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The official podcast for run by Chris Hardwick. Hosted by Chris, Jonah Ray and Matt Mira, the podcast is released weekly and features a different guest each week. As the name would suggest, both the guests and the topics discussed are often (but not always) quite nerdy. There's now a second podcast each week, although these are without a guest (referred to as HOSTFUL, rather than guestless).

The guests on the podcast are often comedians, as two of the three hosts are comedians themselves (The third, Matt, is an aspiring comedian and writer), although a number have been actors or musicians. It's Better Than It Sounds, trust us.

Avalible through iTunes or directly from the website

Have spun off seventeen (count'em) podcasts, a YouTube premium channel, a talkshow on BBC America, and a book, all under the aegis of The Nerdist Industries logo.

The podcast contains examples of:

  • Complaining About Podcasts You Don't Like Chris has mentioned a few times that he gets annoyed when people complain about the podcasts in the comments, although Jonah finds it funny.
  • Crossover Chris has appeared on the shows and podcasts of a number of the guests, including a semi-regular spot on The Late Late Show.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin Most guests are nerds in some way or another.
  • Old Shame Chris is often mocked for the MTV dating shows that he used to host.
  • One of Us It's called the NERDist podcast, for crying out loud.
  • Parody Commercial: In the episode "The Dork Backward," the hosts improvise a commercial for the Internet Movie Database using funny 1930s-style delivery.
  • Running Gag During a live podcast with Kevin Smith, they coin the term 'Vader Pussy', which has popped up in a few episodes since.
    • When someone (usually Chris) starts to complain about something small or unimportant, they're usually mocked by the other hosts about their 'first world problems'.
    • Since having Paul and Storm on the show there have been multiple cases of their "x is the name of my y cover band" meme
    • Chris' nickname, "Big C".
    • Chris and Jonah staging impromptu interventions for Matt.
  • Special Guest Most live episodes feature one.
    • In an episode with Craig Ferguson, Chris read out a letter from 'Little Adam', a young boy who was a fan of Craig and liked 'blowing things up in my garage with my friend'. Chris announced that Little Adam was in the room and proceded to bring Adam Savage onstage.
  • Take That Mostly to network excuitives, rednecks and hipsters.
  • The Cameo Prior guests Adam Savage and Doug Benson have both made guest appearances in other episodes.
  • The Empire In more recent episodes, some guests have taken to referring to The Nerdist as this, as it currently features a website with a bunch of contributors, the podcast, and will soon have a SECOND podcast, a book and physical offices and performance space.
    • Second was just the beginning, it seems. There are now (as of September 2011) the following podcasts produced by Nerdist Industries: Nerdist Writer's Panel, Sex Nerd Sandra, The Todd Glass Show, The Questionauts, Making It and The Indoor Kids.
    • AND, it seems, an all-new and similarly-formatted thirty-minute TV show, airing right after Doctor Who.