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No Doubt is an American Third Wave Ska and rock band founded in 1986. The band consisted of Gwen Stefani (vocals), Tom Dumont (guitar), Adrian Young (drums) and Tony Kanal (bass). While their first two albums didn't sell well, Tragic Kingdom revived ska for The Nineties. The band has won two Grammys and has sold albums worldwide.

The band started out of Anaheim, California, and became a hit with the release of the singles "Just A Girl" and "Don't Speak" and the release of the Tragic Kingdom album, which was highly influenced by the relationship between Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal. After 2004 the band took a hiatus for Gwen to work on her solo career. They recently have returned with a 2009 summer tour, and are as of 2010 working on a new album to be released in 2012


  • No Doubt (1992)
  • The Beacon Street Collection (1995)
  • Tragic Kingdom (1995)
  • Return of Saturn (2000)
  • Rock Steady (2001)
  • 6th Studio Album (2012)
