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  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: Had a serious problem with this during the runs of Zoey 101, iCarly and Victorious where the lead was seen as a boring goody-two shoes compared to her more mercurial friends. It went away in Sam & Cat, but only so Designated Hero could replace it.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: Many of the shows seem to offer the message of "Entitled Bastard Jerkasses are Karma Houdinis".
  • Fandom Rivalry:
    • An intra-fandom one. When a new show popped up, fans of an older one were not happy that it was being plugged at the expense of its older counterpart. Regardless of whether or not that was actually happening.
    • Though it's mostly in a Friendly Fandoms situation with the DCLAU, thanks to much Counterpart Comparison and similar themes, it can often veer into this for the exact same reasons over who did the premise and the characters better.
      • For example, Victorious got along with Austin & Ally on account of both focusing on up and comers in the performing arts and some Tori/Ally comparisons. Warring came from Victorious fans arguing that Team Austin's sudden rise to fame was unrealistic while Austin & Ally fans argued that Victorious never leaned into its premise enough, being content to focus mainly on high school drama.
  • Fanon:
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Quite a few fans like to pretend the 'verse ended when Victorious did, citing a drop in quality in everything that came afterwards.
  • Periphery Demographic: The shows seem to be aimed at 10-12 year olds but have audiences in their later teens and early twenties.
  • Testosterone Brigade: The shows were infamous for this, having casts mostly made up of very attractive young women. The biggest example was Victorious. A show starring Victoria Justice, Daniella Monet, Liz Gillies and Ariana Grande? Result: A rather large male Periphery Demographic.

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