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McNinja:"Why can't people look past the fact that Judy's a gorilla and I'm a ninja? We're people too!"

Mom: I'm sorry I didn't mean-

McNinja: "Well, except Judy. She's a gorilla."

"This is the best movie I’ve ever seen. It has a vampire and an explosion!"
—Fry, Futurama


Peter: Siam, 2015 AD. The city lies in ruins after the Ninth Nucular World War. It is a grim future with lots of explosions and partial nudity, a future where an oppressive new king has seized power. Only one man can stop him. No, one machine! I am an Automaton Nucular Neohuman Android. You may call me ANNA. I am a robot ninja from the planet England who is here to destroy you and free this land from your tyranny.

Brian: I've been expecting you, ANNA. Allow me to introduce my Siamese children! (claps hands, signalling five swimsuit models)

Peter: I will not be swayed by your attempts to confuse my programming with your all-female sex orgy. We must kung-fu fight!

"Normally a guy with cybernetic implants would be evenly matched against a ninja secretly disguised as a housemaid, but throw in a child with the ability to freeze time and, well, now things actually get confusing."


Iruka: Don't worry Naruto! A wound like this could never kill a ninja, especially a robot ninja like me!

Naruto: But sensei, you are not a robot! You are a human being!

Iruka: Oh, I guess that part was just in my dream then...


"Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!!"

Calvin: This is so cool!

Hobbes: This is so stupid!

"Then you see the chainsaw ninja zombie and the last two things that go through your mind is (sic) the thought ohmygodthatissocool and a chainsaw."
Jackrabbit, Dwarf Fortress forums

"Richard Garriot's tabletop Dungeons and Dragons game must have been just about the most glorious thing in human history. This game takes D&D, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who among many other things, throws them in a blender and hits the puree switch, any my god is it beautiful. This guy is a god of nerds."

They became vampires. Vampire wizard ninja brothers from the moon.
Axe Cop, Episode 9


Squidward: I could be anything I set my mind to. I could be a football player, or a king, or a spaceman.

SpongeBob: Or a football-playing king in space...with a mustache.
SpongeBob SquarePants, "Can You Spare a Dime?"

"I'd never thought i'd ever say this but the climax of the film involves Holmes in a hot air ballon fighting Iron Man in a giant robot dragon while Watson rides on horseback to stop an android from blowing up Buckingham Palace. I can't even make a joke about that!"
The Cinema Snob describing the climax of The Asylum's Sherlock Holmes


James: "It's really one of the greatest twists ever. The mummy is a werewolf."

Mike: "The mummy is a fucking werewolf!"
—Cinemassacre reviews Face of the Screaming Werewolf

'I'm a tap-dancing ballerina fairy princess veterinarian!'
A Series of Unfortunate Events 'Carmelita Spats


Marik: "What am I, part of a friggin' vampire terrorist cell?"

Marik: "Oh my God, I hope I'm part of a friggin' vampire terrorist cell!"

'You're a crazed penniless lobster doctor. No combination of you should be a comedian!'

"[Lord English] is many things. A time traveling crime lord pimp. An omnipotent, indestructible puppet-based demon. A monster born out of an ancient, short, smug, cueball-headed gunslinger, the blight of two universes by his birth alone. An Egyptian pharaoh Incredible Hulk in shredded pants and suspenders with a green Jigsaw puppet-like skull for head, a gold fang, and flashing pool balls for eyes. And with his gold cuestick pegleg and long coat, appears to also be somewhat reminiscent of a pirate, and may or may not bear some tenuous connection to Skipper Plumbthroat, nemesis of all Squiddles, who have been clearly shown to be friendly cartoon-standins for the dark gods."
Andrew Hussie, via Tumblr
"And the best part is that the dead pimp is also a state assemblyman. Because he won the election! So somehow, the most boring thing about him is the biggest surprise! It's like someone was like 'Bodybuilder-Dracula-librarian!' You don't see it coming."
The Daily Show