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From Alternatehistory.com comes a series that is sure to tantalize. The story begins in 1918: World War I is in its endgame and the German Empire is desperately grasping at straws for anything that might turn the tide. Enter Oliver Haddo, a mysterious occultist who offers his skills to the German military command. From there, well, let's just say all hell breaks loose. It can be found at here and also here.
The story itself follows the World from the End of World War One, as Humans adapt to the new world around them.
Updates typically come in one of Three styles:
1: Story. continues the main storyline from 1918. it leaps around the world, and slowly crawls along, while providing build up.
2: World Building. Comes in the style of "Famous people", "the Supernatural Encyclopedia", "Files from S.H.I.E.L.D.", and others. They usually flesh out the world more, revealing background events, and events to come.
3: Sub-chapters: Taking place in the Modern day, they follow various different stories, that paint a picture of the current world.
The Series ended in March 2012.
- All Myths Are True: as well as Fiction.
- Alternate History: It's from www.alternatehistory.com, nuff said.
- Casting Gag / Comic Book Fantasy Casting: used when it involves pictures. highlights include Raul Julia as M. Bison and Aya Hirano as Haruhi Suzumiya.
- Celebrity Paradox: Apparently. how else do you explain George, House, and Bernie Wooster all existing at once?
- Composite Character: Too many to name.
- Cut Short: The series ended just at the Beginning of the Occult war. The Author has stated he lost interest, but left a final Chapter to close the series.
- Deconstruction Crossover: This is probably the most concise way to describe this series.
- Diesel Punk
- Intercontinuity Crossover: Fenrir_Angerboda from The Creepy Teen Years is from this universe.
- Mega Crossover: My god, the author has thrown so many in here, that between he chapters he put's up links to the TheOtherWiki, just so everyone can keep up.
- Multiverse: Hinted at.
- Our Monsters Are Different:
- Richard Nixon the Used Car Salesman: Pretty much every character in this series.
- Shout-Out: Let's just say that there are a lot.
- A number of Hetalia characters in particular become state leaders by 2009.
- Up to Eleven: [context?]
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Lucifer wields the Vorpal blade.
- Ace Pilot: Biggles, Hans von Hammer, Herman Goring, Oswald Mosley, Johnathan Moss, G-8 and Flashheart.
- Adolf Hitler: Shows up, and is quickly overshadowed by Adenoid Hynkel
- Allohistorical Allusion: Several. In one instance, a newspaper proclaims "Peace in our Time!" after the Russian Civil War ends.
- Alternate History Wank: Lithuania. Justified sense they have a Goddess on their side.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: There're giant robots, supernatural monsters, the undead and people with superhuman powers running around, but the idea of aliens is laughed at.
- Badass Abnormal: Shinji Kusanagi, Audie Murphy as Captain America.
- Badass Normal: James Bond, Otto Skorzeny.
- Balkanize Me: Done to Russia, of all places.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Haddo claims Paracelus died sealing the supernatural world off from the normal world.
- Benito Mussolini: Never becomes a fascist, and becomes a newsman.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Exist and are employed by the US army.
- Biological Mashup: Some of the supernatural creatures, as well as Germany's army of Man-Bats.
- Body Horror: numerous. the Hulk, Shinji Kusanagi, and others.
- Bond One-Liner: Said by the man himself.
James Bond (after shooting Zombie Lawrence of Arabia with an RPG) "Looks like you couldn't Keep it together. |
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: An installment late in the story suggests that someone inside the story is aware of the readers, and is acting on that knowledge.
- Bumbling Sidekick: Baldrick from Blackadder turns up, as do his descendants...
- Call a Goth a Byron: a few here and there. For "Byron" it's derived from Byronic Hero.
- also, two characters refer to Mecha as "Potente-Automa", Italian.
- Came Back Wrong: Zombie Zulus, Lawrence of Arabia and Shaka Zulu.
- Chainsaw Good: BPRD Agent Ash Williams
- Chinese Vampire: Wong Fei-Hung
- Cluster F-Bomb: BPRD Agent Isaac Washington.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans overrun Bulgaria, Romania and Greece with little trouble.
- Cute Monster Girl: Fifinella. The writer later states all female gremlins look like her, while the males looks like the ones from Nightmare at 20,000 Feet.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Loki
- Archangel Michael as well
- Dark Is Not Evil: Death is on the opposite side of Lucifer and Loki.
- Death From Above: General von Lettow-Vorbeck is killed in the German-Lithuanian war after a bomb is dropped on him.
- The Lamassu can kill people....by divebombing them. that's right, people can be killed by Divebombing Winged Cows.
- Dirty Communist: some of the Russias. Yes, multiple Russias.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Every member of Japan's super team seems to be plotting behind the Japanese Government's back.
- Enemy Mine: Current events and the betrayal of their "normal" allies has forced France and Germany into this.
- Even Bad Men Love their Grandmas: Featherston doesn't like Blacks, but he hates Napis more.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Featherston is a racist sunnuvabitch, but he hates the Napi ideology more.
- Everything's Better with Cows: Lamassu, Ushi-oni and Camahueto have appeared.
- Evil Versus Evil: Arguably Adolf Hitler arguing with Adenoid Hynkel.
- Evil Redhead: Lucifer is a female one of these.
- Expy: Various characters running around.
- Extranormal Institute: the BPRD.
- Film Noir: Detective McDougal.
- Four-Star Badass: Kent Allard.
- Good Ol' Boy: Jake Featherston of all people.
- Headless Apparitions: A number of headless apparitions appear, ranging from an Indian, to a G-man, to a soldier. The two present-day versions are expies of The Punisher and Ghost Rider.
- Hot as Hell: Lucifer, of course.
- Pele takes this quite literally, burning a murderer with a mere kiss.
- Humongous Mecha: Germany has one of these running around in the 1930s.
- The Gurren Lagan XLR
- I Love Nuclear Power: Responsible for Espers, The Beast of Yucca Flats and a few other things.
- Imperial Germany: Held together after World War I and hinted to be one of the more powerful nations after WWII.
- It Got Worse: The Mind Screw update seems to imply Slenderman exists.
- the Space Jockeys are mentioned and a Monolith makes an appearance
- Land Down Under: Gets its independence from the UK. Also, a Baldrick and a Blackadder become President at two different times.
- Unsurprisingly, Four Bruces and Saxton Hale are mentioned to be part of the Australian Defense Force.
- Light Is Not Good: perhaps.
- Louis Cypher: Clarance Thulu
- Magical Native American: Literally, also Magical Negro
- Mad Scientist: Germany employs several.
- Mind Screw: A late update seemed to imply that someone in the story is aware of the audience, and breaks the Fourth Wall.
- Nikola Tesla: Flees the USA to get away from President Kane, and is employed by the Germans to build superweapons, including Atomic Robo.
- Older Than They Look: Various fods, foddesses and other supernatural entities.
- Our Vampires Are Different: So far Angel, Edward Cullen, and a Filipino vampire have showed up.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Type M, combining traits of type P and F. Type Rs also show up.
- People's Republic of Tyranny: Implied with Japan.
- Madripoor, Run by M. Bison is this, with gangs running around unchecked.
- Powered Armor: The Rocketeer and the Rocket Red Brigade.
- President Evil: Charles Foster Kane and Ivan Braginski
- President Personable: Alfred F. Jones
- Psychopomp: Hermes and Izanami.
- Cthulu and friends play this role for H.P. Lovecraft
- Red Baron: Hans Von Hammer appears. So far, he has not been called "The Hammer of Hell", but has been called "Enemy Ace" by a British pilot.
- Ruritania: The Trope Namer, appears, alongside Latveria and Syldavia. Tomalia is also mentioned as part of Austria-Hungary.
- Schizo-Tech: Mostly in the modern-day stories.
- Serial Escalation: Oh yes, yes, yes.
- Serial Killer: Kira
- Soul Ship: Funa Yurei wanders the Pacific Ocean during and after World War II.
- Smetona Cocktail: Named after Lithuanian president Antanas Smetona and used during the Petrograd-Lithuanian war.
- The Emperor: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Tzar Mikhail II, Hirohito, and various others appear.
- The Mafia: Led by Romano Vargas.
- The Mafiya: Hotel Quazaqstan
- The Man Behind the Man: It appears Loki and various otherworldly figures are responsible for what's going on.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: Poland and Zululand's Wars of Independence.
- Three Faces of Eve: Mater Lachrymarum shifts between the three, as well as Crone.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Known as the Napis.
- Though in this timeline, it's Austria-Hungary of all places that goes Napi.
- Two-Fisted Tales:
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Brought up with Sasquatch.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Largely averted. While Springfield is not mentioned, Gotham is in New Jersey, Rivendale and Metropolis are in New York, and Raccoon City is in North Dakota.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Manji seems to be weary of life.
- Winston Churchill: Dies from an infected appendix before he can truly achieve greatness.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Espers are hinted at being less than stable.....
- World War II: The alternate version streches from 1942-1952, with France, Germany, Poland, and Italy vs Britain, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire in Europe and Africa, and the USA, China, and Australia vs Japan.
- Yakuza: The major Yakuza group is led by Kamiyama Takeshi.
- Mifune Go later shows up as one as well.
- Youkai
- Zombie Apocalypse: How WWI ends.
- and again in Raccoon City.