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Nelly Cootalot extra reduced 2122

Our Fearsome Heroine!

Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! is a Freeware point-and-click adventure game (soon to be a series of games) in the vein of Monkey Island. It was created by one Alasdair Beckett from the Adventure Game Studio in 2007 for his girlfriend who also goes by the name of Nelly Cootalot.

In the first game, Spoonbeaks Ahoy!, our heroine is in the midst of a rough sea bat--er, woken up from her sleep by the ghost of the great pirate Bloodbeard, feared by many a pirate but loved by all cute critters, who gives her the task of investigating the disappearance of spoonbeaks from the Barony of Meeth. When she gets her bearings and goes searching around the island, however, things stop being what they seem. Can our Pirate Girl clear up the mystery and save the birds?

A sequel Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet was announced in 2008 and released on March 2016, seven years after the announcement.

Available for download here.

Tropes ahoy!