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- Archive Panic: Over 40 different Let's Plays? Over 2200 videos on YouTube spread out over three accounts and more added each day? Good luck with that.
- Broken Base: There are some who liked his Blind Run of Conkers Bad Fur Day, but a large majority of viewers quickly grew annoyed with Tim spending entire videos making jack progress, and even he has expressed slight disdain for it by Part 5. It Gets Better, though.
- By the end of the Conker LP, NCS implies that he is less desired to produce future Blind LPs as a result. Some fans have expressed interest in future Blind Runs, but many have also advised him to perhaps tackle a different type of game in the event of one starting.
- With the start of his blind run of Donkey Kong Country 3, viewers who weren't fans of the Conker's run are apathetically stating "Here We Go Again."
- By the end of the Conker LP, NCS implies that he is less desired to produce future Blind LPs as a result. Some fans have expressed interest in future Blind Runs, but many have also advised him to perhaps tackle a different type of game in the event of one starting.
- Crosses the Line Twice: When he talks about a public occurrence of Toilet Humor here at 4:50.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Has its own page.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Has its own page.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The entirety of the Lucahthon.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: His Mario Paint creations, to list a few examples...
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Not a person, but a video. His Let's Play Super Mario Galaxy 2 Part 47 video has the most views of any of his videos with a whopping One million!
- Most Wonderful Sound: Anytime he laughs. It's very distinct and very contagious.
- One True Pairing: Just about everybody that knows both him and Lucahjin often support both of them hooking up.
- Scrappy Mechanic: His fans don't like it when he speeds up his videos so they can fit in Youtube's time limit. Though this has become moot since NCS became a youtube partner and now has unlimited video time. And it likely became even further moot when Youtube removed the time limit entirely.