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  • Squirrel Girl hitting on Daredevil, whilst his inner-monologue is complaining about her not noticing that Danielle Cage needs a diaper change.
  • Spider-Man & Ronin (Clint Barton) discuss the Hand.

 Ronin: It's a Ninja Tea Party.

Spider-Man: Okay, so it's not just me. This is too many ninjas, right?

Ronin: They must be outsourcing.

Spider-Man: They must have a great benefits package.

Ronin: Dental. Medical.

Spider-Man: Free throwing stars.

Ronin: You can never have enough throwing stars.

Spider-Man: Oh, no. No, no.

Ronin: What?

Spider-Man: I'm not going to have to compete with you in the "Mid-Battle Witty Zinger" department, am I?

Ronin: Oh, you are.

  • In one of the early arcs, the New Avengers are fighting the Hand, with Spider-Man commenting on how nice they smell with Luke Cage. And then...

 Iron Man: Ever get a whiff of Doctor Doom?

Spider-Man Tell me about it! He hasn't washed that cape of his since the Kree-Skrull war!

  • Luke Cage gives Elektra a message on Matt Murdock's behalf.
  • During Dark Reign, Ronin tries to justify killing Norman Osborn by pulling out the "If you could travel through time & kill Hitler" card. Bucky simply chimes in that he did kill Hitler.
  • The Avengers get attacked in a penthouse unit by an army of ninjas. In the process, Luke Cage is tossed off the roof. He's nigh invunerable of course, so he isn't hurt, but he can't fly back up to join the fight... Leading to a hilarious montage where he's just chilling in the elevator listening to the muzak till he gets back to the top, then as soon as the door opens, getting back in the action like nothing happened.