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"The greatest casualty of the early corporate wars was the middle class."
—Flavor text for the Corporate War card

Netrunner is a card game that depicts cyberspace combat between a global mega-corporation (the Corp) and a hacker (the Runner). The Corp's goal is to complete their secret agendas before the Runner can hack in and spoil their secret plans for world domination. It isn't easy, though, as the Corp has strong defensive data forts protected by malevolent computer programs known as ICE (short for Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics). The Runner must use special programs of their own (called Icebreakers) to break through and steal the hidden plans - to keep the Corp from taking over completely.

On May 10,[when?] Fantasy Flight Games announced a reboot of the long out of print game under the name Android: Netrunner

Compare Uplink.

Tropes used in Netrunner include: