Mayu is a mischievous cat god who's caused problems one too many times, and, as punishment, is stripped of her powers and banished to Earth. There she's taken in by Yuzu Komiya, the owner of the Yaoyorozudou antique shop. There are other gods in the town besides Mayu, many of whom are familiar with her, and many more she'll get to know. So begins a self-described "neighborhood deity comedy" about Gods among men and the hijinks that ensue.
Originally a manga by FLIPFLOPs, Nekogami Yaoyorozu was adapted into an anime in the Summer 2011 Anime season by AIC PLUS+.
Tropes in Nekogami Yaoyorozu include:[]
- Arranged Marriage/Les Yay: Sasana and Mayu were engaged long ago, with their fathers thinking the other's child was a boy.
- And now she has one with Tsukuyomi
- Tsukuyomi wanted Mayu to be a guardian cat, the marriage interview was a misunderstanding
- And now she has one with Tsukuyomi
- Beach Episode: Episode 5 by the looks of things. Subverted due to typhoon. It's just a Hot Springs Episode. Until the end.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Why Meiko likes Mayu.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Yuzu is normally sweet to the point of seeming oblivious, but she gets Gonta and the others to listen when they're considering kicking Shamo out.
- Bland-Name Product: Mayu hides in a Konozama box.
- Blank White Eyes: All over the place
- Bokukko: Mayu, talks just like Yoruichi and also addresses her self using the "washi" pronouns.
- Bottle Fairy: Shizuha
- Break the Haughty: Apparently happened to the former CEO.
- Brick Joke: The Nam Pla that Gonta makes in episode 5 reappears in episode 7 as the secret ingredient in the CEO's ramen.
- Butt Monkey: Mayu
- Catgirl: Mayu, though she's more cat than girl.
- And her family and Sasana.
- Cat Smile: Kuroe
- Chain of Deals: It starts with Mayu helping some kids out with their games, and ends with Mayu and Amane getting free candy.
- Cherry Blossoms: A major part of episode two, with Yoshino, the newest generation of the sakura gods, needing to find the ash to get the trees blooming after Mayu accidentally throws the (huge) jar containing them away.
- Cherry Blossom Haired-Girl: Yoshino.
- Cute Ghost Girl: Introduced in the OVA. She haunts a cherry tree in the town's abandoned general hospital.
- Disappears Into Light: Her eventual fate, when Yuzu reveals that the tree she's been supposedly haunting was actually destroyed three years before.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Mayu.
- De-Power/Mundane Utility: Mayu, who can only use her powers for small things.
- Another example of Mundane Utility is Yukina's use of shikigami as assistant manga artists.
- Meiko uses her hammer (according to Yoshino) to summon a bath-and-bed kit in Episode 7.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Mayu.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Gonta with Yuzu
- Dream Stealer: Yurara who's a Baku.
- Drop the Hammer: Meiko and Yurara
- Even the Girls Want Her: Meiko and Sasana both like Mayu.
- Triang Relations: Type 3
- Eyes Always Shut: Kuroe
- Family Business: The Yaoyorozudou used to be run by Yuzu's parents before they died.
- Festival Episode: Episode 7
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: Some of the manga pages in episode 3 (the ones without voiceovers). Notice the shinigami character's book that says "TH NOTE" on the cover.
- Gag Nose: The former CEO.
- Genki Girl: Yoshino
- Girlish Pigtails: Meiko, Yoshino and Yurara.
- Hime Cut: Sasana, and Yuzu.
- Hot Mom: Shizuha
- Hot Springs Episode: Episode 5
- Idiot Hair: Shamo
- Gamer Chick: Mayu and Shamo.
- Hairstyle Inertia: Yuzu
- Kitsune: Gonta and Shizuha.
- Lightning Glare: Sasana and Meiko.
- Miko: Yuzu and Mayu dress like this in episode 8.
- Moe Anthropomorphism
- Nice Girl: Yuzu
- Nice Hat: Yukina and Gonta
- Never Trust a Trailer: An Eyecatch had a faux movie poster of Mayu and Yuzu with Guns Akimbo.
- Odd Job Gods
- Ojou: Meiko
- Older Than They Look: Mayu is implied to be just as old as her (early-to-mid-teenage looking) friends, but still looks like ten. Shamo looks like a little girl and may be even older.
- Parental Abandonment: Yuzu's parents died.
- Physical God: Much of the primary cast.
- Pretty Freeloader: Mayu, the Shinigami in the manga she's reading and according to Mayu, Shamo.
- Product Placement: The game system is revealed to be a Sega genesis. In episode 6, Mayu plays with Game Gear.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Shamo
- Running Gag: Gonta's reaction anytime someone uses the phrase "fell out" or something similar after Episode 5.
- Sarashi: Shamo. The OVA reveals that Yuzu apparently also wears this under her dress instead of a brassiere.
- Schizo-Tech: Mayu plays Sega genesis but they have cell phones with Internet.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Mayu, at the marriage meeting, and she's also behaving mature and polite... until she finds out it was just a prank by Lord Tsukuyomi.
- Shout-Out: Yukina's parody of Golgo 13, complete with a wig and eyebrows, at the festival shooting gallery.
- From the OVA: The ghost of a girl interested in a supposedly-cursed cherry tree? Where have we heard that before, hmm? Though it's not too surprising, given FLIP-FLOPS' roots as a doujin circle doing Touhou doujin...
- Show Within a Show: Yukina's manga.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Mayu and Shamo.
- Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Sasana, Meiko, and Gonta break into Takamagahara and then the moon to save Mayu from marrying Lord Tsukuyomi.
- Super-Deformed
- The Gambling Addict: Mayu. So much so that she was kicked out of Takamagahara for it.
- The One Guy: Gonta
- Those Two Guys: The CEO who fell from power and his partner.
- Token Human: Yuzu
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Mayu and Sasana/Yuzu
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Mayu using her godlike powers (or what's left of them)... to find an envelope on the top shelf for Yuzu.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Shizuha
- Whole-Episode Flashback: Episode six. Episode four is a half episode flashback framed as a dream with Mayu and Yurara taking part in it.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: Sasana
- BFS: And it's huge.
- Wolverine Claws: Amane
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Sasana and Yuzu Lampshaded by Yukina.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Yuzu hair is purple.