The Fire Emblem fandom may as well run on this trope.
In General[]
- The series itself is pretty well known for having lots of Brother-Sister Incest (And other kinds of incest). Except not really. There's ONE game with lots of incest (Genealogy of Holy War), and other than that, the GBA games have ONE incestuous pairing each, one is a girl that shows Big Brother Worship and another a girl with a Big Brother Attraction, but in both cases the brothers don't reciprocate. The third is Twincest Subtext, and this one is from both sides. But that's it. Sure, it's more than 95% of RPG series, but still not loads of it on every game as some seem to think.
- The high concentration of dying fathers. If the hero's father hasn't already been horribly killed in his backstory, he'll kick the bucket at some point in the story to provide angst and growth. The better known main character's father to survive this trope is Eliwood in The Binding Blade; he's quite ill at the story's beginning and remains so with Roy worrying about him, but he's alive at the end of the story. Instead, it's Deuteragonist Lilina's father Hector who's killed by the Big Bad three chapters in. Thus, the sentiment of "being a dad is a death sentence in Fire Emblem" is very much a thing among fans.
- Elice makes a comment in Shadow Dragon about how she remembers Merric being a sickly child. He's her canon love interest. This led to some fans painting Elice as having a fetish for pathetic woobies she can mollycoddle.
- To a lesser extent, Pantsless Marth. He's worn pants in every other game he's been featured in, but when fandom first laid eyes on his official art for the NES game they couldn't let it go. A decent number of edits have been made to his later art to remove his pants, and one of his FE Heroes alts features child!Marth with the old bare-legged look.
- Celica in Fire Emblem Echoes makes a deal with Jedah in order to save Mila, but she also questions him every step of the way and makes it clear she's holding him to his promise, and is shocked when she realizes he withheld a vital piece of information on purpose. Even her fans call her stupid and mock her for the choices she makes, blaming "sexist writing" for something that actually fits Celica's character and motivations.
- Celica is also accused of being a hypocrite by fans who blame her and her alone for her and Alm's fight in Act 2, despite it being very clear both sides blew up and said things they shouldn't have. Fans instead take Alm's side and make Celica out to be a whiny brat who threw a tantrum because she didn't like what he was doing. They also ignore the fact that the pair does reconcile long-distance via Sage Halcyon's magic allowing them to speak to each other.
- The Masked Knight aka Celica's long-lost older brother Conrad slaps Celica when she tries to throw her life away to protect her friends. It was clearly an Anger Born of Worry moment as Conrad was watching his little sister about to get herself killed, but certain fans want him dead for being "abusive." The scene has also made a few fans claim the whole game was about men smacking Celica in the face when it very clearly wasn't.
- "Shut up, Tobin" became a meme faster than lightning. Granted, it was a fairly amusing scene thanks to the excellent voice acting and snappy writing, but the way fans went on about it you'd think it was all anyone ever said to the poor guy.
- Faye. To be fair, her character does pretty much revolve around her crush on Alm, but players also forget her A support with Silque where she apologizes for being rude and admits she'd love to have her as a friend, or the fact that she was horribly traumatized by Slayde's attack on Ram Village when she and the others were little, in which Faye was the first one attacked and the first one Slayde intended to kill horribly before Mycen stepped in. Many fans also accuse her of hating Celica for having Alm's affections based on their second base convo, where she briefly wonders if Alm is really meant to be with Celica after their fight. This is a direct contrast to canon, where if Celica goes back to Ram to recruit her, Faye is overjoyed to see her again.
- Berkut will never live down the moment he snapped and threw his beloved Rinea into the fire. His detractors forever proclaimed him to be a Domestic Abuser and insist he'd always been cruel to Rinea, completely ignoring that this was not the case and that the moment he sacrificed her, he was no longer himself as the Demonic Possession from breaking Nuibaba's mirror took hold of him.
- While his crush on his friend Valbar is a big part of Leon's character, many shippers act like it's the only thing. What about his playful attitude, his archery skills, his idealism...?
- Echoes's map designs were a low point in an otherwise well-received game, to the point where even players who loved the story were reluctant to replay it due to not wanting to suffer through boats, swamps, and endless miles of plains a second time.
- Sigurd from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War is only remembered for being burned to death by Arvis.
- Conversely, Arvis is only remembered for a) killing Sigurd with fire and b) making babies with his half-sister. Nevermind that he didn't even know she was his sister at the time.
- Lachesis has feelings for her brother, and her chapter 5 lover's talk with Beowulf has him saying he's "known her secret" all along, implying he knew about those feelings. In Thracia 776, Nanna calls Finn "father" and Diarmud can use the Beo Sword, leading to the popular fanon that Lachesis had children with two different men. This led to fans denouncing her as a slut who cheated despite there being no cemented canon evidence that she married more than one man in her life. At least one fan thinks she forced Finn to be with her and that Finn hates her based on his "coldness" towards women in FE5.
- Certain fans will never let Lewyn live down leaving his wife and children behind, especially due to how harsh he comes off in his conversations with Fee and Ced if he's their father. The game doesn't explain it very well due to the SNES era's limited writing, granted, but Lewyn died at Belhalla, only saved by the spirit of Forseti taking over his body. Since then, Lewyn has been more distant with his loved ones due to the gaps in his memory left by his geas.
- Erk makes a few comments to Priscilla about how stressful it was being Serra's escort and how it wasn't the highlight of his life. Fans took that to mean Erk would loudly bash Serra to anyone who would listen and that he actually hates her.
- Legault's flirtations with Heath in their supports result in a lot of fangirls forgetting the other, more plot-driven aspects of his character. Or that Heath is NOT the only man he has suggestive dialogues with, the other being Lloyd Reed.
- Poor Priscilla is only remembered for her crush on her older brother and reminding him of their Childhood Marriage Promise (which she understands was just a game), or having three romantic support chains[1] that end unhappily...or the fact that all of her supports are with men. (Or rather, men who slot easily into popular yaoi ships and one reasonably popular het ship).
- Mysterious Waif Ninian has only broken down in tears twice through the storyline. Fans treat her as if she cried every single time she opened her mouth, and use it to bash her for being "weak" or standing in between Eliwood and Lyn (who has also cried in canon, BTW).
- She's also been accused of getting kidnapped all the time when it's happened a total of twice, plus the one time she willingly went with the Big Bad to protect her brother and her friends.
- Not to mention being "carried everywhere bridal style" when it only happens twice (the first cutscene of Eliwood carrying an unconscious Ninian, and the ending CG of him carrying a conscious Ninian in celebration-and that one only happens if you get them to A support).
- Speaking of Eliwood, his declaration that he has no love for war led to at least half the fandom either bashing him as a "pansy" or painting him as a useless wimp who flails/cries/goes into cardiac arrest at the sight of blood.
- Chivalrous Pervert Sain says "oh, beauteous one" exactly one time within the course of the game, yet for years fandom treated it like his catchphrase.
- Half the fandom characterizes Shrinking Violet Florina entirely based on her fear of men.
- Lucius has been mistaken for a woman exactly once. Though this one might have something to do with how many players mistook him for a woman.
Sacred Stones[]
- Eirika will never, ever live down the moment on her story path where she's manipulated by the Demon King into handing over the Sacred Stone. Even her so-called fans continue to harp on how "stupid" she was, or "it's not her fault, the writers are sexist and kneecapped her on purpose because she's a girl."
- Innes's desire to protect Eirika and his inability to express his concern for his sister Tana without berating her has led his detractors to claim he's a sexist asshole. Seth/Eirika shippers also portray him as a bully who would force Eirika into an arranged marriage due to his line in his and Eirika's A support about "winning her love."
- Lyon's feelings for Eirika have led some fans to ignore his other problems (his low self-esteem, his fears for Grado's future, his father's impending death, etc) and bash him as a weakling who only tried to destroy the world because Eirika didn't love him back.
- Soren's A support with Ike in Path of Radiance, plus the special base conversation between the two in Radiant Dawn led to fans painting Soren as a weepy, Ike-dependent loser who bawls in Ike's arms at the drop of a hat.
- Micaiah has never quite lived down "catching the Idiot Ball" due to Daein's sudden Face Heel Turn in part 3, even though it is explained and turns out to be Pelleas's naivete and suggestibility that led to it, and the fact that he waited till late in the arc to tell Micaiah he'd been manipulated by the Senate into orchestrating these events.
- Naesala has the same reasons as Pelleas for betraying his allies in both games, but his Heel Face Revolving Door has become one of the most memorable parts of his character, with Radiant Dawn even lampshading it.
- Ike's love of meat. He mentions a fondness for it in FE9, and in FE10 a few characters discuss his love of ribs and steaks, but fandom took it and ran the full nine yards. Ike/Meat became a Cargo Ship, and many a fanart has featured Ike gnawing on huge slabs of beef like a caveman.
- Sumia's support set with Chrom has her baking him a series of pies. Even if the support set is rather silly, it's no excuse for fans to blatantly ignore every other aspect of her character (or the fact that her and Chrom's proposal event in chapter 11 doesn't even mention pies) so they can bash her for being antifeminist...especially when compared to the Female Avatar.
- Tharja's bad parenting is a big part of her character, and drives the supports between her and her daughter Noire. This is true. But her haters use this as a bludgeon against her and accuse people of "abuse apologism" for bringing up her more redeeming qualities.
- Noire herself is only remembered for being Tharja's Victim or her bloodthirsty alternate self, rather than all the other aspects of her character. (Her love of cooking and baking, her desire to become stronger, being the one person Severa can't be tsundere towards, being the caretaker of her little sister Morgan if the male Avatar is her father.)
- Frederick's naked poster of Chrom, and his almost suffocating devotion to Chrom in general.
- The supports between Chrom and the Female Robin have them see each other naked. While they are like something out of a silly harem anime, haters of the ship or Robin herself will use that as a weapon against either one, even calling the female Robin abusive.
- Emmeryn walking off a cliff in an act of sacrifice when Gangrel forces Chrom's hand is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the game. To fans, though, it's nothing but meme fodder.
- Cordelia is only known by the fandom for her hopeless crush on Chrom. Granted, many of her supports touch on it a bit clumsily in the S rank, but you'd think all the woman ever did was whine and pine for Chrom. Made even worse by the revelation that Severa accused her of doing just that, which the fans took at face value instead of remembering that she only said that because she was upset that Cordelia was going off to fight...and that when Cordelia died, Severa deeply regretted that her last words to her were such an accusation.
- Female Morgan teases most of her male love interests, leading fans to write her off as an obnoxious bitch who gets off on being mean to other people. They ignore her supports with her possible siblings, or her rather heartfelt one with Brady (in which she cries upon him telling her he loves her), her admiration for her father, and struggles with her memory.
- Poor Lucina gets quite a few of these despite being a fan favorite. All of them having to do with her father.
- During the Hot Spring Scramble DLC map, she suggests to a non-husband or mother Avatar that they bathe with Chrom. Some fans, who already noted her strong attachment to her father, decided she must have an Electra Complex. However, the hot springs are based on those in Japan, where the game was made, and even feature yukata. In Japan, families bathe together all the time.
- Her supports with a non-related female Avatar have her getting overly suspicious of the Avatar's relationship with Chrom...and then getting mad when the Avatar says they're just friends. While the support set is questionable, fans decided it means Lucina hates the female Avatar unless she's her mother, or that she wishes she was her mother. When this is far from the case otherwise.
- Lucina's Judgment. Dear Naga, Lucina's Judgment.
- In a non-Chrom related way, her terrible fashion sense as she tries to find her mother the perfect dress (including one with an octopus motif!). Though this is played for laughs in both the game and among the fans.
- Priam is an optional SpotPass character the Avatar can marry, who claims to be a descendant of Ike aka "The Radiant Hero". As such, he's forever remembered as "The Guy Who Blew Up Ike/Soren" by smug haters of the pairing or by rabid shippers who accuse IS of "making Ike straight." While he's mainly a fanservice bonus due to Ike's popularity, he's also an interesting character in his own right and his supports never mention Ike. Heroes later further debunked his being Ike's blood descendant, when the two had a Forging Bonds conversation and Priam talked more about his connection to Ragnell than any possible one with Ike.
- Xander's retainer Peri is a Psychopathic Womanchild who kills without mercy. This is all anyone remembers about her, especially her detractors, who will shut down anyone who points out that Peri has serious mental issues due to the tragedy that made her the way she is, or that many of her support partners do call her out on her behavior and even delve into her Dark and Troubled Past. She's an evil killer and anyone who likes her in spite of it or tries to claim she's not a Complete Monster is a murder apologist.
- Xander's refusal to back down on the Birthright route has fans claiming he's stupid, or "a victim of shitty writing" without considering that Ryoma behaves the exact same way in Conquest and that both of them have damn good reasons for it (Xander's loyalty to his country and Well Done Son Guy tendencies, Ryoma's feelings of betrayal that his sibling still chose their other family after being gone so long).
- Ryoma refuses to give medicine to an ill Elise when the army marches through Macarath, unless Corrin comes back to their Hoshidan family. His detractors use this to paint him as an evil, uncaring asshole, "forgetting" that Ryoma is a commander of an enemy army and cannot just hand the meds to the rivals, lest he'll be seen as an horrible leader.
- In Birthright or Revelation, he'll also never live down hiding the truth about his and Corrin's lack of blood relations. Conquest fans even go so far as to accuse him of gaslighting, due to his anger that Corrin betrayed their "real" family. Never mind that "real" family has nothing to do with shared blood and that the Hoshidans had raised Corrin from infancy, so Ryoma had every reason to think of them as a real sibling. Even if only confessing the truth during his S support with the female Corrin isn't the best move, Ryoma hardly did anything oh so abusive and mean.
- Corrin is forever called stupid, wimpy, pathetic, or whiny because of their very realistic reactions to their struggles in all three routes, especially in Conquest.
- Camilla is nothing but an incestuous yandere who forces herself on people and threatens to kill them if they leave her. And she has big boobs. What hidden depths, troubled past, and caring heart?
- Leo's dealings with his son Forrest. When they first meet again after Forrest has spent years in his Deeprealm, Leo gets irritated at his crossdressing and scolds him harshly, causing Forrest to storm off angrily. After he's captured and the team rescues him, Leo realizes he was being a jerk and apologizes, giving a genuine promise to be the best father he can be, and their support chain reflects this. Many fans, however, even Leo fans, deny that the Heel Realization and their support chain ever happened, instead constantly harping on how Leo is an abusive parent with internalized homophobia and misogyny.
- Leo gets another one via the Making of Fire Emblem book stating that he had a crush on his older half-sister Camilla. Fans leapt onto this as a source of "delicious angst" and focusing on it before any other part of his character, delighting in "poking his shame boner" for Camilla, or even using it as an excuse for their gross interpretations of him as a misogynistic asshole who doesn't care for any of his wives.
- Fates itself is only remembered for the following things: the not!Incest (the Avatar can marry their adoptive Nohrian siblings and Hoshidan stepsiblings, the skimpy female character designs (especially Camilla, who still gets flack for her outfit and has "fans" redesigning her to cover her up from neck to toes), the Deeprealms (due to the child mechanic being added rather last-minute), the "inferior" localization "ruining" certain fan favorite characters, and the "bad writing" anytime the characters behaved in a way the fans didn't approve of. Oh, and Azura's song being the leitmotif for a third of the soundtrack.
Three Houses/Three Hopes[]
- Dorothea and Ingrid's final support ends with Ingrid telling Dorothea to "back off" when the latter says she wants to pounce her. Since Dorothea is bisexual and Ingrid is straight, fans immediately took offense to this and declared Ingrid a homophobe. Never mind that Ingrid has a much better relationship with the just-as-bisexual Mercedes and that she's reacted the same way to men hitting on her.
- Ingrid's profile also mentions her dislike for the people of Duscur, which has led a huge chunk of the fandom to brand her a racist and treat their interpretation like it's God-given canon. Never mind that her actual dialogue and her interactions with Dedue portray her as recognizing her prejudice as a flaw and working to overcome it, which she does in their A support and paired ending. Or that Felix is outwardly hostile to Dedue in their supports, and doesn't make an effort to get over his own personal hatred.
- Ingrid's Three Hopes hairstyle added even more fuel to the fire. While on the surface it looks like a simple melding of her pre and post-timeskip styles, fans quickly called out its resemblance to what's become known as "the Karen cut".
- Edelgard will forever be known as "that girl who started a war because of her sad past and hates the church." Even her fans forget the other aspects of her character: her wish to simply relax and have fun, her love of cute things, her more lighthearted interactions with her classmates and other characters.
- Edelgard is also remembered for her "no u"-sounding response to Dimitri during chapter 17 of Crimson Flower. The dialogue itself was a mistranslation from the original Japanese (where she asks Dimitri if he really intends to keep sacrificing his people to fight a losing war), but fans continually mock her for it.
- Fans who think "The Black Eagle Strike Force" is a dumb name for the army in Crimson Flower decided that Edelgard was actually terrible at naming things or bad with words in general. Never mind that her speech in all the other routes about why she's declaring war on the Church is enough to get people cheering and taking the Empire's side during the time skip.
- One of her expedition quotes reveals that her childhood nickname for Dimitri was "Dee". Fans are already starting to mock her for this as yet another "example of how cringe she is."
- On the Azure Gleam path of Three Hopes, a variety of factors let Those Who Slither in the Dark get the drop on her and finally achieve the goal they'd been planning as far back as her Three Houses backstory: to use Edelgard as a weapon and a puppet to control the Empire. This lasts throughout the entire second part of the route (save for her temporarily regaining her clarity during the secret chapter you can only get by recruiting Byleth), and the final chapter has her snap out of it, but develop Trauma-Induced Amnesia as a result. Fandom did not let go of this, defining her entire character in the game by what happened to her on Azure Gleam (aka one route out of three) or even going to far as to claim she never had any agency at all, when every other route shows her acting on her own free will - even the ones in Three Houses where she was the antagonist and slated to die at the player's hand.
- Dimitri is similarly only remembered for going crazy for a good chunk of the Blue Lions route. People conveniently ignore his more lighthearted moments, how he gets better, his interactions with other characters, just for the sake of "kill every last one of them" memes.
- Dimitri is also remembered as the man who killed Randolph, or threatened to gruesomely torture him before he did. In turn, Randolph is forever remembered as the guy who was killed by psycho!Dimitri. (In reality, it was Byleth who killed poor Randolph to spare him such horrors.)
- A more affectionate one for Dimitri is when he and Dedue are paired for weeding duty, and Dedue has to tell him not to eat the weeds when Dimitri points out that sometimes, you can find edible plants among them. Dimitri eating grass or weeds has become a beloved meme among the fandom.
- Downplayed in-universe with him giving Edelgard a dagger as a gift shortly before she left the Kingdom. Sylvain teases him like crazy about it, and Dimitri admits it wasn't the best choice even after he explains the symbolism behind it.
- Angry Edelgard fans will never, ever let him live down not doing anything to help or rescue her when she was mind controlled and under the thumb of Thales during the second half of Azure Gleam in Three Hopes, and especially not walking away from her with Shez when she reaches for him after the final battle. One blogger even called him a beast who was "an accomplice" in Edelgard's suffering.
- Claude is mainly remembered for four things: his memetic gold mine status among fans, being upside-down on the game's box art, his love of poisoning people, and not being able to marry the male Avatar. His backstory, his trust issues, and his deeper supports with characters like Marianne, his dreams of a unified Fodlan? May as well not exist.
- Three Hopes shows him through a darker lens due to the circumstances of his route. Now he's continually dragged by fans for letting Randolph die in favor of saving his own allies and especially for wanting to depose and eventually kill Lady Rhea due to his belief that her authority has stagnated Fodlan.
- Gilbert was this in and out of universe. In-universe, he refuses to let himself live down failing to prevent King Lambert's death and won't stop punishing himself for it. Among western fans, he's known solely for leaving his family behind in disgrace and is one of the game's biggest Scrappies for it. Fans go so far as to completely ignore that he can resolve things with his daughter Annette via supports in Azure Moon (aka the most popular route in the fandom) and even have a paired ending where he comes home to his wife and Annette for good and they immediately start making up for lost time as a happy family. Thankfully, this has died down a bit thanks to Three Hopes, where he returns to the Kingdom and makes up with Annette much sooner.
- Lady Rhea is known for the following three things: Repressing technological advances, sticking crest stones into babies to revive her dead mother, and her big butt.
- The entire kingdom of Faerghus. In canon, its culture of glorifying duty and knighthood has caused friction between family members and friends, but it's also made clear that there's plenty of love and care among these people even if they don't always express it so well. To listen to the fandom, however, you'd be led to believe that the kingdom thrives on the glorification of death as beautiful and chivalrous, is fraught with all kinds of repression, has terrible sex ed, punishes anyone who doesn't follow their rules, and that all native Faerghusians are broken angsty messes prone to breakdowns over starting families because their own parents were so horrible and unloving.
- It's also popular for Faerghus to be portrayed as homophobic and heteronormative by fangirls who are angry that they can't romance Dimitri as a man, or that the male-male paired endings aren't explicitly romantic enough for their liking. (Mercedes doesn't count as LGBT Kingdom Representation according to them because she's from the Empire originally. And because she's not a hot guy.) This also ignores the fact that of the three Houses, the Golden Deer is technically the straightest one: none of the characters are bisexual options for the player, and the same-sex endings save Hilda/Marianne come off as mostly platonic (with Raphael and Ignatz's outright stating the latter married the former's sister).
- Of course, the last one gets a shitton of NLID from Raphael/Ignatz shippers, who act like the game purposely set out to deny them their ship when the boys' interactions were strictly platonic to begin with (as opposed to the deliberate subtext in other m/m pairs like Ashe/Dedue or Felix/Dimitri).
- It's also popular for Faerghus to be portrayed as homophobic and heteronormative by fangirls who are angry that they can't romance Dimitri as a man, or that the male-male paired endings aren't explicitly romantic enough for their liking. (Mercedes doesn't count as LGBT Kingdom Representation according to them because she's from the Empire originally. And because she's not a hot guy.) This also ignores the fact that of the three Houses, the Golden Deer is technically the straightest one: none of the characters are bisexual options for the player, and the same-sex endings save Hilda/Marianne come off as mostly platonic (with Raphael and Ignatz's outright stating the latter married the former's sister).
- Leonie's admiration of Jeralt is blown way out of proportion by fans, who write her off as a Byleth-hating bitch who only cares about Jeralt (with some fans even assuming she wants to sleep with the guy despite giving zero indication in a canon that's quite blunt about these things). People especially hate her for her first two supports with Byleth, with fans being so offended by her temper and insensitivity that they declared her The Worst. Never mind that not only does she warm up to Byleth considerably post-timeskip and learn to see them as someone other than "Jeralt's kid", but she's got plenty of other characteristics (her love of fishing, her cooking skills, the way she tries to help her shier friends gain more confidence in themselves, how despite her lack of a Crest she proved herself worthy of a Saint's Weapon through skill alone).
- For a time, Gilbert and Alois were remembered as the "no-homo gay options" due to them being able to S support with male Byleth in a completely platonic way, with the Alois+male Byleth ending explicitly stating that male Byleth marries a nameless village girl. Thankfully, this has died down. Alois in particular is now more known for his terrible jokes, and in a fond way.
- "Three Houses hates/doesn't believe in mothers" is a common snipe at the game, due to the lack of onscreen appearances from any characters' mothers save for Sitri via a flashback still and Sothis aka Rhea's mother, all but a few of the mothers lacking names, and the fathers seeming to contribute more to the story whether they appear onscreen or not. It doesn't help that several of the oft-mentioned fathers in Three Houses were finally given screen presence in Three Hopes, while any mothers remained offscreen.
- Monica von Ochs in Three Hopes (the real one) does have an intense crush on Edelgard, yes, but fans either forget or willfully ignore the other aspects of her character. Or worse, paint her as a creepy lesbian stalker when in reality she's no more devoted and questionable than Hubert (who will kill people if they inconvenience Edelgard).
- The Azure Gleam route in Three Hopes as a whole is known for "the route where Edelgard gets brainwashed and turned into an amnesiac child". Not the route where Dimitri keeps his sanity throughout for once due to learning to rely on his allies, not the route where Faerghus's politics get much more spotlight (especially in mending their relationship with Duscur, which many fans wished had been dealt with more in Azure Moon), not even the route where Miklan Gautier gets more face time and depth to his character. Only die-hard Blue Lions fans look past what happens to Edelgard and pay attention to the route's story for what it is.
- King Morion of Brodia stubbornly insisted on meeting King Hyacinth or Elusia face to face, despite his oldest son Diamant telling him many times over it was a bad idea that would get him killed. He didn't listen, and it not only got him killed, but turned him into a Corrupted his boys were forced to kill. Fandom has not let this go, defining his entire character by this plot point and claiming the game is "forcing them to see him as heroic" - when such a thing was blatantly presented as his major flaw! This has led to them ignoring any positive traits the man had, namely being a damn good father who loved both his sons equally when another battle-focused he-man of a dad would have scorned someone like Alcryst.
- A certain other trope website defines Prince Alfred by the fact that he dies young unless Alear S-ranks him, and how sad and tragic it is while ignoring that his life was still full of love and happiness even if it was brief.
- Celine admits to having a more mercenary side when it comes to protecting Firene. Despite her kindness and maturity otherwise, fandom quickly latched onto her dark side and turned her into a Memetic Psychopath.
- In the Fell Xenologue, Alcryst's reaction to his other self's haughtiness is to admire how confident he is rather than any reaction to how he treated the other Diamant. While the fan outcry wasn't as massive as others, people couldn't stop talking about how out of character they thought he was - completely ignoring his reaction to the other Diamant's words if they cross blades, where he's clearly horrified that another him would want to have Diamant assassinated.
- Alear's bi-colored hair led many fans to dismiss the game as "badly written stupid anime trash", even after it actually came out and gave an in-story reason for Alear's hair being like that (they were originally Sombron's child and a redhead, and when they were fatally wounded by him Lumera spent the next thousand years infusing them with her power, turning their hair and one of their eyes blue).
- Many fans still aren't over the fact that the game lacks paired endings for characters besides Alear.
- The manga adaptation by Kyou Kazuro has Ivy being taken prisoner by Brodia after being defeated in battle, as punishment for invading Brodia and trying to take their Emblem Ring. Certain fans immediately accused the manga of chickifying her into a damsel in distress, especially when Alear (who is male in the manga) rushed to defend her when Morion tried to kill her himself.
- Many fans call Alear an idiot or a "stupid donkey" or a "dumb child" for not simply reaching out and taking back the Emblem Rings after Evil Veyle stole them. Never mind that there was literally no way Alear could have taken them back: not only is Evil!Veyle scary powerful, but Sombron had just devoured King Hyacinth, thus gaining more strength. If Alear or anyone else had reached out and tried to take back the Rings, they would have died, or at least been seriously hurt.
- Alear also gets flack for going on ahead to the Destinea Cathedral at all because "Marth warned them", or fans hyper-analyzing or trying to justify their "fail" rather than accepting that the hero making a mistake and misjudging the situation is part of their character arc. Well, that and it's King Hyacinth's fault for leading the army into a trap in the first place and that it's only natural for Alear to want to save Morion and spare two of their friends the pain of losing a parent.
- ↑ In the ENG/EU version, anyway. In the Japanese version he explicitly elopes with her.