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Characters from the Russian fantasy series. For the Discworld novel, see Discworld/Characters.

The Night Watch[]

The forces of Light in the series.

Anton Gorodetsky (Konstantin Khabensky)[]

The protagonist (and most of the time) narrator of the series.

Boris Ignatyevich/ Geser[]

The head of the Night Watch.

Svetlana Gorodetskaya (nee Nazarova)[]

A seemingly human woman who is revealed to be a Light Other of immense power.

The Day Watch[]

The forces of Darkness


The head of the Day Watch.

Konstantin (Kostya) Saushkin[]

A young, idealistic vampire whom Anton befriended before becoming an Other.

Alisa Donnikova[]


The Inquisition[]

The Balance Between Good and Evil.


A Light Other introduced early in the novel Night Watch who is initially unaware of The Masquerade and as a result, kills Dark Others who he wrongly believes to be pure evil.


A vampire and Dark Other.

  • Retired Monster: He became a Higher Vampire though killing several young girls and feels no remorse, but has sort of "mellowed" to the extent that he left the Day Watch to become an Inquisitor.
  • Worf Effect: He is defeated by Kostya after he gets Fuaran.


A Dark Other Mage who started out on the Day Watch (in the eponymous novel), but later joined the Inquisition.