1940 British thriller about Nazis, spys, and a Nazi spy.
This film contains examples the following tropes:[]
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Even in a concentration camp, Anna's appearance suffers nothing except a little tousled hair
- Bottomless Magazines
- Cannot Convey Sarcasm: Invoked. When Schwab says, "This is a fine country to live in!" he gets in trouble for treason. He weasels out by saying that he actually said, "This is a fine country to live in!" He is advised against making statements that could be construed two ways in the future.
- Comically Missing the Point: When a British man visiting Germany is informed that the news stand doesn't sell British magazines, he says, "Sold out, I suppose?"
- Dressing as the Enemy
- Follow That Car!
- Ghostapo: Parodied. John Fredericks: Occultist and Ophthalmic Surgeon.
- Herr Doktor
- High-Class Glass: Invoked. Randall wears a monocle when he disguises himself as a Nazi.
- I Have Many Names: Dick Randall has at least two aliases
- La Résistance
- Mugged for Disguise
- Only a Flesh Wound: Of the shot in the shoulder variety
- The Mole
- Reverse Mole: One of the guards in the camp helps them escape, but this is a subversion. The escape was planned.
- Gus Bennett/Dick Randall goes undercover as a German officer
- Take That: Gone with the Wind is shown being sold on a shelf right next to Mein Kampf. Also serves as a Historical In-Joke, because the book was very popular in Nazi Germany for all the wrong reasons.
- Translation Convention: Czechs and Germans all speek English to each other
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: In the camp, Karl gives one of these to some of the guards. This is later subverted by the fact that it was only done to make Anna trust him.
- Those Two British Guys
- Those Wacky Nazis