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A decent walkthrough of the game can be found here.
Tropes featured in the intro/ end/ throughout/ and by the game itself:[]
"Adventure that turns fear into fun."
—Tagline to the game
- Abnormal Limb Rotation Range
- All Just a Dream: At the very end.
- At the Crossroads: The Quilt.
- Arc Symbol: The five Shadows are represented by five distinct symbols play a very important role in the game.
- Also, the patching and color of the sickly green Quilt usually appears whenever something bad will/ has happened to Ned.
- Bloodless Carnage: In the game Ned can get stabbed, decapitated, crushed, and other such fates with nary a drop of blood.
- Body Horror
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: During use of the game's menu, Ned will talk to the player.
- Cats Are Mean: Two black cats repeatedly toss hand mirrors up into the air to purposely injure Ned with shards from the mirrors as they shatter on impact.
- Also, a word-animal in the Chalkboard area of Alcatraz Elementary.
- Closed Circle
- Subverted when exit portals are used.
- Cyclops: The Gum Monster from in the Mouth and Cyco (Toilet-Paper Cyclops) from the Bathroom Nightmare.
- Darker and Edgier: In a way, the game has lost much of the cartoonic and silly nature presented in the show.
- Family-Unfriendly Violence
- Eldritch Location: Much of the Nightmare, but primarily in The Mouth and in the Attic, Basement, and Beyond.
- Foreshadowing: Many, many points in the intro.
- Horrifying the Horror: As the game continues and the Shadows begin to reveal, their expressions become increasing chilled and terrified themselves.
- Irony: The animals and objects in the game are usually altogether more clever, intelligent, and sentient than the people are.
- Mad Doctor/ Depraved Dentist:
- The Medical Shadow (really Dr. Klutzchnik) is shown to be the most insane and sadistic of the bunch: "I'm going to rip off one of your fingers, put it in a jar, and keep it as a souvenir!"
- Also, at the end, if Ned is able to beat the Shadows and conquer his fears, the Shadows are shown to be still hiding in his closet. They contemplate of what to do now that Ned has won, and the Medical Shadow suggests that "We could perform hideous, painful medical procedures on each other!"
- Subverted when it is shown that she was actually friendly and it just the child in Ned that made him fear doctors so badly
- The crazed dentists, aka Doctor Shots, who will try and stab/ impale Ned clean through with many giant needles if he gets caught when the Mouth closes on him.
- Psychotic doctors that will swipe at Ned on his ride on the rolling medical gurney.
- A nurse in Alcatraz Elementary School is one of the few enemies that poses no real danger to him. Though she will try and grab Ned and toss him backwards.
- The Medical Shadow (really Dr. Klutzchnik) is shown to be the most insane and sadistic of the bunch: "I'm going to rip off one of your fingers, put it in a jar, and keep it as a souvenir!"
- Medium Blending: At many points, the artwork of both the background and some of the character mixes with technicolor, Real Life artistry, and more.
- Mistaken Identity: "IT'S GOT ME!! HELP!! HELP!! IT'S GOT--" Oh, wait, no. It's just the phone...
- Mooks: At one point, countless mice are repeatedly sneaking out one at a time to a portal leading out to the Bathroom Nightmare, where many are burned by a fire-spitting furnace.
- Also, the Plaque Monsters from in the Mouth.
- Multiple Endings
- Our Vampires Are Different: In the Chalkboard part of the school level, there is a vampire bat made from the actual letters of the word "bat", and some sort of plaque vampire bats in The Mouth.
- Phoney Call/ Evil Phone
- Red Herring: There is a latrine that is even labed "The Worst Toilet in Ned's Nightmare" which Ned chooses to outright avoid by leaping down into a chasm.
- Rodents of Unusual Size: The Mouse/ Rat civilizations.
- Also an enormous, realistic-looking mouse/ rat seen in a cutscene likely to be the progenitor of them all.
- Secret Path: Escape portals between the Nightmare realms.
- Scare Chord/ Psycho Strings: As the view of the hallway begins to stretch out in the intro.
- Scenery Porn/ Scenery Gorn: In the game. The 2D artwork and animation STILL looks beautiful even 14 years later.
- Snarky Inanimate Object: Also sort of a Running Joke, the lamp with eyes, whom at one point is seen tap-dancing on an end table.
- Spear Carrier: The enormous pair of clawed, monster hands--and a likely Eldritch Abomination--that casts Ned into the Shadows' Nightmare World and does not appear again, unless the players ends with the good ending to which it bring him to the final battle. It is also seen on the game cover--but portrayed as more slender and presented in a much less cartoonic manor.
- Sudden Anatomy
- Swarm of Rats
- Throw the Book At Them: An angry librarian squishes Ned between a book, as does the skeleton man if Ned disturbs him.
- The Unintelligible
- The Unsolved Mystery: The true nature of the Attic, Basement, and Beyond Nightmare, its connection to the real world, Sally the little girl's connection to Ned was never learned.
- Although, some have speculated that the little girl Sally may actually be Mrs. Needlemeyer herself as a child.
- Void Between the Worlds: When Ned is first cast into the Nightmare World by the Shadows.
- Vomit Discretion Shot
Tropes featured in the Graveyard Nightmare:[]
- And That's Terrible: A demon head pops out of a jack-in-the-box after being sprung by a small, cute, little boy, whom the demon subsequently gobbles up whole.
- Anthropomorphic Food: Pumpkins count as food, right?
- Bat Out of Hell
- Dem Bones: A skeleton man is seen lounging in a reclining chair while reading a book, and does not want to be disturbed.
- The Grim Reaper
- Mutagenic Food: Ned eats zombie girl scout cookies... Guess what happens?
- Our Ghouls Are Creepier: THIS thing.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Zombie girlscout and zombie Dad.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Trick-or-Treater carrying a paper bag holding a cat wearing a mask disguised as a dog.
- Primal Fear: A little girl who's afraid of the dark had her nightlight stolen by a bat.
Tropes featured in the Medical Nightmare:[]
- Afraid of Needles: Apparently, a big part of the nightmare.
- Benevolent Architecture: In the Mouth stage, dental brace can be used both as trampolines to jump over obstacles and as a sort of tightrope that Ned can use to climb across dangerous/ impassable areas. Also, bloody veins can be used to climb up to secret areas.
- Hospital Gurney Scene: First part of the doctor level.
- Blob Monster/ More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: The Gum Monster.
- Strapped to An Operating Table: Just close your eyes and it'll all be over soon...
- Umbrella Drink: During the Uvula Song, rotted tooth men can be seen drinking from what looks like martini glasses with umbrellas.
- Womb Level: One half of the medical nightmare in the video game takes place in a giant mouth.
Tropes featured in the Alcatraz Elementary School:[]
- Academy of Evil
- The Alcatraz
- Bully: There is a minor baddie that tosses Ned into a trashcan if he gets near.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: This guy has got some serious school spirit.
- Dracula: One of Ned's opponents in The Locker stage, aka, Vilk.
- Dumb Muscle: The Clayman]]
- E=MC Hammer: The chalkboard stage.
- Everything's Better with Chickens: Another one of Ned's opponents in The Locker is a giant, papier-mâché chicken who begins to crow "when the sun comes up."
- Everything's Worse with Bees: During the Chalkboard stage big bee drawings will try and give Ned terrible stings.
- Insane Troll Logic: The principal punishes Ned for deliberately clogging the bathroom toilets: Despite him being the quiet, nerdy type, and after the two menacing bullies stormed out of the room when he just arrived, he was the only one at the scene of the crime... So, he MUST'VE done it!
- Institutional Apparel
- Kids Are Cruel: The kids in the school are either pushing/ smacking Ned around, running him over in the form of a mob, or playing cruel jokes on him; usually all the while completely ignoring his existence.
- "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: At one point.
- Parental Substitute
- Sadist Teacher: The children were in tears that day...
- Scary Librarian
- Ungrateful Bastard: Ned had let a frightened kid out of a cell he'd apparently been trapped in only to have him disappear and leave Ned to have an embarrassing school photo of himself taken instead.
- You Are Number 777444: The students at Alcatraz Elementary all have convict numbers, Ned's being 777444.
Tropes featured in the Bathroom Nightmare:[]
- Electrified Bathtub
- Fear Is the Appropriate Response/ Run or Die: The Drain Snake.
- Mighty Roar: If Ned falls into the chasm below the pivoting bathtubs, a loud monster roar will sound.
- Mouse World: Aka, the Bathroom Nightmare. It is populated by intelligent, sadistic, talking mice.
- My Future Selves and Me: Ned sees three future versions of himself during The Puberty Song.
- Slave Mooks: The Electro-Beavers to the Rats.
- Villain Song: The game had "The Mouse Song".
- Definitely constitutes an Ear Worm.
- The Rats explain in their song that their motive for tormenting you is, essentially, For the Evulz.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Three funhouse mirrors depicting Ned going through generic puberty angst, such as acne, excessive height, and body hair. Even Ned thinks it's lame, albeit, slightly unsettling to him at first.
Tropes featured in the Attic, Basement, and Beyond Nightmare:[]
- Attic, Basement, and Beyond of Weirdos
- Bookcase Passage
- Cool Car: Supernatural, 70s-style car that morphs into a rocket? Hell yeah.
- The Alleged Car: In addition to missing the side door, the car appears completely non-functioning, that is, until a key is found.
- Creepy Basement
- Fireballs: There is a living furnace that spews out balls of flame.
- Like a Broken Record: There is a phonograph that plays the same simple tune over and over.
- The Lost Woods: The short, second setting of the Attic, Basement, and Beyond Nightmare.
- Mind Screw: There is a door that when Ned enters, he is then spat out of a phonograph.
- Our Dragons Are Different: There is a female dragon's head mounted on a wall that will tell Ned three scary stories in the form of limericks.
- Pocket Dimension: This has shown to be a possibility, for it somehow had a direct (hidden) connection to the real world, as told by Sally.
- The Renaissance: The first area of the Attic, Basement, and Beyond Nightmare features some real world Renaissance-style art.
- Schmuck Bait: A box that reads "DANGER DONT TOUCH."
- Subverted when they turn out to be fake.