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New Super Marisa Land is a 2010 platform game by Twilight Frontier, creators of Super Marisa Land and Mega Mari. In this hybrid of Touhou and Super Mario World, you play as Marisa, who has her mushroom collection stolen by the Three Mischievous Fairies. She must track them down all throughout Gensokyo, coming across various members of the Touhou cast, and beating the tar out of them.
It is considered to be the Spiritual Sequel to Super Marisa World, and is the direct sequel to Super Marisa Land.
This work contains examples of:[]
- Action Bomb: Black Fuzzies, standing in for Bob-Ombs.
- Advancing Boss of Doom: The final boss, the Giant Mushroom. Of course, you will have the resources to fight back.
- Airborne Boss: Sanae.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: Again, the final boss.
- Anticlimax Boss: During the Auto Scrolling Level that takes place before the last level, you will confront The Three Mischievous Fairies. Now the bosses before have put up some sort of fight and offered a bit of a challenge. For this battle, the bosses will simply fly at you. All you need to do is attack each one once. Very anticlimactic for the penultimate boss.
- It's interesting to note that the music for this battle is the same as the first boss's. If that isn't an indicator that this will be easy, nothing is.
- Auto Scrolling Level
- Big Boo's Haunt
- Boss Dissonance: Mario-type of course.
- Boss Rush: Extra Stage 9 is this, minus the Fairies and the Giant Mushroom.
- Bottomless Pits
- The Cameo: Komachi makes an appearance, doing the same thing she did in a previous Twilight Frontier game.
- Collection Sidequest: The Red Stars. Collect them all for another stage in each world. Clear them for the eighth extra stage, and that one for the ninth with the True Final Boss, Reimu.
- Convection, Schmonvection
- Dem Bones: Gray Fairies, standing in for Dry Bones.
- Easter Egg: If you have a mushroom in reserve when you face Alice, throw it out at her and watch what happens.
- Excuse Plot
- Fan Game
- Floating Platforms
- Flunky Boss: Patchouli fights you alongside her Patchouli-Bots. Her strategy even calls for using the robots as steppingstones to stomp her head.
- Tewi is also accompanied by a horde of her friends.
- Flying Seafood Special: Scuba Fairies, standing in for Cheep Cheeps. They are much more dangerous than their Mario counterparts.
- Gag Boobs: Super Marisa.
- The Goomba: Fairies fill this role, while Fuzzies stand in for Koopa Troopas.
- Goomba Stomp
- Green Hill Zone
- Guide Dang It: Stage 5-4. It is a maze, and solving it is even more cryptic. Good luck finding the secret passageway required to clear it.
- Heli Critter: Reisen Suit Marisa is this.
- Infinite 1-Ups: The Super Marisa racing stage in world 4. Also in world 7, the stage where UFO shrooms appear permanently, as do easily killable fairies.
- Improbable Weapon User: In the fourth boss battle, you can use Youmu as a way to make the boss vulnerable.
- Improvised Platform: Tenshi Suit Marisa can create keystones as makeshift platforms. Even better, jumping from them will cause the stone to fall, taking out an unlucky enemy that happens to be standing below.
- Invincibility Power-Up
- Invincible Minor Minion: Green Fuzzies, standing in for Jelectros.
- Invisible Block
- Iris Out: In the shape of a mushroom, no less.
- Lethal Lava Land
- Macro Zone
- Nintendo Hard: Not as much, but the game can be brutal when it wants to be.
- Not Completely Useless: Suwako Suit Marisa is more functional in water levels (and there aren't many of them). On land, all she can do is hop, so it can be rather difficult to aim your jumps.
- Pipe Maze
- Point of No Return: After getting the last mushroom from Nue, you will be immediately sent into the final level with no other option. Best to stock up beforehand because you will not be able to revisit shops.
- Power-Up: The Reimu Suit, Reisen Suit, Suwako Suit, Tenshi Suit, Super Marisa Mushroom, Yukkuri Mushroom and UFO. The last two could qualify as Poison Mushrooms, outside specific situations...
- Replay Value: You can replay certain levels to find hidden exits.
- Rise to the Challenge
- Sequel Escalation: Compared to this game, Super Marisa Land is downright minimalist.
- Sequence Breaking: The secret exits in stages 1-4 and 3-5 allow you to skip to Worlds 3 and 7, respectively. Upon defeating the World 7 boss, you go right to the final area, without needing to collect the other mushrooms.
- Shop Keeper: Rinnosuke. You spend stars at his shops to buy various suits, to save your game and to get extra lives. You can also jump on his head and pound him into the ground, with no consequences.
- Shout-Out: Beyond the obvious references to Mario, there are Patchouli's robots in the Scarlet Devil Mansion library.
- The Japanese portion of the game's name is Marisa and 6 Mushrooms.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World
- Super Not-Drowning Skills
- Timed Mission: The time limits can be very strict. Stage 4-4, for example, has a time limit of roughly a minute and 15 seconds.
- Turns Red: Patchouli does this when you hit her twice. She is the only boss to do this.
- Under the Sea
- What Could Have Been: There are unused sprites of Aya and Flandre.
- World Map