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Basic Trope: An especially cool hat.
- Straight: Lance sports a black fedora that is prominent in both his universe and the fandom.
- Exaggerated: Lance's fedora is so cool that it has its own in-universe fan club.
- Lance wears a hat that is so elaborate that it defies the laws of physics.
- Justified: Lance likes to be a Sharp-Dressed Man and fedoras are awesome
- Inverted: In a cast of Nice Hat-wearing characters, Lance is hatless.
- Lance, while hatless, is known for his distinctive hairstyle in a cast full of hat-wearing characters.
- Lance has a hat, but it's not cool. It's dorky.
- Subverted: Lance appears wearing a black fedora... and then immediately returns it to its original owner.
- Double Subverted: Lance is told he can keep the black fedora, as it looks better on him.
- Parodied: Lance doesn't even need to fight half the time; his hat can kick major ass.
- Lance's fedora is treated like an in-universe Chuck Norris.
- Deconstructed: When forced to leave his fedora behind, Lance is in a quandary. He tries to save his hat, but it costs him his life.
- Reconstructed: In an Indy Escape, Lance grabs his hat from the trap just in time, brandishes it on his head, and runs off to the admitration of the fanbase.
- Zig Zagged: Lance loses his hat, gets it back, and is then squashed by another, unseen trap.
- Averted: Lance doesn't wear a hat.
- Lance wears a fairly mundane, replaceable hat.
- Enforced: "Lance is a cool guy, right? Give him a hat."
- Lampshaded: "WHOA! Nice hat!"
- Invoked: Lance buys a fedora, believing that it could turn him into a Badass.
- Exploited: The villain of the piece hires a Cold Sniper to kill anyone wearing a sufficiently nice hat from a distance.
- Defied: Lance refuses to get a Nice Hat, fearing that getting too attached to a hat could lead to his demise in the future.
- Discussed: "Lance's hat is really cool."
- Conversed: "That character has an awesome hat, that's how you know he's Badass."
Go back to Nice Hat and bring your Fedora of Asskicking with you.