Their mission is to spread awesome.
Created by some artist cough, Scott, cough, Nerf This follows the adventures of the aggressively stylish Chase Connors, his horribly adorable pet monster Monty and their group of oddball friends. Updating Monday. Wednesday and Friday, this Web Comic has been running since March 2009 and is still being updated regularly.
The series is notable for its Mundane Fantastic universe and its later strips being more plot orientated as opposed to a joke per strip comic. Better Than It Sounds
Nerf This contains examples of:[]
- Abandoned Info Page: The cast page is a few story arcs behind and missing several main characters.
- Archive Binge: Once you start reading, especially once the main plot sets in, it's hard to find a place to stop.
- Art Evolution: Later comics are noticeably sharper and more detailed than the earlier comics.
- Beta Couple: Tony and Steph, engaged almost from the get-go.
- Birds of a Feather: Taryn and Chase, so alike it's creepy.
- A Boy and His X: Chase and his pet monster, Monty. Also, Taryn and Snarky.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Not played straight, Chase is often at his worst with Taryn, even when they first meet.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Snarky, Taryn's pet, hasn't been seen for a while.
- Disney Death: Chase during Tony's wedding.
- Also, Monty during the rescue from the carnival. Chase goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge for him.
- Fun Personified: Chase's happy-go lucky nature means he's usually up for anything.
- Gentleman Adventurer: a core concept of the comic, most easily seen in Taryn's father, a member of the Killing Things with Their Bare Hands Club. They have T-shirts.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Taryn, even though its only visible in a few panels.
- Henpecked Husband: While Taryn's father may be a walking embodiment of manly manliness, his wife wears the pants in the house.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Chase and Taryn
- High-Class Glass: Chase at one point dons a tophat, fancy mustache and two monocles. So does his girlfriend.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: The first of many, when Chase and Taryn meet.
- Non-Action Guy: Both Chase and Tony, although Chase does have his moments.
- Official Couple: Chase and Taryn, Tony and Steph.
- Overprotective Dad: Taryn's Father, who often struggles with his desire to kill Chase.
- Rape Is OK When It Is Female On Male: And how, poor Chase is usually the one to end up duct taped in a carboot.
- A Real Man Is a Killer: Almost a word for word quote:
Taryn's Father: A man's hands aren't meant for hugging. They're meant for killing. |
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Chase and Tony, most easily seen when they were children.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Literally, Taryn's monster is called Snarky.
- Testosterone Poisoning: Taryn's Dad, natch. Killed 50 bears and has a Ragestache capable of inducing puberty.