the work itself.
- Weaponlord: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Ween the Prophecy: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- We Have All Been Gender Flipped needs more examples.
- Weiss Survive: needs a better description and a trope list.
- Welshy: Needs a better description and more tropes.
- Wereworld: Needs a better description and trope sorting.
- Westworld 2000: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- What to Expect When You're Expecting: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- When Will I Be Loved
- Where They Were
- White Mans Burden: Needs tons of love.
- Wii Fit: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- The Wild is a stub that needs more examples and a better description.
- Wild at Heart: Needs way more tropes.
- Wild Side: A 1995 crime thriller directed by Donald Cammell.
- Witchprickers
- The Wolves of Time: Extreme stub. No image, bad description with an old promise of troping, no tropes, no wicks.
- Woman in the Dunes: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Work Time Fun: A PSP minigame collection released in 2006.
- Word Rescue: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Word Whiz: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Worse needs explanations for all its tropes.
- Wrath of the Demon: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Wright As Rayne: Needs more tropes and wicks.
- The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss Needs more tropes and wicks.
- WWW Trilogy: Needs a better description and a lot more tropes.
- Xatax: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Car Experimental Racing: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenocide: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenomorph: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenon: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenon 2 Megablast: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenophage Alien Bloodsport: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xenopods: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xerix: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- XF 5700 Mantis: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xiake Yingxiongzhuan: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X It: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xixit: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Men Madness in The Murderworld: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Men II the Fall of The Mutants: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Men the Ravages of Apocalypse: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xonix: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Perts: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xplosiv Top Ten: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Quest: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Rock: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- XS: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xuanyuan Jian: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Xuanyuan Jian 2: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- X Wing Fighter: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- XXY needs a better description and lots of tropes.
- Xyphr: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- YAB Baseball: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yendorian Tales Book I: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yendorian Tales Book I Chapter 2: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yendorian Tales the Tyrants of Thaine: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yes Prime Minister: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yogi Bears Math Adventures: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Yo Joe Beat the Ghosts: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- You Know Nothing About X needs more examples and a better description.
- Zapem: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zappa Roidz: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zatoichi For a TV and Film series that such a Long Runner, and a fixture in the action genre, the page for the film is pitiful.
- Zaxxon: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zeddas Servants of Sheol: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zee Artillery: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zehn Adventures: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance could definitely use more examples.
- Zephyr: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zeppelin Giants of the Sky: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zig Zag Flag Shag: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zombie Wars: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zone 66: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zone Raiders: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zoop: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zork Quest Assault On Egreth Castle: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zork Quest the Crystal of Doom: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zork Zero: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zorro: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- ZPC: Needs an image, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zurks Learning Safari: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zyconix: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
- Zyll: Needs an image, tropes, wicks, and entry pimp.
Work on them to keep 'em healthy and add those who are sick to the list.