Why can NiGHTS even Dualize? Like all Nightmaren, it was created by Wizeman... who, if I remember my series plot correctly, despises Visitors, and wants to make the Night Dimension into an endless nightmare where they will no longer be welcome. So... why would he even create a minion with the power to fuse with Visitors?
'Could be general dream physics. Everything might be able to, given realisation and willingness in both parties. S'my personal explanation anyway.
NiGHTS possibly could have developed the power on hir own after s/he left Wizeman's side. After all, what better way to piss off one's creator and former master than to team up with the very beings you know he despises in order to beat him?
Perhaps dualizing was originally used without consent to possess visitors, but after NiGHTS left Wizeman, NiGHTS decided never to possess visitors using dualizing again.
There's several things that bug me about the comic, but the whole "NiGHTS and Elliot switches body" thing in #2 takes the cake. Ignoring that Dualizing doesn't work that way, the reason they do it is because they need to find Claris while Elliot takes care of the bad guys in the Dream World. Fine, except at the end of #1 Claris had already been found by NiGHTS. There was never any reason given why Ni GHTS couldn't just un-Dualize to explain what was going on! Aside from "to let her carry the Idiot Ball", that is. Not to mention how NiGHTS seemly didn't have any plan on how to find her.
This is more the fandom than anything else, but why do people keep insisting on claiming NiGHTS has a canon gender? That Gender Bender entry is there for a reason!
You try writing fanfiction that uses 's/he', 'hir', and 'him/herself' on a constant basis. The fans don't want to demote the character's status as an 'actual person' by calling NiGHTS an 'it', so they just resort to using whatever gender they see NiGHTS as. It's only the veryadamant fans that get into fights about the gender.
I see I could've been clearer. Of course I don't mind it in fanfics or anywhere else! After all, I refer to NiGHTS as a male. It's the Fan Dumb ones I had a problem with, the ones who went "Of course NiGHTS is male, there's proof in Burning Rangers and this poster!" and treated you like an idiot/banned you for thinking otherwise. They were really prevalent in the fandom's early days. (I say "were" because nowadays I can only think of one person who still insists on this.)