- From the original Disgaea: Lord Laharl's Hymn and Invasion from Within
- Don't forget Ah, My wonderful life, the song of Vyer's fabulous ending, with a distinct opera flavor. There's also Etna Boogie and Do Your Best, Girl. On the hot blooded front we have: Anthem of Braves, March of the Planet Earth, and of course the spirit of rivalry condensed into musical form, the greatest song in the game, War Comrade the anthem of the great Kurtis.
- Hour of Darkness also gives us: "Disgaea", "Red Moon" (English version here), "Battle of Eight Beat", "One With The Stars, and "Beautiful Rondo". Lastly, Afternoon of Darkness gives us the Etna Mode credit song: "Nightmare Girl.
- Great Wilder.
- What, no mention of Planet X, Celestia's theme (or as close to a designated "theme" as any map has)?! I shall right that wrong here and now.
- It's soundtrack definitely deserves a spot here with much of the above Crowning Music beautifully arranged, including March of the Planet Earth, Disgaea~Climax, and Red Moon~Strings Night. A few of the new songs deserve mention as well, particularly Heroes Who Deserve Our Love and Sad Combatant.
- Don't forget Ah, My wonderful life, the song of Vyer's fabulous ending, with a distinct opera flavor. There's also Etna Boogie and Do Your Best, Girl. On the hot blooded front we have: Anthem of Braves, March of the Planet Earth, and of course the spirit of rivalry condensed into musical form, the greatest song in the game, War Comrade the anthem of the great Kurtis.
- Soul Nomad and The World Eaters pretty much has a Crowning Soundtrack of Awesome, but four songs that stand out particularly in this troper's mind are The Last Supper, Crying for the Dark Sky, Crash Landing, and Rock'n Rocks. The fact that these songs accompany some of the game's most epic moments (being the themes of the titular World Eaters, plus Gig's Theme Music Power-Up) merely adds to their awesomeness.
- The haunting Reqiuem Of Gemini and Gig's other two themes.
- You know what? Just download the whole thing. Every track kicks ass.
- Soul Nomad arranged soundtrack.
- Maiden of Light", the intro to La Pucelle Tactics. See also the Extended Arranged Version.
- The final boss theme, God Bless Prier! also deserves a mention.
- As well as A Martyr's March, which usually plays during Big Damn Heroes moments and the boss battles that follow them.
- Also, Solitaire, which pretty much manages to turn any scene into a Tear Jerker.
- Great Wilder (the Dark World theme), which also shows up in Disgaea and Makai Kingdom.
- Thinking that it'd be a good idea to toss in Nefertiti and STIGMATA from Gust's Atelier Iris spin-off Mana Khemia here.
- I'll be damned if Crystalized (yes, only one l) doesn't have an insanely catchy beat. And Disruptor is one of the most epic non-boss battle themes to exist (despite the undercurrent of slight melancholy...?).
- Have some vocal Nefertiti.
- And from the sequel we have these three gems. (Chaotic Moon, Roar of Delirium and Sacred Saber respectively)
- The op also count
- Similarly, the first Atelier Iris game had a few pretty memorable but mellow songs toward the beginning, especially the City of Kavoc theme, but it was the last boss music that kicked an incredible amount of ass (especially since it had been hinted to musically at several points earlier in the game!) Japanese indie music demigod S.S.H. liked the song so much he felt compelled to make it even better.
- Capping off Atelier Iris-related awesome songs, AI3 didn't have too many awesome songs in the game, but the opening song is made of JAM Project-level power-metal win.
- No love for Cloud Buster, Storm Bringer, Sunshine Street, Silver Woods and The Story of Gramps from Atelier Annie?
- Disgaea 2 Cursed Memories: Sinful Rose, the intro.
- The full version of Sinful Rose! The instrumental version, which acts as Adell's theme, isn't shabby either.
- That White Tiger has yet to be mentioned saddens me. "AKUTAREEEEE!!!" (Arranged Version)
- Need more Axel theme? Dark hero days Present you Let's Dance At The Last Battle!
- Prinny My love, it is seriously the prinny's own theme dood! Also Cyber Dance and this techno remix of Laharl's hymn.
- And, of course, there's Laharl's boss theme (actually just a remix of Disgaea from the first game, which is an early indication that you are totally fucked.
- Also Etna Rock, which, as its name implies, is a rock remix of Etna's theme. Bad. Ass. There's also the bone chilling Holy Mansion, the amazing Song of the Gods, and the totally epic final boss theme, Demon's Trill.
- If this troper had his way, any and all instances of ninja activity would be accompanied by Ninja's Dance, zam.
- Sparkle to Become a Star for the shear symbolic meaning. This song amplifies a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming which doubly serves as Adell's definitive Crowning Moment of Awesome. A true trifecta of awesomeness.
- And then, of course, there's Visual Sensation, which plays in the battles for the chapter leading up to the final boss. Very fitting, especially given that those battles are happening inside a mansion, and the tune has a very elegant feel to it.
- Let's not forget Disgaea Rhapsody, which plays during the battle between Rozalin? and Laharl.
- Sure, the music in the first Ar tonelico wasn't that great, but frankly, RE=NATION and Chronicle Key made up for it. The cutscene where these two songs are played are the moment that makes the game.
- Ar tonelico 2, with generally better music brings us Replekia, a CMOA that you can bring out at your discretion, and Implanta.
- METHOD_METAFALICA/. is arguably the best out of the three Metafalica hymms. EXEC_HIBERNATION/. also gets a mention for being a creepily epic ten-minute counting song.
- Can't forget about Ar Tonelico 2's EXEC_DESPEDIA. Creepy vocals sung by the resident Dark Magical Girl Jacqli coupled with drum beats and guitar riffs and used as the background music for a battle with a giant robot? It that's not awesome, then I don't know what is.
- All three parts of Sublimation. Now that's some awesome final boss music.
- This Troper feels the need to add Rustling Throb. It's the only song in a game to date that makes him want to not progress further if it means the music will stop.
- From Ar Tonelico 3, there's EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/., which is one of the most epic video game songs this troper has ever heard.
- Let's face it: any song on any of the Hymmnos Concerts has the potential to be a music of awesome. It all depends on a person's tastes and preferences.
- Once you get past the bowel-voidingly scary part, XaaaCi. is beautiful... and, once you understand what it's about, heartbreaking.
- Ar tonelico 2, with generally better music brings us Replekia, a CMOA that you can bring out at your discretion, and Implanta.
- Rhapsody - A Musical Adventure has several awe-inspiring tracks, but special mention goes to Beauty Castle, the final dungeon theme.
- Makai Kingdom:
- Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice:
- Wanderer's Poem, arrange album version. Thank you, and good night.
- Last World and DEAD END are also extremely awesome. (if you listen closely, you'll notice that DEAD END is actually a more dramatic version of Wanderer's Poem.)
- Hot Blooded Teachere Raspberyl, a fitting, catchy tune appropriate to the final battle of the Raspberyl story.
- Blue Concerto, especially the arrange version, which manages to be both epic and beautiful.
- Nether Institute Evil Academy and A Song For You. Nether Institute Evil Academy is well-known for the dance number in it's opening, but the song itself is rather infectious and is reminiscent of A Nightmare Before Christmas, especially toward the end. A Song For You differs from most of the Nippon Ichi ending themes by being rather upbeat and broadway-ish, but that's what makes it one of the most memorable themes.
- Makai Fugue. Best evil sounding song in the Disgaea series.
- Also, the Maritsu Evil Academy Entrance Applicant Recruiting CM Song, also known as the game over theme. Never has there been a more chipper and bouncy song about the fact that you just got your ass handed to you. This troper wouldn't be surprised if the song turned out to be making fun of you for losing. Of course, given the game it's from, that's probably completely reasonable.
- How could anyone forget Rock Crystal? A great tune for any battle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_JvHu0w4LA&feature=related
- Phantom Brave has a very good soundtrack all around, but in particular, Violent Emotion and R&R Junkiee pretty much kick ass with a flourish, and Friend is exceptionally beautiful.
- I recommend Strange Wind.
- This troper is partial to Snowberry.
- As for me, I go with Game Breaker.
- Finally, Asagi gets her own spot in the limelight! The damn inspiring Asagi, GO Fight!!, which plays at the end of Asagi Wars during the final boss battle and her Heroic Sacrifice.
- In Zettai Hero Project, we have the Unlosing Ranger's Theme Song, possibly the most Hot-Blooded song of any Nippon Ichi game. It's variants also deserve special mention, particularly the Mecha version and the Last Boss version.
- Speaking of Last Boss, we have the final boss music The Last Last Battle! Yes, it's your typical Ominous Latin Chanting final boss theme, but damn, it's too epic to not like.
- Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten:
- The vocal themes. Last Engage, the game's opening theme. Voyage of a Canary "little bird in your universe" and Golden Memories, beautifully sung ending themes, the latter sung in English! Pandora Ignition, the game's Hot-Blooded song that acts as a second theme for Axel.
- Fuka takes the stage. You Go Girl kicks in. You know you're in for a good time.
- Hold You Back, a worthy successor to the first game's Disgaea and the second game's Disgaea Rhapsody.
- Unflyable Wings
- Piano Sonata D No. 4, essentially the successor to the previous game's Blue Concerto.
- Crimson Cross, an excellent song for the moment where Fuka gets serve out justice against her killer.
- Nisa's theme from Neptunia MkII. The most hot-blooded theme Tenpei Sato has ever created. And that N! I! S! is one hell of an Ear Worm.
- How has Sparkling gone unmentioned for so long!? It's an insanely epic and upbeat battle theme! Too bad about the title though...