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Neko-de Gomen 8325

Neko-de Gomen! (Sorry, I'm a Cat!) is a manga released in 1989 by Nagano Akane. Its plot focuses on a Ordinary High School Student named Shiraishi Yayori as she tries to live a normal life after being turned into a Catgirl by her father's teleporter. Shortly thereafter, the ineffectual Mad Scientist Kuroda creates a very large Venus fly trap that ends up attacking the city. Seeing this on the news, Yayori's father decides to send her out to fight them as Super Cat Yayoi. Surprisingly, this works out rather well.

What follows is a hurricane of bizarre and often amusing situations, mostly caused by Kuroda's equally bizarre inventions and Yayori's new cat instincts. All the while, Yayori tries to keep the fact that she's part cat a secret yet somehow manages to both fail spectacularly and succeed at the same time.

Neko-de Gomen! provides examples of:[]

  • Almost Kiss: At the end of chapter 4, between Yayori and Minoru.
  • Amusing Injuries: Every time Yayori attacks Shiraisha-sensei.
  • Beach Episode: Chapter 5.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Happens several times. Of particular note is in chapter 8 where Minoru ends up breaking the side of the panel.
  • Catgirl: Yayori, obviously.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Yayori when in her Catgirl form.
  • Dojikko: Yayori until she turns into a Catgirl.
  • Face Fault: One time done in a pool.
  • French Maid Outfit: What the uniform for the student cafe in chapter 9 becomes after being Playboy Bunnies.
  • Hilarity Ensues: Much hilarity is to be had from Yayori's predicament.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Yayori has little control over when she has cat ears and tail and when she doesn't.
  • Lemony Narrator: Starting with chapter 3, Nagano Akane starts to chime in with rather amusing notes.
  • Mad Scientist: Kuroda.
  • Oh Crap: Masaru had an epic one when Eiko showed up after he'd been tied up in chapter 7.
  • Ordinary High School Student: Yayori at first. The rest of her classmates as well.
  • Panty Shot
  • Playboy Bunny: All of the girls dress up in the outfit for a student cafe in chapter 9.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: The inventions made by Kuroda and Yayori's father could change the world in many ways and make them very rich if they were to patent them and sell the designs to the proper company or the government.
  • Shout-Out
    • To The Fly, due to the similarities in how humans got mixed with another creature via teleporter.
    • The uniforms worn by Kuroda and Yayori's father in chapter 8 and very similar to the ones worn by the Ghostbusters and come complete with a Proton Pack.
  • Stupid Enough to Work: Send a high school Catgirl out to fight mutant Venus fly traps? You bet it'll work!
  • Take Over the World: This is Kuroda's goal for rather petty reasons.
  • Unnamed Parent: We don't know Kuroda (that his family name) or Yayori's father's first name.
  • Yakuza: Make an appearance in chapter 7.
  • Youkai: Kuroda makes a serum that turns people into youkai that fits them best for ten hours in chapter 9.