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- Why the hell did they just Fade Out at the end of Ghost Love Score? The rest of the song is a masterpiece; it deserves a better ending than that.
- Listen to the Live version of End of an Era. It's as much of a masterpiece and has a better ending.
- After playing around with it a bit, I think a Picardy third would be a good way to end it. Mind you, even Shave and a Haircut would have been better than fading out.
- Listen to the Live version of End of an Era. It's as much of a masterpiece and has a better ending.
- Tarja Turunen is not an opera singer. To be an opera singer, you actually have to sing in opera, not power metal bands. She has said in numerous interviews that she is not an opera singer: she is a classically-trained singer. So why do so many Nightwish fans not seem to know what an opera singer is?
- Because Fan Dumb. A lot of people don't know there's a difference between an operatic sound and actual opera, and will confuse classically-trained singers with actual opera singers. It doesn't help that the band itself was often billed as operatic power-metal, by outsiders if not by themselves.