Nightmare Ned refers to either a short-run Television show that aired sometime around the late ninties, or the eponymous video game which the Television show was based off of.
And of course there is Nightmare Ned Wiki for more information.
Now has a character sheet.
Tropes presented by both the Show and the Game[]
- Amazing Technicolor Population
- Art Shift
- Big No
- Black Comedy
- Defanged Horrors: The nightmares Ned comes across...for the most part.
- Demoted to Extra: Ned's family and classmates from the TV show to the game.
- Downer Ending: In the show, all the nightmares of course end this way.
- The game's bad ending in which Ned is still terrified of his nightmares.
- Face Your Fears
- George Washington: Or at least, a talking version of him on a quarter in one episode.
- After the locker stage is completed in the video game, the room turns into a diorama recreating the legend of him chopping down the cherry tree.
- Homage/ Shout-Out:
- The Willie Trout episode was a play on Pinocchio, with Geppetto himself, and Cicero as Figaro.
- The Attic, Basement, and Beyond stage in the game has a likely reference to Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds in which a flock of birds swarm in through a window and viciously peck at Ned.
- The game has the art class segment which is reminiscent to fighting games, namely Mortal Kombat and the use of its phrase, "FINISH HIM!".
- Ned's silhouette shakes hands with that of Mickey Mouse from the Real Life Disney World, along with another cartoon-ish figure.
- The environment of the Graveyard Nightmare is known for bearing a strong resemblance to the works of Tim Burton and Edward Gorey.
- Losing Your Head
- Nightmare Sequence: The entire premise.
- Primal Fear
- World of Symbolism: Every one of Ned's nightmare worlds