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Neftelia is a freeware game of uncertain origin. The premise, such as it is, is simple, you are a white, nameless stick figure. You wander around in a surreal world with no real set goal, unless one counts collecting the cinematics needed to unlock the credit screen. The game seems to take many cues from Yume Nikki and its fangames, so comparisons are inevitable. However, it is perhaps more fair to call the game a Spiritual Successor, or even just "in the same genre" as Yume Nikki than something that took direct inspiration from it. The game also boasts an excellent soundtrack.

Neftelia is also absurdly hard to get to run properly, and tends to crash when certain objects are interacted with. Instructions on just how to get the game running properly are hard to find, but a usually reliable version can be downloaded from--of all places--the Youtube channel of Lets Player Mike Mnemonic, who LP'ed the game.

Tropes Present in Neftelia[]