In 2200 AD, at a time when Mars and the Moon have been colonized. The story of Joe Maya, a teenager on Mars dreaming of returning to Earth. One day, an Alien Space craft crash lands on Mars, and he accidentally activates one of the ship's mecha, which combines with the mysterious Tobikage, a Ninja Robot.
Available streaming on Anime Sols.
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Tropes used in Ninja Senshi Tobikage include:
- Big Damn Heroes: Tobikage has a tendency to show up whenever the heroes are getting whupped
- Dub Name Change: Crosses over with Name's the Same when Tobikage is called Cybertron.
- Ear Worm: Both the Japanese and the English OPs use the same Ear Worm-y tune
- Everything's Better with Princesses: (Princess Romina
- Foe Yay: Between Joe and Irubora.
- Forgotten Superweapon: The Golden robot combines with Tobikage to form an agile, hyperactive lion most often, while the Scarlet robot combines a few times to create an eagle formation that flies slowly and casts fire over a long length. We don't, however, catch the blue robot combining to form a dragon that unleashes large lightning storms, more than twice.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: You might recognise Hatake Kakashi as Joe Maya, Noriko Takaya as Reni Ai, Gin Rei as Princess Romina, and Tenchi Masaki/Keiichi Morisato as Mike Coil. The Claw Man is Irubora/Icelander. Jiraiya is Gurasan. The list goes on.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Partly subverted with the ninjas from the hidden ninja village, except they're a tourist attraction. Played straight in that the robots are mostly ninja themed.
- Human Aliens: The Rodarians and Zaboom.
- Karma Houdini: Played so very nearly straight with Hazard Pasha. He gets his at the very end, but everything else up until then is a mild inconvenience.
- Large Ham: Hazard Pasha. Boy howdy, is he.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Annex Zaboom. Hazard Pasha.
- Ninja Robots: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Obviously Evil: Annex Zaboom has pale skin and black eyes, and his minions are also pale of complexion.
- Out of Order: When the series aired in Australia a block of about half a dozen episodes were televised out of order. This was particularly obvious because it skipped the introduction of a major character. This alternative ordering of the episodes was repeated on the DVD.
- Reassigned To Mars: The reason why Hazard Pasha wants to get back at the Earth Union.
- Smug Snake Hazard Pasha, so very very much.
- Stripperific: Jenny Ai
- Spell My Name with an "S": (Reni/Leni is problematic. The dub avoids this issue by calling her Jenny. Of course, the dub makes OTHER changes too.
- Stock Footage: Nearly half the animation, including all sequences. Two whole clip episodes were only stock footage!
- Super Robot Wars:Appears in the Compact 2 Trilogy and Super Robot Wars: Impact
- The Red Planet: Where the first several episodes were set.
- The Song Remains the Same: Averted in the English language dub. The original Japanese theme was a silly love song. The English language dub not only changed the instrumental backing, but also changed the lyrics to something awesomely heroic- about Ninjas.
- Transforming Combiner Mecha
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Princess Romina, doubles as a Woman in White and a Badass Princess.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Jenny has blue, and this counts for other characters too.