A Continuity Reboot of the Manga Mahou Sensei Negima! by Studio Shaft. This 26-episode series takes the basic premise and characters of the Manga, adds Deranged Animation and gags, removes almost all of the Fan Service, transforming it into a Widget Series.
There is also a manga of the anime series called Negima!? neo (making it the manga of an anime of a manga), which keeps the same overall plot but removes a lot of the Deranged Animation and Widget Series elements and adds a few of the old series's elements back in.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Has its own page.
- Alternate Continuity
- Art Shift: Many, many times, most noticeably with the chibi Baka Rangers.
- Ascended Extra: The Narutaki twins, who are hardly seen in Negima, have their role greatly expanded early on in the series, being among the first characters to have a Pactio.
- Bad News in a Good Way: Frequently, courtesy of Motsu.
- Blessed with Suck: The Neo Pactio system. Each time a partner transforms, Negi will draw one of three cards: an Armor card (the strongest), Cosplay Card (moderately stronger than normal), and a Dud card (absolutely useless); time runs out very quickly and the partner is starving afterwords.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Done very, very, very often.
- By the Power of Grayskull: The series does this differently than Negima, as spell incantations now are at the end of casts instead of before them. Negi uses Tel Ma Amorista and Eva uses Lilac Spirtous
- Cast Herd: Most of the class seems to be in groups; however, the most blatant example is the cheerleaders, who are never seen separately.
- Came Back Wrong: The Baka Rangers come back as zombies after getting Blown up by Baka Pink and then become girls in animal suits after being rebuilt by Mad Scientist Hakase.
- Canon Foreigner: Motsu and Shichimi.
- Class Is in Room X-01
- Cloudcuckoolander: Negi's sister Nekane. Which turns out to be a case of Obfuscating Insanity.
- Chizuru has her moments, too.
- Color Failure: Kaede gets one when Fumika refuses to tell her what she will look like in the future.
- Curse Cut Short: In episode 25 of the dub, Chamo says that he's "getting too old for this sh-*beep*".
- Character Exaggeration: Quite a few of the class members. The most blatant examples are:
- Makie goes from the everyday Genki Girl to the Butt Monkey of the class.
- Ayaka's love for Negi, while extreme, never went as far as making stuff such as coffee mugs, t-shirts and other material with Negi's face on them. (This one becomes a bit of a Canon Immigrant as a plane with Negi's face shows up in the manga.)
- Asuna goes from a normal girl with really bad grades who sleeps in after her paper route to a girl who suffers from Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny with hyperfocus whose train of thoughts can only be understood by Konoka.
- Yuna goes from a Genki Gun Slinger to a gun-obsessed tank Otaku who just drools over Mana's guns.
- Whereas the Cheerleaders thought Yuna was over Mana's guns.
- Chupacabra: Asuna is obsessed with them and forms the Chupacabra Research Society.
- Deranged Animation: Everywhere but the Opening is especially deranged.
- Chibi versions of the girls on Popsicle sticks being chased by a T-rex... it's that kind of series.
- It's Studio Shaft! Deranged Animation is their trademark.
- Eyecatch: Everywhere, often to denote scene breaks rather than commerical breaks. There's some really freaky ones like Octopus Zazie
- Expressive Hair: Asuna's is extremely expressive, spelling words, pointing at things of interest and creating Cross-Popping Veins, among other things.
- Five-Man Band: The Baka Rangers (Dummy Force in the dub).
- Asuna: Idiot Hero
- Kaede: The Big Girl
- Yue: The Smart Girl
- Ku Fei: The Lancer
- Makie: The Chick
- Four-Leaf Clover: Yue gives one to Nodoka to support Negi in his final battle
- Gag Series
- Gag Dub: Well, kind of. FUNimation's dub somehow manages to make the series even sillier.
- Gamer Chick: Asuna is ecstatic when she gets Zombie Rider: The Son-in-Law used. Setsuna is strangely fascinated by it; she Konoka, and Asuna are seen playing it on different occasions.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: Until Sayo makes her Pactio with Negi, the only way the normal students can see her is via an enchanted camera.
- Fumika's cosplay item is a magnifying glass that shows what things will look like in the future.
- Heavy Sleeper: Asuna gets this now in addition to the already present Not a Morning Person.
- Hive Mind: The cheerleaders are turned into this.
- Whenever a group of students are possessed by the Star Crystal, they're turned into this. It's taken to the point where the Crystal will say a sentence while cycling through each girl's voice. Quickly lampshaded in the Japanese version by Chamo.
Chamo: Speak through one person!! |
- The above is taken to it's logical extreme towards the end, when the Crystal creates illusions of the entire class in order to trick Negi. When revealed, the girls all shout a single sentence, with each girl saying a few words.
- Improvised Weapon: Asuna throws a boat at Eva while at the lake. As Eva says
"Who throws a boat!?' |
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Standard fare for Mana and Zazie who grade each other on the quality of the pun or others grade them when the team isnt together. They later start grading ones that they can't possibly hear.
- Interactive Narrator: The narrator is not adverse to having conversations with the cast.
- Language of Magic: Though most viewers (especially in Japan) wouldn't guess it, the magical script that accompanies the incantations is actually written in the Armenian alphabet.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Konoha comments on Asuna's obsession with Takamichi lasting "only for part of the first season. Then it was chupacabras.".
- Lethal Chef: Takamichi and his world delicacy noodles.
- Asuna also starts a grease fire attempting to fix Negi breakfast.
- Lemony Narrator: The Narrator takes the Large Ham to a whole another level. He's even hammier in the English dub! Considering the Japanese Narrator is Mugihito, and the English Narrator is Christopher Sabat, this should be expected.
- Mood Whiplash: Happens multiple times...in the same scene.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Baka Pink.. full stop. She constantly gets cut off in her introduction and her personal movie was denied. She hates it.
- More Dakka The bad guys in the Macross Shout-Out are nothing but guns.
- Mysterious Protector: A Tuxedo Kamen clone known as the Black Rose Baron is introduced early on. At first, Negi believes that the Baron is his father, but he later finds out from Konoka that the Baron is really his big sister/cousin, Nekane Springfield.
- Mythology Gag: Both this show and Negima?! Neo like to play with these. The former spends oodles of time on a one-off chupacabra joke from the original manga, and frequently lampshade Konoka/Setsuna Ship Teases. In the latter, chapter 29 is basically one long Mythology Gag about Konoka and Setsuna's trip to Movie Town during the original manga's Kyoto arc.
- Odd Friendship: In this version Makie and Ayaka room together and have a very odd relationship.
- Also, Takahata hangs roundabout Evangeline and Chachamaru quite a lot (mostly for tea and/or ramen, along with plot-relevant conversation). Sarcastic, relatively playful banter often ensues.
- Ominous Multiple Screens: Used often during important scenes.
- Power Gives You Wings: Setsuna's armor pactio card does this unlike her original self which she is half demon and has them naturally.
- RPG Episode: Sayo's exploration of the dorm. She gains stats as she scares the crap out of the dorm residents from a top-down perspective like the original The Legend of Zelda. The Triforce even makes an appearance.
- Running Gag: Many but Makie being Crushed and Asuna's Chupacabra are almost in the Once an Episode territory.
- The three minutes it takes to cook instant noodles. It Makes Sense in Context. Kind of.
- Sentai: The "Mahora Sentai Bakaranger" shorts. Poor Makie...
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl This time it's Nodoka (who normally has purple hair but is always shy).
- Shout-Out: A lot of them:
- Throughout one episode, bags appear with names of famous warriors from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel.
- The Triforce shows up during Sayo's exploration of the dorm.
- Sayoth Park [1]
- Street Fighter III [2]
- Macross In a really weird shoutout Ku Fei gets to play the role of The Captain (Complete with hat and cape). Yuna, Ako and Akira get the roles of the Bridge Bunnies, Mana, Zazie, Asakura play the role of the Ace Pilots. The Lemony Narrator points out that not one of them questioned the arrival of Space Invaders.
- In the same sequence This angle is exactly the same as a certain Ace Pilot in Code Geass.
- again in that sequence the targeting screen looks a lot like a certain atari game.
- The "Super" Power Glove makes an appearance
- Kumā makes an appearance on a sign during the camping trip.
- When Eva grows to gigantic size, the reactions of the other characters are almost identical to a scene from the 2nd season of Galaxy Angel.
- Shoe Slap: Asuna throws both her shoes at Eva before throwing a boat.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Eva creates one by freezing a lake, complete with caverns.
- Spotting the Thread: Towards the end, the Star Crystal creates illusions of Class 3-A in order to trick Negi into jumping into an abyss. When Negi is reluctant to do so, fake!Eva quickly tries to pull a Heroic Sacrifice, telling Negi to jump while she stalls the monster chasing them. Real!Asuna (the real Class 3-A is watching the events unfold) quickly calls fake!Eva out for her uncharacteristically noble behavior, which is what tips Negi off that he is being set up.
- Theme Tune Cameo: The theme from the first anime appears in episode 14.
- Tin Can You Hear Me Now: Kaede and Setsuna tried to make these work between their rooms however as Konoka explained they don't work between doors, much to their dismay causing them to gain +5 Absentmindedness and -3 intelligence however it lets them hear the invisible Cute Ghost Girl nearby leading to screams.
- Transformation Sequence: Occasionally invoking a Pactio involves this.
- Utility Belt: Yue has one for her various juice boxes.
- You Are Number Six: At the start of the series Negi calls his class by their number; in an illusion later on, their number is tattooed on them, changes places and is always in frame.
- Wingding Eyes: Asuna gets hearts when she gets the game Zombie Rider: The Son-In-Law.
- Wiki Walk: Asuna does this a lot. Only Konoka can explain the route she took to get there.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Ramen just ramen. Eating, cooking, telling the future with it — Takamichi makes it awesome.
Negima!? neo[]
- A-Cup Angst: Anya, just like in the original, but here it's played with even more.
- Accidental Pervert: Happens to Kotaro once with almost all the girls in the class.
- Class Is in Room X-01
- Disposable Fiance: Fate.
- Mission Control: Negi in the Baka Rangers shorts.
- Panty Thief: A cat making a bed for her kittens and not Chamo for once.
- Robotic Reveal: Chachamaru gets one during the Negi vs Eva fight.