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Main Characters[]
The eponymous character of the series, NiGHTS is a carefree, mysterious being that flies around the world of dreams. Zhe's interested in anything new and unusual, including Visitors, and tends to do hir own thing, for the most part. NiGHTS has a tendency to be unthinkingly rude, especially towards Owl, but zhe generally acts in fun, and means no harm.
- Always Someone Better: Though it's noted that NiGHTS is far more gullible and trusting, they are without a doubt Reala's superior in battle.
- Ambiguous Gender: Word of God is that NiGHTS, and all inhabitants of the dream realm, has No Biological Sex and their gender is whatever the one of the Visitor they've dualized with. This hasn't stopped backmatter from identifying them as male in spite of having a female voice actor.
- Angst? What Angst?: NiGHTS certainly takes their entire species basically being out to get them in stride, although they do display signs of being bothered by Helen's reaction to learning that NiGHTS is a Nightmaren.
- Ascended Demon: A first-level Nightmaren who defected to defend good dreams.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Look! It's Octopaw!
- Beware the Silly Ones: Possibly. They're never seen to lose their temper, but they also have no problem with killing their enemies if they've been pushed too far.
- Cutscene Incompetence: Mostly in the sequel, where they're constantly being captured after defeating their enemies in gameplay.
- Disney Death: Performs a Heroic Sacrifice in the true ending of Journey of Dreams when they Kill the God. Though they're quickly shown to be Back From the Dead, the Worlds Unite! crossover implying they were resurrected when Wizeman reformed.
- Fake Brit: In the sequel.
- Foe Yay: With Reala.
- The Fool
- Friendly Enemy: Usually acts like this toward Reala.
- Heel Face Turn: Before the series started.
- Immortality: Implied to be Type II.
- Shapeshifting
- Trickster Archetype
- Villainous Harlequin: Pre-series, possibly.
Claris Sinclair[]
An aspiring singer with a serious case of stage fright, Claris finds her way into Nightopia after a disastrous audition.
- Continuity Nod: Her voice actress sings the "Sweet Snow" version of Dreams Dreams in Journey of Dreams - and quite well, in fact.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Daddy's Girl: One of her levels signifies her love for her father.
- "Happy Holidays" Dress: In Christmas NiGHTS, although it's cut in a way that could also be a Sexy Santa Dress.
- High School Sweethearts: Implied to be this with Elliot at the end of the game. Even more so in the ending for the Christmas game.
- Informed Ability: She supposedly has a beautiful voice, but this doesn't shine through thanks to her voice actress. It gets better, if the Continuity Nod mentioned above is any indication.
- It Runs in The Family: Claris comes from a family of artists.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Shy Pink Haired Girl
- The Cutie
Elliot Edwards[]
A friendly, popular boy who loses confidence in himself after the local Jerk Jock and his friends push him around. He then finds his way into Nightopia...
- Alliterative Name
- Curtains Match the Window
- David Versus Goliath: He plays against older, more experienced kids.
- Nice Guy
- Heroic Resolve: As with the other main characters, but Elliot's is especially focused on in the storybook.
- High School Sweethearts: Implied to be this with Claris at the end of the game. Even more so in the ending for the Christmas game.
- The Hero: In the comics and the storybook.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Helen Cartwright[]
A child prodigy who is gifted at playing the violin. She's very close to her mother, and finds herself in the Night Dimension when she begins to have nightmares out of guilt for sacrificing her time with her mother for her social life.
- Action Girl: She spends a lot of time running around Nightopia by herself, fighting nightmarens.
- Big Fancy House
- The Chick: When Helen's not busy being an Action Girl, she's this.
- Damsel in Distress: Gets this a few times, especially when Wizeman kidnaps her in Will's route.
- Duet Bonding: With her mother.
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom: Has one of these.
- Kawaiiko
- Naive Everygirl
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Her pink jacket.
William Taylor[]
A lonely boy whose favorite hobby is soccer. He's very close to his father, so when the man leaves for a business trip, Will's loneliness leads to nightmares. It's after this he finds his way to the Night Dimension.
- Adorkable
- Beware the Nice Ones: He may be young, and full of angst. But don't go underestimating him.
- Butt Monkey: The poor kid has a really hard time with some situations in the Night Dimension.
- Child Prodigy: At least at the game of Soccer.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Determinator: Will shows signs of this in his route.
- Doting Parent: His dad is hinted at being this.
- Humble Hero
- Kid Hero: More so than Elliot, because he's a little younger.
An elderly, owl-like Nightopian, he serves as a guide to both Helen and Will throughout Journey of Dreams. He panics easily in bad situations and is irritated by NiGHTS' childish antics.
- Grumpy Old Man: He doesn't always like NiGHTS' childishness.
- Mentor Mascot
- Mister Exposition
- The Obi-Wan
- Older and Wiser: At least he says so.
- Talking Animal: A talking Owl to be precise.
The ruler and creator of Nightmare. Wizeman created the Nightmaren as well. He seeks to rule over the Night Dimension (and the waking world in the English version of NiGHTS into Dreams) and is especially interested in corrupting Nightopia.
- A God Am I: Granted, he is implied to be a god, but that doesn't stop him from acting out this trope.
- Anticlimax Boss: In the second game.
- As Long as There Is Evil
- Big Bad
- The Blank
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Deity of Human Origin: Japanese backmatter says he was once a Visitor before he lost his Ideya and became the god of Nightmares.
- Evil Sounds Deep: In Journey of Dreams.
- Immortality: Type I. It doesn't stop him from being destroyed in the good ending of Journey of Dreams though if the Worlds Unite crossover is taken as canon, he reformed in time.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: In the Worlds Unite! crossover, he orders Reala to join the heroes in fighting Sigma because Nightopia is Wizeman's to conquer.
- Was Once a Man: His backstory states that he was a Visitor who was deprived of his Ideya.
- That One Boss: In the first game.
- You Have Failed Me: He tends to pull this a lot on second-level Nightmaren, and even threatens to do this to Reala.
NiGHTS' rival. Unlike NiGHTS, he's cruel and insidious, willing to do just about anything to get what he wants. He is completely loyal to Wizeman and is constantly out on missions from him.
- Ascended Extra: He was a pretty minor character in the first game before becoming a Mook Lieutenant and Mouth of Sauron in the sequel.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- The Dragon
- Evil Twin
- Foe Yay: with NiGHTS.
- Kick the Dog: He's practically made of this in Journey of Dreams.
- Large Ham
- Mirror Boss: In the first game.
- Playing Tennis With the Boss: In the second.
- The Rival
- What Happened to the Mouse?: He disappears after his second defeat in Journey of Dreams.
A second-level Nightmaren created by Wizeman. Only appears in the first game.
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Slasher Smile
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Despite having no characterization and being only in the first game, he's quite popular with fans of NiGHTS in general.
- Improbable Weapon User: Razor-sharp tarot/playing cards.
- Mad Oracle: implied, what with his Tarot Motifs in the Japanese version.
- Insane Equals Violent
- Weaksauce Weakness: He can't do anything without his cape.
- Back to NiGHTS Into Dreams