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From comes a series that is sure to tantalize. The story begins in 1918: World War I is in its endgame and the German Empire is desperately grasping at straws for anything that might turn the tide. Enter Oliver Haddo, a mysterious occultist who offers his skills to the German military command. From there, well, let's just say all hell breaks loose. It can be found at here and also here.

The story itself follows the World from the End of World War One, as Humans adapt to the new world around them.

Updates typically come in one of Three styles:

1: Story. continues the main storyline from 1918. it leaps around the world, and slowly crawls along, while providing build up.

2: World Building. Comes in the style of "Famous people", "the Supernatural Encyclopedia", "Files from S.H.I.E.L.D.", and others. They usually flesh out the world more, revealing background events, and events to come.

3: Sub-chapters: Taking place in the Modern day, they follow various different stories, that paint a picture of the current world.

The Series ended in March 2012.

Tropes used in No Mans Land Tales From the Weird Wars include:

Episodes of this series provide examples of:

 James Bond (after shooting Zombie Lawrence of Arabia with an RPG) "Looks like you couldn't Keep it together.
