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The movie ends in a stock movie location I thought had been retired: a steam and flame factory where the combatants stalk each other on catwalks and from behind steel pillars, while the otherwise deserted factory supplies vast quantities of flame and steam. —Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2005, on Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Industrial complexes in which climactic battles are fought always seem to have been built with a callous disregard for the safety of workers. Inside, you're likely to find narrow catwalks with simple rope/cable handrails inevitably hung by what might as well be knitting yarn over open bubbling vats of green acid, massive exposed machinery flailing everywhere without protective covers, control switches placed in the furthest and most awkward of places, blast furnaces glowing fiery red, and other hazardous conditions so terrifying that any sane person would probably insist on a six-figure danger bonus to even go near the place.
Almost every such complex includes a tower or shaft several dozen feet wide and hundreds of feet tall/deep, ringed with balconies and walkways from which one can easily slip, and at least one retractable bridge that doesn't seem to care if there is anybody on it before it retracts.
High-pressure/high-temperature pipelines are made of substandard materials that easily tear or rupture in response to a thrown punch that unintentionally hits them, often causing Excessive Steam Syndrome, and the only surfaces strong enough to withstand a bullet are the ones that will ricochet a shot back at the hero or the villain. Floors and walkways have a nasty tendency to collapse, large sections just falling away as if the builders ran out of rivets halfway through and hoped no one would notice.
High above, a crane swings round errantly, just waiting to drop random heavy objects on your head. Billows of smoke and steam belch from every other vent, and unidentified liquids drip unimpeded from somewhere high overhead to lubricate the already tenuous footing on the substandard walkways. Guardrails, if they're present at all, are flimsy and prone to breakage or collapse if anything close to a normal human's weight is put on them (but see also the Railing Kill).
And oddly enough, for all the lack of safety compliance, the factory's door will be unlocked or easily entered, and there will be not a single night watchman in the obviously dangerous facility.[1]
In short, if the United States or European Union's Occupational Safety and Health Administration ever saw the place, it would be condemned in seconds. Sometimes, the story will lampshade this by referring to the factory as "abandoned"; however, it will almost never be explained why an abandoned building has not been demolished at this point, why it still receives electricity, or why all the machinery is present and operable as if it's itching to be the setting of a climactic showdown.
Of course, this means the hero and the villain will immediately rush into the heart of such a complex to have their final battle, instead of just settling things in the parking lot. On the other hand, this does allow for the frequent accident of the villain falling to his doom. Any collateral damage in the battle will invariably hit a Big Red Button, cause Failsafe Failure, and No One Could Survive That resulting explosion.
These environments still exist because they are visually interesting and allow the cowardly villain more opportunities to sneak around behind the hero, or the overmatched hero to find some way to even the scales against the seemingly omnipotent villain. Granted, it's always possible to put together a dramatic fight sequence in a perfectly balanced tournament-style environment, (see the last segment of the first Karate Kid movie, or virtually any movie where martial arts is the foundation of the plot), but the ultimate authority on such matters in entertainment is, of course, the Rule of Cool.
These facilities are also often referred to as "Smoke and Fire Factories", in reference to the fact that the function of the building is rarely explained, with smoke and fire as its only discernible outputs.
Note that if a villain plants a few explosives in such a place, it transforms from a mundanely unsafe facility into an instant Death Course. For the video game equivalent, see Eternal Engine and Malevolent Architecture. Construction Zone Calamity will usually employ this trope for laughs. Homicide Machines is when a horror film does this with everyday household appliances. No Seat Belts is a subtrope.
This trope is always present in a Nightmarish Factory.
Anime and Manga[]
- Mahou Sensei Negima:
- Evangeline's "resort":
Asuna: Hey, wait a sec, why doesn't such a high bridge have any handrails? I wish this fantasy stuff would give me a break already! |
- Mahora itself, which has stuff like vampires, dragons, and demons all over campus, none of which the students are aware of. And presumably some of the teachers are unaware as well; nobody felt like informing Negi of all the weirdness. Such as an evil vampire with a grudge against his father...
- Library Island, the school's library and Japan's largest repository of dangerous magical books and a few monstrous creatures. You need grappling hooks, rappelling clips and spikes, a minimum of three people, and hopefully some sort of hovering device and an eleven foot pole... And that's before you get to even the most basic of magical books! It's not even a secret — there's a school club dedicated to exploring, spelunker-style, the depths of the library.
- Lampshaded in the first episode of Code Geass. After Lelouch falls into a hijacked truck, he wonders "Why didn't they stick a ladder on the inside, too?"
- In the manga of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Kurotowa is sent to investigate the God Warrior being excavated in Pejiti only for his guide to fall a couple hundred feet to his death, and he says "This is why they keep having accidents." Justified in that this is After the End, the OSHA died along with the industrialized world in the seven days of fire.
- Cells at Work! has a Darker and Edgier spin-off called Cells at Work! [BLACK], where the body is much less healthy than the one in the core series, belonging to a human who smokes, drinks, has unsafe sex, and various other bad habits. The unfortunate cells are forced to work in a Dangerous Workplace where they are clearly losing the battle against the the pathogens that the protagonists in the core series are triumphing over.
Comic Books[]
- From Watchmen we have the intrinsic-field subtractor experiment, which vaporizes anything put in the chamber. It comes equipped with a massive steel door to the chamber that closes on a timer without any interference, confirmation or even presence of a human scientist. There are no checks done to see if any personnel is in the chamber at the time, no warning sounds or signs displayed that warn when a timed closing is imminent, despite frequent work being done inside (why else would Dr Manhattan have left his coat inside the chamber?). There's no way to open the door from the outside or inside, and no way to stop the disintegrator-beam from firing after the door has closed. And to top it all off, these are all explained in the comic as safety features.
- One of the origin stories of The Joker in Batman involved falling into a vat of some unspecified acid in the Ace Chemical Processing Plant, staining his skin and hair, giving him his distinctive appearance and driving him insane. (Batman: The Man who Laughs suggests that the chemical plant in question was under fire from OSHA ...)
- However, The New 52 suggests that even years later, the plant is still in business and still making the same dangerous chemical, as Harley Quinn's origin shows the Joker bringing her there and dunking her in the same vat, an experience that makes her just as crazy as he is and much darker than the previous version.
Fan Works[]
- Explicitly mocked in chapter 45 of the Firefly fanfic The Treasure of Lei Fong Wu; Zoe and her party find such a gap. One of the team points out that it is both necessary for the operation of the ship, and presents "formidable opposition" to boarding parties. Such that it would be more or less impassable if the other side was defended, even with the flimsy, railing-less bridge up.
- As this Fanfic Rant reminds,
Labcoats, gloves, goggles; these things aren't just there to look good/sexy/nerdy (depending on your point of view,) they are all protective gear. It won't help if you're running around showing off lingerie/skimpy outfits/your birthday suit while you go about sciencing. |
- Lampshaded in Star Crossed, where Scotty tells Geordi that in his time, warp core breaches were only created in the lab for experimentation, and the TNG basic design has been rejected as a useless and dangerous piece of Tim Taylor Technology.
Films — Live-Action[]
- The finale of the Sylvester Stallone film Cobra.
- The Arrival: Charlie Sheen pushes a disguised alien out of an elevator, falling to his doom. The aliens have interstellar travel, secretly build a vast network of Global warming-inducing terraforming plants on Earth, yet their elevators are exposed, completely lacking in rails, or even walls for that matter. Go figure.
- This is a literal Smoke and Fire Factory, given that its entire purpose is to emit massive amounts of greenhouse gasses to alter the Earth's climate.
- The 1989 Batman movie with Jack Nicholson drops his character Jack Napier into a giant bubbling vat full of... something to turn him into The Joker. Justified: Jack turns on a bunch of the machines and makes them run at unsafe levels to create a diversion for the cops. The vat full of green acid? You can see it being filled in the background of several shots, as a result of these actions. Laser-Guided Karma indeed.
- The Good Guy Doll factory in Child's Play 2 apparently has highly inaccessible (and locked) exits, blocked off by conveyor belts and doll assembling machines.
- Daylight which featured Sylvester Stallone as a hot shot EMS rescuing people from a blocked and weakened underwater "Hudson Tunnel" (standing in for the Lincoln Tunnel) in New York City. The ventilation facilities for said tunnels was something that has just flown under the radar of the OSHA whale for sure.
- In real life, the ventilation system costs several hundred million dollars, consume several dozen kilowatts of power, and in the event of an emergency the fans will run at 105% capacity until failure. And trucks like that aren't allowed to go through any tunnels for exactly this reason. Even ones that just catch on fire like they would in real life instead of producing an Independence Day-sized fireball. And ones where the explodium barrels are actually secured.
- Enemy Mine features a mining ship with little to no safety features in sight, resulting in plentiful deaths and mutilations. Possibly Justified Trope in that it belongs to illegal strip-miners who employ illegal slave labor who may not be arsed into caring about legal safety regulations.
- In the Firefly movie Serenity, Mal needs to access a machine that's "a little hard to get to"; it's on a platform in the center of a deep shaft filled with moving and grinding machinery. The bridge controls are for some reason only on the platform itself,[2] and even extended, the bridge is narrow and has no railing (though at least the platform does).
- Justified in that the machine is the owner's last-chance back-up rig, and therefore guarded by its inaccessible location.
- Also in that the installation is a pirate broadcast station built by an Insufferable Genius and therefore doesn't have to worry about government safety inspectors or user-friendly ergonomics.
- Justified in that the machine is the owner's last-chance back-up rig, and therefore guarded by its inaccessible location.
- Lampshaded by Galaxy Quest in a number of places, most notably when The Captain and the Bridge Bunny need to pass through a part of the ship that is essentially a Death Course for no reason other than that it was used as one in the original series the ship was based on. On seeing what they had to do to get past, the Bridge Bunny (Sigourney Weaver playing actress Gwen De Marco playing Lt. Tawny Madison) exclaims, "Well, forget it! I'm not doing it! This episode was badly written!"
- In The Fugitive Richard Kimble, Marshall Gerard, and Dr. Charles Nichols all chase each other in a laundry room full of scalding hot pipes and a huge I beam on a chain for someone to get hit in the head with.
- In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the alternate mine track turns into a dangerously fast roller coaster track that is elevated over sharp rocks, has hairpin turns and sudden drops, and at one point runs high above a magma chamber. The various junctions and equipment strewn through the path indicate that miners (children, at that) are meant to work there. Another one possibly justified because the owners were evil: the kids were slave labor.
- The mine chase did have Thuggee OSHA compliance in the form of a boarded-up track with a "DANGER" sign across that Indy just has to crash through.
- The Star Wars galaxy is filled with indoor, 500-foot-deep chasms that have no guard rails. In the Expanded Universe, it's made explicit that there is, indeed, no OSHA compliance in the Republic/Empire; most galactic governments have little regard for individual lives, and the galactic corporations that design and run the facilities are essentially sovereign states unto themselves.
- Before we get on to the many, many failures, they were getting better by Return of the Jedi - Darth Vader falls against the railing as he battles Luke. Maybe one of the few good things about having the Emperor in power was the introduction of better guidelines... It still doesn't explain why this chasm was in the Emperor's throne room, though. However, the Emperor was the most powerful Sith Lord who ever lived and was a power-mad tyrant with utter confidence in his abilities to see the future, he probably just liked the view and planned on throwing other people down there for his own amusement.
- And apparently even the high-ranking officials don't care much about their own safety either, considering the Emperor's own Throne Room featured its own Bottomless Pit. At least those pits had guard rails...which were at waist height...
- Ironic that the one walkway in the entire station that had railings is the one that the Emperor gets thrown off of.
- Mocked mercilessly in the Star Wars comic, "A Death Star is Born" (along with the trench and the idea of using it to destroy the Death Star):
Palpatine: What about these bottomless pits. Would it be too much to ask for some safety rails? I mean, I'm ruthless, but I gotta walk these halls too, and my balance ain't what it used to be. |
- In a A New Hope, the tractor beam's power is controlled through a panel perched on a tower over a bottomless pit. Also, the catwalk to access the controls is about a foot wide. And those two controller dudes perched on the itty bitty platform right next to the gigantic superlaser beam! This is explicitly noted in Family Guy's "Blue Harvest" Star Wars parody.
Death Star superlaser technician 1: [after blowing up Alderaan] So, anyway, I says, "Forget the dental plan, forget sick leave. I just want a railing. You know, one railing right here!" |
- There was a comedic Star Wars Fanfic on the Jedi Council forums that begins with Darth Vader rolling over in bed one morning and almost falling into one of those chasms that had suddenly appeared overnight. Commentators eventually decided that they're all plot holes.
- Also lampshaded on Robot Chicken. A janitor working on the lower levels of various worlds constantly has to sweep away the corpses of people who have fallen to their deaths down such pits. No matter where he relocates to, it is still a common occurrence in his job.
- Coruscant is chock full of Floating Platforms, none of which have any railings.
- Padme's apartment, at the top of a miles-high skyscraper, also has a huge open balcony with no railings in her living room. It is, however, convenient for parking a starfighter there so that one can make a dramatic exit.
- Mustafar. Between the unstable (after Obi and Vader cause a Failsafe Failure) platforms all over and the lava, you wonder why the Trade Feds even bothered going there. The only thing keeping the place from melting to slag were the forcefields... which were disabled by two guys laser-swordfighting.
- The Phantom Menace's climactic lightsaber battle maintained the franchise's proud standard of bottomless pits without safety rails around them.
- It is likely that one of the biggest problems in the Star Wars universe is death by door. Palpatine must've hired Joseph-Ignace Guillotin as his interior designer.
- Worse yet: the blast doors. These are quadruple-section doors that close in from the corners, leaving an increasingly-shrinking square in the middle. Yes, in the event of decompression or a firefight, these doors need to close quickly for the safety of the onboard personnel (and to prevent pesky intruders from escaping, natch.) But if a body (organic or mechanic) gets caught in the opening and mulched by the doors, that's a whole lotta cleaning up involved, and that's if the doors don't jam from all that matter caught in them.
- In the Game Mod Moviebattles II for Star Wars Jedi Academy there was a bug on a map which caused doors to instantly crush any poor fool who was between them when they shut. For a while there was a fighting strategy based on doing this to foes.
- An episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars has a clonetrooper dying in exactly this way while trying to escape from a maximum-security Separatist prison planet. The actual death is off-screen, but you can tell exactly what happened.
- Darths and Droids points outs that the only safety railing ever seen was here just to harm Obi-Wan [1].
- In Alien, the Nostromo has obnoxious strobe lights and steam jets that have no apparent purpose other than to make life difficult once the self-destruct protocol is initiated, while the third film has a man cleaning a tunnel right next to a fan that has no protective venting whatsoever. LV-426 in Aliens does have handrails, but they are only thigh-high, and result in at least one Colonial Marine (who, granted, was on fire) falling over and plummeting through the floors of an atmosphere processor.
- Lampshaded in I Robot when Will Smith, trying to get to the brain of the villain computer, complains about the stupidity of a design involving narrow catwalks suspended over a 100+ -story shaft. Especially when trying to cross while being attacked by hundreds of killer robots.
Spooner: This is poor building planning. |
- Everything in The Machinist. It's not clear what the machines are actually for, but their main goal in life seems to be to maim the workers. The off buttons are in on the conspiracy.
- The climactic battle in The One, starring Jet Li, takes place in just such a factory. A couple of isolated, detonated explosives, and suddenly the entire building is a shower of sparks and flame. But at least the walkways can handle guys leaping twenty feet into the air before landing on them.
- Quantum of Solace: If you're going to run your hotel on hydrogen fuel cells, you might want to protect all that explosive hydrogen with more than a chain-link fence. Then again, the hotel was still under construction. How, exactly, does one recharge said fuel cells? By separating the hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms in plain, ordinary water, which is, thanks to Quantum's activities, in *very* short supply in Bolivia. Karmic Death never tasted so good.
- Justified in the 1984 Killer Robot movie Runaway, where the reason for the lack of safety rails on a construction site is that only robots work up there. Knowing that the hero suffers from vertigo, it's where the Big Bad chooses to make a hostage exchange.
- In Spider-Man 3, the soon-to-be Sandman falls into a sand-filled open pit that is part of some lethal-looking experiment involving mysterious radiation. He had to climb a fence with a sign that said "DANGER DON'T COME IN HERE", which he either missed or ignored in desperation to escape the cops. Considering how many superheroes and -villains owe their powers to messed-up experiments, one would think that engineers and scientists have learned to at least put a cover on the damn pit so that enterprising kids and random rabbits don't fall in. There is a fence and a warning sign, but apparently they never got the memo that the Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence only existed in video games.
- Seen in the 1984 film, Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan, in the engine room of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Apparently, there's some sort of engine chamber containing radioactive materials, and the only way to enter this chamber is through a revolving door. When Spock goes in to make repairs (with no radiation suit!) he cannot be retrieved for medical treatment because the entire compartment would be flooded with radiation. Justified by the massive battle damage that had caused the leak in the first place. Word of God is that Starfleet had that design there because they figured any ship that damaged was as good as dead anyway.
- The novel version also has no failsafes to stop flow through the main coolant pipe (and warp engine coolant is simultaneously toxic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, and radioactive), because the designers figured that any impact hard enough to break the main coolant pipe would already have broken the ship in half first. Turns out they were wrong.
- In the 2009 Star Trek film, Romulan Space Mining Corp apparently picked up ship designs plans from the Republic/Imperial Industrial Design Bureau, specifically volume 3 "Platforms, No Safety Railings, and Bottomless Chasms". Given justification in the prequel comic, saying the Narada was warped by Borg tech (which is why it can take down 47 Klingon warships at once).
- Alternate-timeline Starfleet, on the other hand, makes this token effort to avert the trope in the transporter room: "Caution: Do not enter transporter while transport is in progress." Most people when dealing with a something as absurdly dangerous and volatile as a transporter (which in terms of Starfleet accidents are probably second after the infamous holodeck) would have instituted advanced technology like a door, which would have to be shut before the transporter could be operated.
- Its pointed out on the page for 2009 Star Trek that an actual door would make it hard to do immediate medical triage on anyone being beamed in, which is quite often when beaming in injured people from away missions gone wrong in almost any version of Star Trek.
- Though the engineering areas of Federation ships in the movie seem to have plenty of railings and OHSA compliance (they would, since they were filmed in actual factories, like the Budweiser brewery!), there's no clear reason why those super-futuristic warp cores need so much smoke and fire, or why interplanetary shuttlecraft seem to emit so much steam.
- The movie seems to avert many of the usual problems of the warp core nonetheless (see the TV section). There are several smaller cores and they are not exposed. In fact, they seem to be contained in the floor and disconnected for maintenance or ejection.
- The water pipes might be thought to fall into the same category but were evidently coolant (which every machine needs), with a handy emergency release valve, to release pressure buildups or on the off chance that some poor Scottish guy would accidentally teleport himself inside it and risk getting sucked into that giant blender.
- In Nemesis the trope again rears its ugly head. The green shiny glowy thing channeling Thalaron radiation in Shinzon's ship is all open and exposed, allowing anybody to walk right up to it, hand phaser said glowy thing, and blow the ship all to hell.
- Oh, First Contact...
- Some of the hull windows were said to be force fields, but this was in an enclosed maintenance-type area seemingly only accessible via Jeffries tubes. As it is, force fields are used to seal hull breaches in any case in every series other then Enterprise.
- Also in First Contact, there are some coolant pipes running up from the floor. They are filled with a flesh-melting gas capable of filling quite a good chunk of engineering. The plan involves puncturing one by shooting it. The backup plan has Data... punching it. Yes, Data is strong. However, I shall never work in engineering on a Federation starship with this knowledge.
- Alternate-timeline Starfleet, on the other hand, makes this token effort to avert the trope in the transporter room: "Caution: Do not enter transporter while transport is in progress." Most people when dealing with a something as absurdly dangerous and volatile as a transporter (which in terms of Starfleet accidents are probably second after the infamous holodeck) would have instituted advanced technology like a door, which would have to be shut before the transporter could be operated.
- This could be because the Borg altered it to contain much more volatile things the it contained earlier. The Borg probably didn't bother to upgrade the tanks, because well they have reserves. So an accident wouldn't have been as big as issue for them. Unless their Queen just happened to be nearby when the thing ruptured.
- The final battle in Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the chain and railing keeping you from falling into a vat of molten iron is about knee-high; perfect tripping height!
- The film does at least try to justify having no-one else around: When a tanker full of liquid nitrogen hits the steel mill, the staff evacuate ASAP.
- The original's factory at the end was hardly the paramount of safety either.
- And yet strangely averted in Terminator Salvation: Skynet's Terminator foundry, built by Skynet, for the purpose of building killer robots, and staffed entirely by killer robots - big heavy killer robots who would surely crumple safety rails like tin foil - has safety rails.
- That whole installation sure is a hell of a Steam & Flame Factory, though.
- The foundry is a downright inversion of the trope. Despite being completely automated and not intended to contain anything apart from the robots necessary to forge more robots, the foundry has staircases, corridors, and open spaces suitable for humans to move around in. This serves no purpose than making the foundry easier to infiltrate and move around in for completely unauthorized human invaders, as the robot arms doing robot assembly would have no use for such things.
- If the robot arms ever need maintenance or replacement, then the maintenance robots have to be able to reach them — and Skynet's mobile robots tend to use legs.
- The Martian spaceport in Total Recall, where the windows protecting the terminal from the near-vacuum outside: a) are not bulletproof, despite the presence of armed guards and agents, b) shatter completely from a handful of bullet holes, making those small holes into one large one, and c) have emergency shutters that must be activated manually, while holding on for dear life as the room rapidly decompresses due to the aforementioned large hole in the wall. Possibly justified; the man running the whole show cheaped out on the construction except for the areas housing the weathly.
- And the whole bay over the dome is just as fragile, minus the shutter due to it size.
- Tron: The digitizing laser should have been constructed and installed in such away that it could never target anything that was outside of a clearly-marked danger area, let alone one of the computer terminals that control it.
- Safety features intended to prevent against accident are less effective against deliberate sabotage, and the MCP was trying to vaporize Flynn.
- In both the film and comic versions of Watchmen someone thought it was a good idea to have a room with what is essentially a disintegrator run on a timer. Meaning the timer automatically closes and locks the door, before activating the machine a bit later. All of this without anyone present to make sure someone doesn't wander through the door, get locked it and vaporized. Apparently there's not even an emergency stop switch anywhere near the machine either. Or, inside the room.
- And yet, the inability to open the door after the countdown's started? "It's a safety feature." In the comic the font size of the text is intentionally taken down to point out that the scientist himself sees the stupidity of the safety feature.
- In Event Horizon, the ship shows The Medic a vision of her son back home to lure her into the bowels of the mechanism. After chasing it up several levels on a ladder, she finally reaches out her hand to take his... and plummets several stories into the engine room, off a darkened ledge with no handrail. To be fair, it may have had a handrail before the ship went to hell and back.
- Half the title city in Metropolis fits this trope. Unlike most examples, the fact that the people running the factory didn't care about the safety of the workers is a major plot point.
- In Avatar, the main operations center of Hell's Gate base has an unairlocked door opening directly into the vehicle bay, which is often open to the not-breathable-by-humans Pandoran atmosphere.
- It's an emergency exit with warning stripes and everything, so airlocks get you killed in the event of a fire. Incidentally, there are plenty of breath masks in the room, as demonstrated when someone walks out the door, and those could also be used by anyone needing to fight a fire. Someone was paying attention.
- The generator of Ember, the city in the titular movie, has catwalks and stairs going above and alongside heavy, dangerous, steam-emitting machinery of all kinds. And the official, government-approved method to escape the city involves hundreds to thousands of people riding a ridiculously dangerous water toboggan on tiny wooden boats that are intended to pass above large water turbines.
- Oh, Jurassic Park. In both the novel and the film, the park is not ready to be opened to the general public, and in the novel, Hammond is simply too arrogant to really care. In the films, he's too optimistic.
- "I told you we needed locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors!" Hammond's much-vaunted automated tour cars can be opened while in motion, and the vehicle does not stop at any point. It could make it incredibly easy for a guest to get lost in the park (with all the environmental hazards this implies), or get run over by another tour car.
- There are poisonous—but very pretty! — plants everywhere throughout the facilities, from the Visitor Center landscaping (within reach of guests, including children) to the animal enclosures, where the park's prized dinosaurs could consume them. In the novel, Ellie even lampshades the stupidity of having an incredibly poisonous plant around the pool. This plant is so toxic you can get sick just from touching it.
- Electric fences are within quick and easy reach of anyone, from park guests to park personnel. If a park guest gets out of the tour car (see above) there's nothing stopping them from reaching out and grabbing a fence line. Also, there are security doors to the animal paddocks which have electrified locks on the outside of the door, so anyone wandering the service roads can stumble into them.
- Raptors are loaded into (and presumably, unloaded from) their exclusive pen by means of a large opening at the end of the structure. A cage is then pushed into place so that it opens into this door, spilling its content into the raptor pen. The problems with this are numerous: a) there is no mechanism locking the cage into place and fix it to the door; b) there's no counterweight on the other side of the cage; c) the cage is light enough to be pushed into place by hand; d) the cage door has to be raised by a park worker standing on top of the cage and lifting the door with his own strength and balance—even though the pen is already equipped with a crane for lowering food into it.
- No independent, battery-powered emergency lighting anywhere. Not even in the service sheds with the deep, steep staircases leading down into pitch darkness. And we don't mean "flashlights," we mean basic emergency floodlights on walls or ceilings, particularly in vital areas like the control rooms and generator rooms.
- Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. The power goes out and it seems not a single building in town has emergency lights except the hospital, where they flicker uncontrollably.
- Skyline gives us the trusty old "roof door that locks people out on the roof". Roof doors only lock on the inside of the building, to keep people from going out and jumping/falling off. They don't have locks on the outside so people don't get stuck out there.
- The higher-ups of Ellingson Mineral Company in Hackers, apparently, think that an oil tanker has no need for manual controls, because computers are much safer. So what happens when a virus gets into the mainframe and is propagated to the tanker computers?
The Plague: The little boat flipped over. |
- The Bloody Hilarious german training video Klaus the Forklift Driver. It must be seen to be believed.
- In Let the Right One In, fourth-floor hospital windows can be opened - by the patient from the inside, no less! Shockingly, someone falls to his death. Even in 1980s Europe, windows in hospitals were permanently closed to prevent suicide, or sometimes people getting in.
- The Final Destination films might as well have been called No OSHA Compliance: The Movies, considering how many gruesomely-fatal accidents result from a single trivial mechanical glitch.
- Averted early in The Incredible Hulk, when Bruce Banner (working at a Brazilian soft drink bottling plant) cuts his finger and immediately has them shut down the production line so he can make sure his blood didn't taint any bottles. Unfortunately, Bruce stops when he sees a blood spatter on the conveyor belt, completely missing the droplet that landed on a bottle and kicks off the main plot by revealing his location to General Ross.
- The eponymous chocolate factory in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. Think about it... eighty percent of the tour group were injured or lost along the way. The closest thing the place had to safety equipment were the suits and goggles they had to wear in the Wonkavision room.
- In The Fellowship of the Ring, the Fellowship has to cross the bridge of Khazad-Dum in Moria, which is right above a huge chasm with no rails or walls, narrow enough for just one person. Its justified since its a defensive measure built by the dwarves in case goblins or some one attacked.
- Some parts of the eponymous factory in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are pretty dangerous. However, in this case the invocation of this trope is likely quite deliberate, given Wonka's complete lack of care for the children constantly getting into horrible accidents all around him.
- That's also where he got Oompa Loompas (1 Fridge Brilliance point goes to Caldwell Tanner).
- The Chicago meatpacking industry in Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle. Whole industry, not just a plant.
- One steel manufacturing plant also gets its due. In turn-of-the-century Chicago there are very few non-hazardous industrial jobs, since there are few if any capitalist motives to keep low-level employees safe and healthy; as soon as one worker gets sick or injured there are hundreds if not thousands of desperate immigrants lined up at the factory gates to take his place.
- Most of the illustrations of machines and architecture in the works of Dr. Seuss are full of tall, rickety buildings as well as staircases and walkways with no guardrails.
- While it's not the site of a fight scene, the titular school of the Wayside School series of books exemplifies this trope. The setting is a 30-classroom school "accidentally" built thirty stories high, and missing a nineteenth story. The school can start to sway as a result of high winds (as per the second novel in the series, Wayside School is Falling Down). The main characters, a class of students on the thirtieth floor, are led onto the rooftop by their teacher. A fire drill is also taking place, and the students believe that no one will be able to rescue them. However, it's only a herd of cows that have somehow managed to get onto every floor of the building. Poor planning, at that.
- You can also fall out of the window if you're too close to it and fall asleep. Luckily, the school is so tall that there's plenty of time for Louis the yard teacher to run up and catch you.
- Subversion of the inversion of the "No Seat Belts in Star Trek" issue below, in a Deep Space Nine novel: despite shoddy production standards in the future's future (as the Federation is falling apart and the universe is about to end), the new Phoenix features safety restraints on all the bridge chairs. Captain Nog then uses them to restrain the entire bridge crew in preparation to betray them to the Romulans. It's a time-paradox-enabled Gambit Roulette.
- Death Star the novel by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry from Star Wars Expanded Universe. Bureaucratic incompetence and slave labor combines to create a really unsafe Death Star. Are you going to make your evil master's starbase safe?
- Subverted in Spinneret: the alien facility that the humans are investigating has nice things like safety interlocks on doors to prevent people from entering hazardous areas. Problem is, humans can't read the warning signs, and interlocks don't help if you're on the wrong side of the door before things are turned on...
- The third book of Septimus Heap features a narrow, wobbling bridge without handrails.
- The Great Ship series has very little in the way of OSHA compliance - ships and trains will accelerate at a hundred Earth gravities, turning the passengers into what amounts to a bag of blood and bone dust, until the passenger's Healing Factor kicks in.
- In Foundation, it is mentioned that "some fool tampered with" a large nuclear plant, and, depending on the edition, either leveled or contaminated half a city. An earlier story featured a badly repaired station doing the same to half a planet.
- The issue is averted in Swedish diselpunk novel Iskriget in which Johnny, a protagonist who usually works in a civilian airship, comments negatively on the cramped crew spaces inside a Russian military ice-cruiser.
- If students at regular boarding schools faced similar dangers to what's considered normal in Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series, parents would be in a perpetual state of hysteria. Though it has to be said that since even most major injuries can be fixed with a swish of a wand or a gulp of potion, people's notion of danger in the magical world is very different from the Muggle world.
Live-Action TV[]
- The Doctor Who episode "The End Of The World" features a space station that has a crucial switch on the other side of a rail-less walkway lined up with and directly underneath three giant rapidly spinning propellers. The only safety measure introduced is a lever that when held down simply slows down the propellers allowing passage. Apparently there will still be no safety regulations five billion years in the future.
- In the episode "42", the Doctor attempts to recall an escape pod, for which the controls are inexplicably on the outside of the ship. Not only that, the handle is just out of arm's reach.
- The first episode "Rose" had an underground location that was two parts OSHA compliance handrails, and the rest definitely NOT OSHA compliant, with a nice platform opening up to the Auton controller's pit.
- The radio tower in Logopolis. With fatal implications.
- The maintenance walkway is not supposed to be occupied by people when the antenna is in operation. It's there solely to reach the antenna assemblies during down time. The Master ignored this, and the Doctor had to pursue him.
- The TARDIS is an especially Egregious example. Any time something goes wrong with its systems, it threatens to destroy anything from an inhabited planet to the entire universe, and this happens so often that it was Lampshaded in the "Time Crash" special, with the Doctor observing that the TARDIS's latest hiccup is threatening to create a hole in the universe the size of Belgium and commenting that it's a bit undramatic. One wonders why the Valeyard didn't just haul the Doctor in for violating TARDIS safety regs.
- "The Rebel Flesh" opens with someone playfully shoving their co-worker, who is standing on the rim of a vat of acid. Guess what happens.
- However, it is somewhat averted at the same time because the workers do not approach the acid in person if they can help it. They instead send in quickly grown clones, who are considered expendable.
- Star Trek is the king of unsafe work environments.
- In fact, StarDestroyer.Net contains an essay (written by an engineer) specifically about the subject. And a small fanfic about a starship designer being tried for non OSHA compliance.
- Computers explode whenever the ship is hit by weapons fire or an inverse tachyon something or other, even though these computers are just terminals that wouldn't require more power than is needed for basic processing power, a network interface, and display.
- There is a real life technical explanation for this. An electrical engineer on a major Trek message board explains the real world reason for "Exploding Consoles of Doom" here. Of course, the engineer seems to be assuming that the consoles are full-blown mainframe computer systems complete with DC power feeds. In reality, they are little more than touchscreen panels for operating systems that reside elsewhere in the ship. Generally-speaking, one does not worry that a PC or an iPad sitting in a charger will explode and send a user hurtling across the room should a bolt of lightning strike their poorly-grounded house.
- In one episode of the series Star Trek: The Next Generation Worf is paralyzed when a barrel of some substance, which is stored high above the floor without proper bracing, falls on him. Not only is the design faulty, in allowing such a container to fall (if you must place such an object in such a dangerous place, at least have it held by straps that are strong enough to withstand anything other than the entire room being destroyed, or at least major damage, rather than the minor shake the room was subjected to), but the fact that there was no inquiry into safety measures and procedures after a major injury to a crew member only heightened the unreality of running a Star Fleet in such a manner. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that it wasn't seen in the episode, since that would have been boring. Considering that Worf is Klingon, he would be able to take much more punishment than a human. That barrel would probably have killed a member of any other species, with the possible exception of a Vulcan who are comparably tough.
- The Honor Harrington series, which has many Trek references, repeatedly shows what would really happen if "inertial compensators" failed even momentarily on a ship travelling a good portion of light speed; everyone in the ship gets turned into "strawberry jam". Minor structural damage.
- Federation starships explode if someone sneezes in their general direction. It was stated in one first-season episode of Next Generation that the ship could be destroyed by one man in the engine room with a hand weapon (and it almost happened!). The exposed warp core is because of Rule of Cool in set design. Avoided on some ships (e.g. Defiant-class), which are actually MEANT for shooting stuff as their main purpose rather than one of the things they can do, where they have a force field surrounding their warp core.
- Depending on the setting needed on the hand weapon, this might not be a major failure. The whole standard 1 shot disintegration is setting 4 or 5 of 16. If you need 15 or 16, or the overload setting, then that's using an antitank gun on the core. I'm fairly sure using an anti-tank weapon directly on the core of an aircraft carrier reactor would cause bad things as well.
- A sane design — such as the aforementioned aircraft carrier's — would isolate the reactor core inside a separate, airtight, and heavily armored room, not place it in the control room! People are killed needlessly every time the thing springs a leak.
- Think about this for a moment. The casing of the warp core is only a couple of metres in diameter, yet is sufficiently tough to be able to withstand a continuous matter-antimatter annihilation going on inside that is millions of times more energetic than the biggest nuclear reactor ever conceived, but it can be breached with a basic standard-issue firearm from the outside. Said weapon can release similar amounts of energy to a small army.
- The Enterprise-E also got a force field for their warp core. It failed the second the ship was fired upon!
- When the term "warp core breach" was first introduced (in TNG: "Contagion"), it was explicitly justified as an event which was vanishingly rare and astonishing due to all the failsafes, and coming about only because a computer virus caused total systems failure (leaving one to wonder where their physical safeguards were). But once the show's writers learned that "core breach = danger," they began invoking core breaches more and more often and the vanishing rarity of the event was forgotten.
- Made particularly laughable by them introducing the idea that by the TNG era the warp core is ejectable in the event that it starts to explode, but the ejection systems somehow always fail. According to the behind-the-scenes technical manuals this is particularly egregious given that the warp core ejection system is based on electromagnets holding the core in place, and requires power to not work. Think about that next time you see Geordi or Data say "ejection systems are offline"!
- Geordi and Data often perform experiments involving hazardous materials in Engineering. Not only that, the only separation between them and the material is a container (which always breaks) and a force field (that just barely holds).
- Deep Space Nine had many scenes set on the multilevel Promenade. The second floor safety railings went from two bars to one. Neither setting stopped people from falling over and dying (though Jake and Nog got scolded a lot for hanging over them). The elevator to the control center/bridge had no safety cage!
- Holodeck Malfunctions. Statistically, these Virtual Injury\Death Traps have to be at least as dangerous as the Borg, Klingons or Romulans. Despite 'Safety Protocols', these suffer from frequent Failsafe Failure, or better yet, are often disabled by the Senior Officers, leading to the either the main characters being A) trapped B) injured or killed C) nearly injured or killed D) The Near Destruction of the Enterprise. However, despite clear evidence that even entering one of these things about as safe as playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets, it's never taken off-line. At the very least you would expect to see a Sign warning 'Enter at your own risk', or 'Safety Protocols Subject to Frequent Random Failures' etc Evidently The Federation has no Product Liability Laws, that, or they sign the waivers off-screen. Almost a Trope unto itself, similar to the equally dangerous and unpredictable 'Teleporter Malfunction'.
- It's rather remarkable that if holodecks existed today they would probably be classified as "thrill rides" due to the potentially exciting nature of the content available. Thrill rides require an operator to watch the ride and stop it in an emergency - even mundane kid's rides! Holodecks have no such thing - the computer doesn't even stop the simulation when it renders a bullet which could kill a user and then fires that bullet at a user!
- There's also the matter of characters purposefully turning off the safety protocols in the holodeck. The first time we see this (TNG's Descent) the computer says that to disable the safety protocols requires the authorization of at least two senior officers and warns about the danger. By Voyager Seven of Nine was able to disable the safety protocol by herself with a vocal command, no authorization needed, no warning from the computer. In addition you would think the system would notify someone that the safety protocols have been disabled given how dangerous the holodeck can be, yet in another Voyager episode B'elanna Torres was able to engage in various Death Seeker activities with the safeties off and the crew was none the wiser. They only found out by actively searching through the holodeck records after B'elanna had seriously injured herself.
- In an unusual tip of the cap to capitalism, Quark's privately-owned holosuites on Deep Space Nine never endangered anyone's life, and in fact actually saved the lives of the crew in one episode by storing their mental patterns. This is quite sensible, really, since even the greediest Ferengi have to know that killing customers is bad for business. It's usual application appears to variations on 'brothel' with much fewer potentially dangerous programs.
- In an early episode of Star Trek: Enterprise ("Unexpected"), Tucker notes the elevator handrail is a few inches away form a support beam, meaning if someone would to put their hand on it then it would take their fingers clean off. The Red Shirt he's telling this to replies "Why would someone put their hands on it?" Yes, that's right, you're not supposed to use the handrail. Made worse by the fact it was meant to just be Tucker being all hormonal because he's pregnant (long story).
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 commented on this trope when the guys riffed on the South African sci-fi flick Space Mutiny, pointing out the numerous "railing kills" during the movie. One of the host segments takes the gag a step further, with Servo installing railings all over the Satellite of Love in order to meet OSHA safety standards.
- And so as not to make the newly-installed railings useless, Servo also installs some holes to put railings around. Mike inevitably trips over a railing and falls into the hole.
- In The X-Files episode "Beyond the Sea," the climactic chase scene takes place in an abandoned brewery that is falling apart. One of the villains steps through a wooden plank bridge and falls several stories to his death.
- Lampshaded and subverted in That Mitchell and Webb Look, where a generic Evil Overlord wants to install a Trap Door underneath a chair, as per the cliche. Safety regulations mean that, when a button is pressed, railings rise from the floor to block him off, a red siren descends from the ceiling and a voiceover announces that Trapdoor 4 is about to open, and gives a countdown. Eventually, the supposed victim figures it out and leaves. The scene prior where the architect comes in and he tries to have a Bookcase Passage and a revolving fireplace put in, both of which are either impossible to build or require lots of visible warning signs which would be less theatrical than what the villain wants.
- Lampshaded in Hyperdrive when the Commander and York find themselves on a narrow, rail-less walkway suspended hundreds of feet above a Swirly Energy Thingy.
Cmdr Henderson: Why would anything on this ship have to be so high? |
- Stargate variously plays straight and averts this with the gates themselves. The gates have some built in safety measures, but the splash when they activate is very dangerous, and the danger zone is almost never marked off. Also, the gate will happily splat you against a barrier at the far end or dump you into vacuum with no warning. And most users go through without checking conditions on the far side first. The Air Force mostly averts the trope with several added safety features and probes to check out unknown gate addresses. Also averted by the fact that, while the gate system has several checks in place to make sure that the other end is safe, Stargate Command lacked a critical piece of the original gate technology and had to reverse-engineer the protocol, missing several of the safety messages.
- It's also been mentioned in at least one episode that the SGC (or at least, Carter) will sometimes override safety protocols built into the Stargate itself because SGC needs to bypass several to make their MacGyvering work.
- Stargate Universe has the space ship Destiny which actually has many safety features but the ship is so old and damaged that the crew has to override or bypass them all the time to get the ship working. Often enough this gets someone hurt or killed. The ship computer locks out stargate addresses it deems unsafe. Two scientists who override the lock are never seen again after they step through the gate.
- A lot of Goa'uld tech plays the trope dead straight. Lampshaded once by Daniel after SG-1 gets knocked around the cabin while aboard a Goa'uld cargo shuttle:
Daniel: You'd think a race smart enough to fly across the galaxy would be smart enough to have seatbelts. |
- The House episode "Emancipation" started with a factory manager collapsing right on top of a conveyor belt headed towards a metal stamping press and only avoided being squashed because someone pressed the stop button in the nick of time. You'd think they'd have guard rails around the thing.
- The bridge of the biomech spaceship Lexx is a platform jutting out above a 100-story chasm. Many, many guest stars fall to their deaths here. No, there isn't so much as a guardrail. Justified because the Cluster, where it was built, has little to no concern for human life. You have to pay for tardiness with your own organs, for Christ's sake.
- In the original Battlestar Galactica, after much trial and error the Cylon fighters realize they can do more damage to the capital ship by crashing into it than by shooting. They succeed in setting fire to the flight deck, causing much panic before someone remembers that they're in space and can just pump in some vacuum from outside. The problem? This will kill the civilians unless bulkheads can be closed to contain the fire. Where is the switch for the bulkheads? On the outside surface of the ship. Who is the technical crew assigned to performing a dangerous EVA to throw the switch? The two senior combat pilots. One comments on the urgency of their task, to which the other responds, "I know, that's why I disconnected our safety tethers, they'll only slow us down."
- Lampshaded in Farscape, after the (admittedly scavenged) Zelbion defence shield explodes, Crichton shouts "Haven't you people ever heard of FUSES?!" and the walkways leading to Pilot's den don't have railings. Yes, this has resulted in at least two lethal falls.
- The Ice Road Truckers spinoff IRT: Deadliest Roads demonstrates real life examples of this on the high-altitude roads of India and Bolivia. One-lane roads with no guardrails, 1000+ foot dropoffs, and tight spots where it's nearly impossible to get through without the dirt crumbling beneath at least one tire, are distressingly common. And that's to say nothing of the near-suicidal local drivers that our heroes encounter.
- Six Feet Under The 1st season dough mixer accident seems far-fetched; there simply should have been more safety precautions on a piece of industrial equipment like that.
Newspaper Comics[]
Tabletop Games[]
- Paranoia tabletop role-playing game: Life in the dystopian Alpha Complex is a daily struggle against insane regulations, faulty or untested equipment and impossible odds for most clones (against their fellow clones). Especially if they happen to fall into the food vats. Remember, citizen, happiness is mandatory. The Computer is your friend.
- Not only justified but actively encouraged in Paranoia. Since The Computer is responsible for everything, questioning safety measures means you are questioning The Computer. Which is treason.
- Not bringing potentially dangerous working conditions to the attention of Friend Computer is also treason, but that's a different trope.
- Not only justified but actively encouraged in Paranoia. Since The Computer is responsible for everything, questioning safety measures means you are questioning The Computer. Which is treason.
- Some of the artwork for Warhammer 40,000 utterly embraces this trope (as do certain game mechanics - for example, every tank is a Sherman), in the name of the Rule of Cool. Oddly averted in-universe however, as the Adeptus Mechanicus do follow safety instructions.
- They don't seem to think too much about people tripping on the exposed cables they leave all over the floor in every single piece of art they appear in, though. Repeatedly lampshaded in the Ciaphas Cain series.
- Depending on your average tech priest, Machine Safety may mean making things safe for their operators or making things safe for the machines. Securing the obligatory giant industrial fan may mean putting a grating on top of it... or making it strong enough that it can shear through a human falling into it without ceasing to work.
- Spelljammer setting has "Accelerator", Magitek cannon that pulls into the barrel and shoots anything placed on its reception cup. Which specifically stated to include a torn off hand of any poor sod who failed to drop ammo accurately, or accidentally grabbed the cup (gravity shifts and "Ship Shaken" events are fairly common, so stumbling around is expected, if not detailed). Because the cup is exposed without any sort of feeding mechanism, and the device itself is constantly active as long as it's present on a powered vessel. The Arcane merchants' idea of safety measures usually is "memo: don't forget to add guard rails".
- Robo Rally revolves around robots who race for their lives in a factory full of lasers, crushers, Conveyor Belt O' Doom, and so on...
- In Exalted this is the unintentional design ethos of Autochthon, the Primordial "god" of technology and progress. Machines practically worship him and are incapable of hurting him, so it never occurs to him to bother with even the most basic safety features. He just doesn't realize that rapidly spinning razor sharp gears, giant slamming pistons, huge arcs of lightning, deadly steam vents, and whipping monofilaments are dangerous to other people. His creations are all of impeccable quality and quite unlikely to break, but he makes no attempts at safety for humans users. Autochthon's inhabited interior isn't any safer.
Video Games[]
- No Delivery: Stezzoni Pizzeria looks like it has not been cleaned in decades, trash is scattered all over the place, and the Wrong Turns contain monsters that will kill anyone who ends up in them. Many employees have died over the years and get replaced just as quickly, and practically no one bats an eye. So much for Stezzoni Pizzeria placing the safety of its employees as its number one priority.
- Super Mario Bros.: Every single castle Bowser owns falls so hard into this you have to wonder how he doesn't manage to off himself with his own traps long before Mario gets to him, since they are usually filled with lava pits, semi-sentient leaping fireballs, spiked floors/walls/ceilings, etc. Most nonsensically of all, why he purposely left an axe to sever the supports on the drawbridge you find him on in the very first game, which is usually one of the very few reasonably safe places to stand, will, aside from otherwise being needed for the gameplay, fail to make any rational sense.
- The Last Resort hotel in Luigi's Mansion 3 would fit this Trope even without the ghosts stalking Luigi. The bathrooms have broken plumbing, restaurant and kitchen is a health hazard with spoiled food all over the place (not to mention the chef the type who fills the whole kitchen with smoke), the security guard in the hotel stores is a lazy coward who hides in the security office (paying no heed to Luigi looting the actual shops), the theater has discarded popcorn boxes and soda cups strewn all over the place, and so on. It's full of vermin, including mice, bats, and spiders (well, ghost mice, bats, and spiders). Of course, it seems very likely that ghosts are the intended clientele, so this may be justified. And it looks much better when Hellen Gravely casts her spell.
- The freeware RPG Ara Fell takes place on a floating continent, and there are sheer drop-offs EVERYWHERE, all without guard-rails, to the distant land below, including in the starting village. Even some houses have huge holes in their floors dropping off to the world below.
- Averted in Run like Hell. It’s pretty clear that the designers of the ship went out of their way to make sure the ship doesn’t blow up. Unfortunately, this presents a problem when the hero decides to destroy it to kill the invading aliens.
- In the classic adventure Platformer Another World, AKA Out of This World, not only Lester obviously pulled off all safeguards from his particle accelerator when he decided to work with it during a thunderstorm. The aliens in the world where he got teleported as a result seem to never have even heard the word "safety". But then, the game is self-acknowledgingly Nintendo Hard...
- The "Grunty Industries" level of Banjo-Tooie is a giant five-story factory full of dangerous exposed machinery such as giant crushers, frayed wires, exposed grinders, entire floors covered with acid, and air vents full of slime creatures that fart toxic gas. It wouldn't look so bad outside if it weren't surrounded by a moat of purple slime full of hungry mutants.
- The first game also had Rusty Bucket Bay, which was just as dangerous. For starters, the water outside drowns you on the surface. Its engine room is full of rotating walkways, giant exposed gears, and other dangerous machinery. And this is all located above toxic water with no guardrails.
- Witchyworld, a rundown, decrepit theme park with broken, dangerous rides and deranged employees that will attack anyone on sight.
- "Donkey Kong 64" had Frantic Factory, which seemed to be a toy factory, complete with wind-up crocodile robots, killer dominoes, dice, blocks and rulers.
- All Donkey Kong Country factories to be honest. Kremkroc Industries in the first had the rather perilous Blackout Basement, where the lights went on and off every few seconds, the second had open vats of what seemed like liquid metal, and a freaking off screen sniper aiming at anyone trying to enter, and Returns has similar dangers to those in the last games plus a area only traversable via ROCKET. Which happens to be straight through the heavy machinery. Also, few hand rails at all, if any.
- The Factory area of Beyond Good and Evil, though inhabited by the Army, would be decidedly unsafe without them. Among other things, it contains rows of grills that do nothing but spew flames, unrailed catwalks several stories above pools of water, substantial rat infestations, and more than a few platforms over pits that would certainly be death if not for Edge Gravity. The Slaughterhouse area, set inside a similar factory area, is equally non-OSHA-compliant.
- Lampshaded in Mass Effect 2's Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC when Shepard notes that the Shadow Broker's ship doesn't have any guardrails in a perpetual storm that has high-velocity winds.
Shepard: The Broker's agents must love patrolling the hull. |
- Even the second Normandy falls into this with the reactor-core having no discernible blast-door, so in the case of a power-surge or overload, the heat-sinks can discharge and end up incinerating people, which Kasumi found out if you didn't upgrade the shields. The upper level of the core has windows that lead directly into the crew quarters.
- The venting of the reactor core is mentioned in the third game, along with the fact that Cerberus isn't too keen on the safety of their agents.
- Even the second Normandy falls into this with the reactor-core having no discernible blast-door, so in the case of a power-surge or overload, the heat-sinks can discharge and end up incinerating people, which Kasumi found out if you didn't upgrade the shields. The upper level of the core has windows that lead directly into the crew quarters.
- Most areas, particularly industrial areas, in the Crusader games fall under this trope, but seeing as how safety precautions would cut into profits, the WEC naturally aren't interested in them.
- In Day of the Tentacle Dr. Fred has a machine that does nothing except produce toxic waste, because other mad scientists would laugh at him for running clean experiments. This ends up setting off the entire plot.
- In Donkey Kong, a construction site could be transformed into a maze of death traps by one escaped gorilla jumping up and down on the girders.
- Doom: Barrels of toxic waste strewn all over the place. And the pits of toxic waste, later lava, and blood. The Radiation Suit entry in the Doom II strategy guide calls this trope out almost word-for-word: "OSHA may not like it, but to get the job done, you're going to have to handle a little toxic waste."
- Mocked(?) by the Doom comic, when the Marine falls into a vat of toxic waste. He then climbs out and gives an out-of-nowhere full panel monologue about the world we're leaving for our children.
- Deconstructed in Doom 3. Even during the friendly introduction to the facility, numerous people complain about the dangerous conditions and complete lack of safety standards in their working environment.
- There's a room that is sealed off because radiation levels are too high. In order to pass through this room, you need to play a minigame in which you pick up barrels of toxic waste with a crane and drop them into an incinerator. This is arguably the most OSHA-compliant room in the entire game. The EPA, on the other hand, would probably not be thrilled.
- Dwarf Fortress tends to end up this way, particularly in Let's Play succession games. When one ruler builds a Death Trap, and the next either breaks it, breaks the off switch, or forgets about it entirely, it can only lead to disaster. The words "Why do we even have that lever?" would not be out of place here, either - legendary fortress Boatmurdered had one switch that flooded a siege workshop, for no apparent reason. The real Death Trap was used Exactly As Planned - to cover the world with magma.
- This tends to happen a lot when making large buildings, either far above ground or above one of the nigh-bottomless pits underground. Dwarves don't need handrails or safety ropes; as long as they have their four square feet of stairwell to stand on, they're perfectly capable of constructing buildings with their bare hands... unless they get into a fight for whatever reason and dodge the wrong way, in which case they are likely to fall to their deaths.
- During development, the ability to make minecarts go flying off ramps (and smack into each other mid-air) was implemented before the ability to have Dwarves ride them. Later work made it possible to do both... resulting in a Dwarf riding on a flying minecart having a fistfight with a Goblin on a ledge as he sails by.
- The Origin Facility in First Encounter Assault Recon. Pits with low handrails (if they're there at all), exposed machinery, electrical circuits out in the open... Armacham certainly cut their budget on safety there. Multiple areas which would be difficult to even work in, much less be safe in. One of the worst examples is the cleaning closet with one door that opens onto an elevator shaft, and another that opens onto a standard office area. Both doors are unlocked.
- The first level of the original F.E.A.R. game had employee information signs that read: "Remember it's Quantity, Quality, Safety, in that order."
- F.E.A.R. 2 seems to mostly avert this trope; Armacham Technology Corporation may not have many qualms with destroying peoples' minds and turning them into violent, mindless abominations and mass-cloning people whose only purposes are to act as obedient soldiers with no free will of their own, but at least they ensure that their employees work under safe conditions. The player can find numerous intelligence items which warn employees of proper safety protocols when transporting aforementioned abominations to their cells, the walkways used for traversing the company's Elaborate Underground Base have many rails to prevent people from falling off, and when live-fire tests are being conducted with the Replica soldiers, personnel without high security clearance are not allowed near.
- The Black Mesa facility in Half-Life would never have passed a safety inspection, even before the aliens invaded. In fact, the opening of the game features a cinematic sequence wherein protagonist Gordon Freeman passes by an open pool of spilled toxic waste on his way to work in the morning, and only one person is working to clean it up. This is somewhat lampshaded however, as during this part the player hears a public announcement which ironically reminds personnel to beware of toxic waste.
- Mentioned in episode one of the YouTube series "Freeman's Mind." Gordon remarks that "The EPA is going to TEAR US APART if they find out about this."
- The waste pit gets cleaned up in Opposing force.
- The whole game would have been a whole lot shorter without this trope. Another quote from "Freeman's Mind," this time episode 6:
- Mentioned in episode one of the YouTube series "Freeman's Mind." Gordon remarks that "The EPA is going to TEAR US APART if they find out about this."
I'm not really sure I wanna be going down into the center of the Earth. But then, I don't see an emergency exit! |
- "Somewhere, a manager is feeling less of a man unless he buys more turrets." And a few seconds later, "At least its non-discriminatory at what it shoots at, more of a REASON NOT TO BUY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE."
- It's a recurring joke in the series. In every episode, Freeman always complains when he runs into something that really shouldn't fall apart and/or explode, but does anyway, encounters "security" turrets that are designed to shoot anybody on sight, and runs into rooms with architecture and design that just doesn't make any sense at all. He blames it all on the fact that Black Mesa was built and designed by the lowest bidder.
- There's also the giant metal fan blade which has an on/off switch underneath it....meaning the user has to activate it and then climb up through the spinning blades before they start going too fast.
Jesus Christ, that could have taken my head off! Who the fuck designed this? How are you supposed to turn it on without dying? HOW ARE YOU EVEN SUPPOSED TO TURN IT OFF? |
- One of the hazards in the first game is a wet floor which leads right into an elevator shaft simply left open for service. You could excuse the elevator being left open due to all the monsters, but not when there's a wet floor.
- This is subverted, however, in the sequel. The malevolent force known as the Combine have conquered and stripped entire worlds, and are in the process of turning ours into a giant, barren death camp—but they go out of their way to put helpful little warning signs on their machinery of doom. ("Please keep your hands away from the headcrab launcher.")
- This subversion is lampshaded in the Half-Life 2 Web Comic Concerned.
- Half-Life 2 is the Trope Namer. There's one achievement earned by killing 5 Combine soldiers with the electromagnet crane called "No OSHA Compliance".
- Portal's Aperture Science Enrichment Center is mostly an intentional Death Course, but even the behind-the-scenes parts seem out for blood. After all, it was run by researchers who decided it would be a good idea to empower a malevolent AI Master Computer to release a deadly neurotoxin throughout the facility. The lack of safety of the testing environments themselves is Lampshaded repeatedly by GLaDOS.
All subjects intending to handle high-energy gamma leaking portal technology must be informed that they may be informed of applicable regulatory compliance issues. No further compliance information is required or will be provided, and you are an excellent test subject! |
- Portal 2 takes this several steps farther. It's justified in the first chapters by the deteriorated state of the Enrichment Center an unspecified number of years after the original game, and to her credit, GLaDOS cleans the place up fairly nicely once she's reactivated. However, test subjects remain exposed to deadly drops, lethally toxic water, high power lasers, and energy fields that, in "semi-rare cases", may vaporize parts of the subject's anatomy.
- Things get worse when the player visits the old Aperture Science labs deep in the bowels of the facility. Cave Johnson, founder of Aperture Science, takes extra care to point out in his recorded messages that safe science is for wusses, and it becomes apparent that the test protocols and materials handling procedures developed by the company resulted in the death of dozens, if not hundreds of test subjects and a significant chunk of Aperture's own personnel. It's clear that even if they had somehow managed to market their inventions successfully, the resulting lawsuits would have been beyond epic.
- The final chapters of the game take the Death Course aspect Up to Eleven, but it's justified there in that the AI now running the place is a complete idiot with no concept of proper test design and, at the end, is in fact trying to kill you.
- This is also lampshaded in one of the deep down levels of the complex when an office has a notice instructing employees to alert their supervisor if they see various authorities. The very first one on the list is an OSHA inspector.
- Warning! Neurotoxin pressure has reached dangerously unlethal levels!
- Parodied in Iji, where Tasen logbooks contain reports of lifts causing their users being thrown through the ceiling and complaints about the lack of doors near said lifts, while Komato logbooks describe various life-threatening sports games.
- Most of the Jak and Daxter games succumb to this eventually, but the biggest example has to be the Fortress in Jak II, which includes such things as an Awesome but Impractical security tank, an insane array of turrets, lightning doors, half-pipes with lightning arcs moving along them, and deep pits with absolutely no railings, anywhere. Including those you have to jump over in order to reach the door.
- This is why force push is so good in the Jedi Knight games. Why spend time sabering each stormy when you can just push them all down a Bottomless Pit?
- Which can be done to other players in multiplayer mode as well, although they can use force pull to drag you along with them.
- In Jedi Outcast there are two levels (one on a space station, another on a spaceship) where the player can deactivate the energy shields which keep hangars pressurized. The result? All enemies in the hangar immediately go flying out to meet their swift, unexpected, horrific and honestly quite amusing deaths. But in retrospect, you'd think there would be some kind of deliberate delay time between the pushing of the button and the dropping of the shields, allowing time for people to evacuate the hangar, preventing exactly this sort of thing from happening.
- Also there is a level where the player has to reprogram the communications system. For that 3 Glyphs have to be set. You would think that this involves pressing buttons on a console. Actually, no. On imperial ships it involves jumping, using force jump, over a bottomless pit, from bridge without rails to bridge without rails. One wonders how imperial com techs go about reprogramming the com system, or is force jump a prerequisite of manning the com room.
- And again in Star Wars Battlefront, this is one of the few ways to kill an unkillable Jedi (or enemy, or yourself if you aren't careful). Many battlefields have pits or platforms with no railings, and it only takes one grenade or missile to send scores of hapless foes (and a pesky Jedi) flying off to their dooms.
- Shadows of the Empire for the N64 asks us to believe the Rebels forgot to install safety railings for much of the basement level of their Hoth base. And it's just one bar where there are railings. Cue Stormtroopers falling to a hideous death when blasted. Of course the Empire as usual doesn't use guard rails either as seen with canyons surrounding their spaceport on Gall.
- The Force Unleashed was pretty bad about this also. The TIE Fighter Construction Facility orbiting Nar Shadda while being under attack by Kota's Militia who are trying to sabotage the place still has high powered welding laser that can disintegrate even armored Stormtroopers (doubly odd since TIE hulls are made from titanium) ray shields that have the same effect that are implied to be a safety feature and horrificially slow and complicated manual overrides on the doors that Kota had nothing do with and The Junk Jedi Temple on Raxus Prime has the excuse that the builder is insane. Other examples The Vapor Room, (a bar on Cloud City that has Bottomless Pits due being built out of a unused construction platform) The IMS Imperical (Vader's secret Hospital Ship that for some reason has easily smashable viewports just behind the engines), The Imperial Ore Facility on Raxus Prime (which like the Imperical has viewports overlooking the shaft used to blast multi-ton balls of molten metal into space) and The Sarlacc Stabilizer on Felucia (once again no waist high guardrails despite having the express purpose allowing Imperial Stormtroopers to enter the beast's gut without getting eaten). The crown is taken however by the tribuatry beam shafts on the Death Star which had doors with no sort of locks at all leading directly into the firing chamber even while it is shooting from hallways on either side of the shaft that is the only way to move between these hallways. The Enemy Chatter even comments at least one Stormtrooper has died from this before there was a vengful force-wielder thrown into the mix
- The titular colony spaceship in Marathon was supposed to hold settlers for a period of a good 200 odd years on a voyage to Tau Ceti and it was made from one of Mars' moons, so it's not like they were desperate for space. For example, the craft features a shaft of multiple elevators... that crush you on the ceiling if you are too slow to jump to the next one... and it is the only way up. Narrow, rail-less bridges over deep pits. A series of platforms that must be lined up in the right order, with the switches a long trek away from the room. And a trash compactor with a secret door that must be negotiated. Then again, the AI responsible for doors and other minor stuff is Rampant at the time.
- The original 2D Ninja Gaiden games were full of this, featuring temples, castles, fortresses, and sometimes parts of New York City that could only be traversed by ninjas or people with wings. No wonder most of the enemies just pace back and forth in the same spot.
- Lampshaded by Nintendo Power in their Ninja Gaiden II strategy guide. The guide specifically states that the Tower of Lahja wasn't built for humans to get anywhere past the entrance.
- Oddworld. In approximate order: meat saws, live high-voltage open electrical arcs, trapdoors, trigger-happy guards, live explosives sitting on the floor, grenade dispensers, falling carcasses, more live explosives, snipers, hungry livestock, flying live explosives, horrendously aggressive guard dogs, more (dormant) explosives with 2 second timers and oversized arming buttons, kennels full of dozens of the aforementioned guard dogs, more guards with grenades, brew machines that give you explosive gas, drills running across passageways, crazed guards with motion detectors and lethal tasers. And no railings, no safety guards, no stairs, no ramps (climbing up ledges is required), and bottomless pits everywhere, natch. "Only 1,236 work-related accidents this month! Keep up the good work!" Not only is the facility mind-numbingly dangerous, the CorruptCorporateExecutives are outright planning to kill and market their workers' dead corpses as snack cakes.
- The future in which Oni takes place seems to have plenty of factories with catwalks above vats of corrosive chemicals, air treatment facilities in which a wrong step results in a thousand-feet drop (picture thin, extremely long metal planks with no railings whatsoever suspended over an endless black void), power plants with electrified floors...
- Prey is based almost entirely in an enemy Death Star-like planetoid. This place is actually inhabited by the aliens, so they would have an interest in making it at least somewhat safe. Instead it's full of high drops, deadly machinery, gravity-altering devices that have no regard over the height someone will suddenly find himself when they're activated, and more.
- But then again, you do frequently encounter aliens coming out of portals, so they can probably just teleport everywhere.
- Justified in some levels of Psychonauts, because it all represents the fractured state of the minds that Raz enters. Although Ed Teglee's mental architects are pretty good about installing and maintaining railings, in places where people are meant to go (the really high ledges, you're still on your own).
- Resident Evil series, especially The Very Definitely Final Dungeon areas. The people who designed these labs or factories were obviously out of their gourds. Passage to laboratory guarded by boulder death traps? Check. Flimsy library balcony? Check. Security door requiring four hidden chess pieces? Check. Open vat of molten iron? Check. Lower laboratory floor that can only reached by a long ladder next to a giant plant? Check. Gauntlet of leaking steam pipes? Check. Waste treatment room that locks employees in? Check. Then again, Spencer was an insane aristocrat, so it might make sense.
- The most bizarre example yet has to go to Resident Evil 0 and the Ecliptic Express' emergency braking system: You need to have one person run all the way from the locomotive to the caboose and key in an arithmetic puzzle, then have the other person stay behind and wait for a signal from the first, then key in another arithmetic puzzle in order to stop the train. It bears repeating that this is required to activate the emergency brake. As in, "for use in emergencies." Just try and figure out how that's supposed to work: "Jenkins, we have to stop this train at once or hundreds will die when it derails! Quick, get me a #2 pencil and some scratch paper! No, I said a #2, dammit!" CRASH!!
- Averted obnoxiously in Resident Evil 5 with the Ouroburos missile facility. It has handrails everywhere, several of which you'd really want your characters to simply vault because they block the direct route to the exit.
- Lampshaded in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. A memo in an airbase brags about the installation of railings around ladders, and the subsequent decrease in accidents (these were probably installed only because RtCWs ladders, like those in nearly every FPS, would be practically unusable without them).
- Only some of the game's ladders have such railings, most do not, and are indeed nearly unusable, adding much Fake Difficulty to the game.
- Justified in System Shock 2: The Von Braun is awfully badly secured and dangerous for a "state of the art prototype", even considering the horrible mutant infestation, because TriOptimum rushed its construction to beat the other companies to the FTL punch. You find logs complaining about it; they point out the cheapass cameras that don't even have full field-of-view and can be destroyed just by whacking them with a wrench, the unbelievably slow and dimwitted security bots, the ship-wide circuitry and database being so badly protected they could be hacked by a five-year-old with an Etch-A-Sketch, the chemical leaks, the radiation leaks, and the AI that runs the ship failing to prevent someone hijacking him into singing Elvis songs for three hours in a row. All of this is relevant to you, as the player, being forced to navigate/avoid/suffer under/take advantage of/arm yourself against the myriad fuckups.
- In World of Warcraft, the Blackrock Depths dungeon is built inside a volcano, and is populated by evil dwarves. What makes them evil? The handrail-less bridges and walkways that are nothing but giant chains built over pools of lava. Even the capital cities feature these.
- Aldor Rise features small open air elevators that go up a huge sheer cliff.
- The dwarven city has pools of lava all over, some of which have grates to stop you falling in.
- The undead city has pools of green glowing liquid all over-not dangerous to players but animals dipped in a similar substance have grown huge and attacked people.
- The Blood Elven Seat of Government is suspended over a Bottomless Pit that is thankfully guarded by invisible walls, though there's a lot of other Malevolent Architecture, with lots of Floating Platforms and no guard rails.
- But the most extreme example has to be Dalaran Underbelly. A tunnel that leads to a 500+ foot drop, strange potions lying everywhere, and a lovely shark swimming around by some shops, waiting to much on anyone who gets too close.
- The gnomish city Gnomeregan is a partial subversion, abandoned due to having been flooded with radiation... except that there is not only a lack of rails in most places, but an elevator entrance to the subterranean city featuring a heavy lid slamming over the elevator shaft as the platform descends (don't stand too close).
- Tauren capital Thunder Bluff is another offender, with the whole city built on a mesa hundreds of feet tall. The only safety is afforded by fences that are low by human standards, let alone the Tauren who are quite a bit taller. The plains at the foot of Thunder Bluff are frequently littered with the corpses of players who fell or jumped off.
- Or the corpses of Alliance raiders who were sent flying by a spell with a knock-back effect.
- This seemed to be a deliberate defensive decision though. Tauren leader Cairne Bloodhoof would punt attackers off the mesa.
- Blackrock Spire is pretty bad in this respect too. The dungeon - supposedly a city inhabited mostly by orcs and dragons - is full of narrow bridges and easily-accessible ledges with no handrails whatsoever. While the bridges may be defensive structures a la Khazad-Dum, where they aren't over lava they're over drops that you need a parachute to survive.
- Which can become frustrating, since it's possible to be knocked off these bridges (or just plain misstep and fall - yay lag!) down into the instance below; from Upper Blackrock Spire down into Lower Blackrock Spire.
- Or if you fall off the stairway leading from the room you enter into the Lower Blackrock Spire part of the instance, you will fall into Blackrock Mountain, near the entrance to Blackrock Caverns.
- Gilneas has several very high bridges with no railings whatsoever.
- Grim Batol (a ruined Dwarven city used as a base by the Twilight Hammer cult) has several holes in the walkways, often on the bridges, and hardly anything resembling safety rails. Unfortunately, you cannot Mind Control the trash and make them fall off the edge.
- Though you can in Vortex Pinnacle. Great way to dispose of the Temple Adepts.
- Almost all elevators in this game are deadly, but special mention goes to the elevator in Serpent Shrine cavern. Jokingly known as "the Elevator Boss", many players have lost their lives to the sudden drop of the elevator and the large gaping hole it leaves at top when the moving platform is descending.
- The "Elevator Boss" returns in Blackwing Descent, which players use to go from the Broken Hall to the Vault of the Shadoflae after defeating the first two bosses, with the added bonus that it's now also possible to fall off the back or sides of the elevator while it's moving.
- The Aldor faction section of Shattrath has an elevator fast and high enough to be an elevator boss of its own. During the height of the Burning Crusade expansion, it was common to see dozens of skeletons piled up at its base.
- And Booty Bay, with its completely demented layout (anywhere from two levels to four, depending on where and how you count), has almost no railings, fences, or similar... except in areas that are already sheltered. It's a good thing the game's weather code doesn't include windstorms.
- Justified in BioShock (series), where something like OSHA would be considered a statist plot to infringe on free enterprise. Andrew Ryan specifically built Rapture to get away from pesky things like employee safety laws. Plus has been to hell and back thanks to a civil war that happened before Jack arrived.
- Older games in the Wipeout anti-gravity racing series had some off the wall environments including a supposed modern industrial complex with broken pipes spewing flames everywhere. Interestingly, its reimagining in a later Wipeout game looks exactly like the original but without the fire and damage. The non-canon spinoff Wipeout 64 for the Nintendo console has a track on an active volcano, built there to provide 'serious background action', but don't worry, there have been no fatalities among racing crew or paying spectators.
- Fire Field in F-Zero GX is this.
- Every single mako reactor in Final Fantasy VII. All of them have giant glowing pools of mako at the bottom, thin walkways above said pools of mako (sometimes without guardrails), built in such a way that someone needs to walk on pipes to get to the main valve, holes in the walkways that you need to jump over, and Cloud needs to rescue Jessie when she gets her foot stuck in the walkway grating. When one blows up it goes off like an atomic bomb. It's not surprising that the Big Bad falls to his (supposed) doom into a pool of mako just by using the powers of leverage.
- By extension the entire city of Midgar is a No OSHA Compliance. People have to live in sectors separated by mako reactors, which continuously process a substance known to be harmful to the average human. To put it in real world terms, imagine if your neighbourhood has a nuclear power plant in front and behind it. In addition, each sector consists of a massive triangular mini-metropolis suspended hundreds of yards above ground level by a series of key supports, and a slum of equal size sitting directly underneath it. One of these sectors gets dropped on its respective slum only a couple of hours into the game, killing everybody on both levels. Apparently the support pillars of the sectors have an Emergency Plate Release System. Yes, you heard right. There are explosives designed to drop the plates built in to the support structure, just in case you suddenly need to kill off the population of several small towns at once. Talk about Evil, Inc..
- Final Fantasy X has a similar example to the Mako Reactor above; during Sin's attack on Zanarkand in the prologue, Tidus and Auron are attacked by a swarm of monsters. The solution? Attack a very exposed and very weak device that supports five incredibly volatile fuel drums over the edge of a bridge. The resulting explosion leveled the massive bridge in seconds and on a non-Sin day would probably have killed hundreds of innocent people.
- A deleted area of Soul Reaver was a literal smoke and fire factory; it's purpose, as explained in the backstory in the manual, was to belch out smoke to blot out the sun. Which makes sense considering sunlight is lethal to younger vampires.
- The Legend of Zelda does this. You have to wonder why the worshipers would build their Temple in an active volcano in the first place, forget the deadly, sprawling dungeon they built in it. There are no places that even so much as hint at serving the purpose of worship, other than the Temple of Time, which has an altar and the Triforce symbol. Apparently the natives just wanted to build a deadly place, because that's what all the architecture seems to work toward.
- The Fire Temple makes sense, since it would presumably be attended by Gorons, who don't have a problem being in and around lava. The same is true of the Water Temple, which would have been used by the Zoras. Others are more questionable, such as the Shadow Temple; it's not made clear exactly what sort of religious worship requires giant torture devices...
- It's implied that the Shadow Temple is an elaborate tomb built by the Sheikah. That doesn't exactly explain the giant torture devices, but the temple was never really a place of worship. In fact, none of the temples of Ocarina of Time (apart from the Spirit Temple and Temple of Time) remotely resemble places of worship at all.
- The Fire Temple makes sense, since it would presumably be attended by Gorons, who don't have a problem being in and around lava. The same is true of the Water Temple, which would have been used by the Zoras. Others are more questionable, such as the Shadow Temple; it's not made clear exactly what sort of religious worship requires giant torture devices...
- In The Godfather: The Game, you gain the Watch Your Step Execution Style by pushing an opponent off a railing to a minimum one-story drop, whether it's by physically pushing them over or by making them stumble back from a shot.
- The Kanto Power Plant in Generations I and III of Pokémon is a maze-like abandoned factory with generators around the place, explosive Pokémon all over and just a single path. The problem is, even if we admit that it is abandoned, it still doesn't explain why they built it in such a nonsensical way, specially seeing how there are no torn down walls anywhere to explain the maze structure and there is only one emergency exit [dead link], (so if there's a fire when you're in the southeast zone, you're screwed). That would explain why the place was completely rebuilt when the plant was made functional in Generations II and IV.
- Look at some of the gyms in Pokémon, especially Gen V. Frictionless Ice over Bottomless Pits, roller coasters on very thin tracks, elevators over massive drops with no handrails, and the daddy of them all, shooting the trainer out of fricking cannons to get to the Leader. Skyla is trying to kill us. (Plus Claire's lava-filled gym in Gen II, Morty's bottomless pit floor in the same [though OSHA might not have a regulation against violating the laws of physics], Juan/Wallace's gym that sends you plummeting through thin ice, and to a lesser extent, any gym filled with water [no lifeguard on duty]).
- Probably justified: none of these locations are any more dangerous than letting ten-year-olds run around with incredibly dangerous monsters. Assuming the authorities are okay with that, there's no reason to worry about lava-filled gyms. Your pokemon will protect you!
- Look at some of the gyms in Pokémon, especially Gen V. Frictionless Ice over Bottomless Pits, roller coasters on very thin tracks, elevators over massive drops with no handrails, and the daddy of them all, shooting the trainer out of fricking cannons to get to the Leader. Skyla is trying to kill us. (Plus Claire's lava-filled gym in Gen II, Morty's bottomless pit floor in the same [though OSHA might not have a regulation against violating the laws of physics], Juan/Wallace's gym that sends you plummeting through thin ice, and to a lesser extent, any gym filled with water [no lifeguard on duty]).
- Duke Nukem comments on the villian Morphix's lack of safety twice in the first factory level in Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.
- Early in the level: "Looks like Morphix puts worker safety first. Right after everything else."
- Near the end of the level: "Something tells me this won't pass any safety inspections..."
- The Punisher; many 'special kills' sections involves jamming people into hideously dangerous 'normal' contraptions. License plate machines with head-crushing devices just inches away from the hands. Knife-holding racks that drop knives like rain when you shake them. Even Tony Stark's HQ has laser etching machines people can trip into. Oh and doors that somehow end up open when enemies attack.
- Possibly the crowning example of this in the game is in the lobby of Stark Enterprises, which has two interlocking constantly turning huge gears on the wall with absolutely nothing to keep people away from them. Despite apparently being purely decorative they are sturdy enough and driven with enough force to completely crush a human skull between them.
- Area 51 subverts this. Many of the puzzles you have to solve are all about subverting safety regulations so you can advances to the next area. Or defeat an enemy. Thank goodness random explosions manage to smash through the safety railings in efficient ways. And bonus content the player can collect describes how to safely handle various devices so you don't accidentally destroy your fingers/the continent.
- Oblivion, the keeps on the Planes of Oblivion. It may be a hellish netherworld but come on, elevators that come down on spikes? Stairways made out of spikes? Doorframes that would tear bits off you if you bumped them?
- The mines in the Harvest Moon series - from HM DS onwards - are full of random pitfalls that can knock you out for the rest of the day. The one in Sunshine Islands has that plus the fact that it's located at the base of a volcano.
- The weather factory in Pajama Sam: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening is set high in the clouds with many exposed catwalks.
- Justified in Unreal Tournament where the industrial buildings repurposed by Liandri are intentionally kept as dangerous as possible for entertainment purposes.
- Played straight in Unreal, the expansion lampshades it at one point in a Skaarj facility with a run through spiked doors near a message:
"0 days since last accident" |
- Dead Space 2 has a few smoke and fire factories, like a 'processing plant' that supposedly treats air and contains various corkscrews at unequal intervals, electric arcs and alternating bursts of flame. Then there's a building that contains two mystifying steel towers with rings going up and down them belching flames. This isn't even an obstacle, so what the hell...
- There are also several posters stating gaint moving fan blades and other machinery are 'safe enough' when under the effect of stasis.
- The original Dead Space is itself an affront to employee safety. Even if you take out the necromorphs the traitor and the black ops cleaning squad, the Ishimura is built like a total meat grinder aimed squarely at turning the crew into hamburger meat. The "rescue" government ship has a drive room built like a nuclear easy-bake oven. Good luck getting that critical drive core!
- Obviously, Ultor's mining operation on Mars in Red Faction. The Commonwealth in 2 is also guilty of it.
- The Sawmill maps in Team Fortress 2 feature saw blades so large, they can fling ragdolls upwards of twenty feet.
- Anchorhead's paper mill is extremely unsafe, being built in a Town with a Dark Secret by a descendant of the Big Bad. The maintainance tunnel you use to enter is periodically flooded with superheated steam. The machinery itself runs unattended, also shoots out steam, and includes a mixing vat without a good railing, resulting in a Nightmare Fuel death scene. A Dungeon Bypass is a good idea.
- The Power Plant Posse in Jett Rocket has this as their whole raison d'etre, and their motivation is mostly just building huge, dangerous, resource-sucking factories on peaceful planets. Probably the worst of the lot is Jungle level 3, "The Jungle Garrison."
- Due to ridiculous budget cuts, Dr. Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park in Sonic Colors is very unsafe. Eggman even warns you, for example, not to peel off the
ductSPACE tape that holds the starships together.
"Please note that this ride is not safe for children under 12, or over 13. It is also not safe for 13-year-olds." |
- The theme park Whoopie World in Rocket Robot On Wheels seems pretty darn unsafe. Although some of its less-safe features can probably be attributed to it being taken over by an evil raccoon, why are there deep pits of unrailed water? Why does the funhouse contain bottomless pits? Why is it only possible to climb through matinence areas by swinging on tiny, constantly-moving poles?
- Scarface: The World Is Yours. The construction site has huge ramps leading over large drops to the road below. One snapped break line and a construction worker is gone.
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The meat locker in Las Venturas has no unlocking mechanism from inside.
- In Thief: Deadly Shadows, Garrett mentions that more people have been killed by the gears of the city's clock tower than the blade of the city's guillotine. There are at least two places in that tower where lack of safety precautions can be lethal.
- City of Heroes has Grandville, the Big Bad's fortress city. Incredibly tall, catwalks everywhere, and not a railing in sight. The soldiers who have to patrol the area comment on this.
- Sky Town in Mega Man Battle Network 6. The only way to get into it is by elevator, because it's built on pathways supported by rockets 30,000 feet above sea level. And there aren't any handrails anywhere, or any regard for the fact that it'd be hard to breathe because it's so high up and you have no time to get acclimated to the reduced air pressure.
- The Fallout series, though justifiably unsafe since it's set After the End, has the player visit several Pre-War buildings which obviously have issues with OSHA compliance. There are robot workers who "punish" disobedience by starving the offenders to death (or straight-up murder them), turrets that fire on anyone they don't recognise (including employees who have forgotten their ID cards) and security systems that summon dozens of heavily armed sentry bots (missile-equipped, at that) to deal with a single intruder indoors. The first half of the Dead Money DLC for Fallout: New Vegas takes place in a Villa that was constructed with the strength of a sandcastle, according to various logs - the huge cloud of poisonous gas isn't fallout, it's residue from the air conditioning. The Sierra Madre Casino nearby, in response to the war happening, locked the guests inside and shot anyone who tried to leave.
- In the main game itself, you can enter an iron works factory where the insane robot workers have been at work for the past 200 years, and will attack and kill anyone that enters. Also, there are no covers or rails to prevent workers, or players, from walking right up and touching white hot metal beams.
- In the pre-war backstory, part of the reason the world became so terrible is because OSHA just plain did not exist. Factories had horrible safety records at best, nuclear power was so ubiquitous that people were slowly poisoning themselves every day with everything from their vehicles all the way down to their soft drinks (deliberately spiked with radiation for flavor), and nuclear waste was treated with such cavalier incompetence that entire convoys of the stuff would go missing, crash, get lost, end up in the wrong places, or dump their contents alarmingly close to human settlements. Rad poisoning was so wide-spread someone had to invent a cure-all, Rad Away, and it seems people pretended that was all that was needed to cure the rad poisoning (and its side-effects, and its long-term effects). Finally, crappy programming safeguards made computers and robots, with their poor shielding from interference and damage to their server banks, go Crush! Kill! Destroy! so often you could set your watch by them.
- Dragon Age 2 has some really absurd examples of this. Gameplay wise, nothing changes, but most of Kirkwalls railings are JAGGED METAL SPIKES, they also seem to be rusty too, and are everywhere. The Biggest cause of death (next to Hawke) would probably be tetanus, they're even on the windowsills!
- Star Wars: The Old Republic retains the classic Star Wars bottomless pits with no railings in Imperial facilities, and adds elevator platforms with no railings and no guards to prevent people from simply walking into an empty elevator shaft.
- In The Perils of Akumos, one workroom actually has a forewoman and safety regulations. But in the mines, accidents are rampant and result from total unregulation.
- 50Cent: Blood on the Sand actually has one of the G-Unit mention this trope, right down to name-dropping OSHA.
- An old, Donkey Kong-esque game for the Apple II, titled Hard Hat Mack, features a guy on a construction site, dodging flying nails, deadly conveyor belts, intimidating vandals, fires, crushers, and other horrible occupational hazards. Oddly enough, there is an OSHA representative wandering about, but he's a deadly enemy for some reason.
- Averted in X-Men 2: Clone Wars for the Sega Genesis. The second level is a Sentinel factory and along the way you'll notice an emergency exit. Once you set the place to explode, it's the fastest way to leave.
- The second half of Jewel Man's level in Rockman 6: Unique Harassment is an abandoned factory filled with crushers, spike pits and conveyor belts.
- Rockman World V: Neptune makes his lair in a submarine that has leaky pipes that spray dangerous steam on whoever stands too close to them.
Web Comics[]
- Subverted in Antihero for Hire when Dragon and Crossroad fight on a walkway over vats of acid...
Crossroad: Which are... completely free of acid. How disappointing. |
- Eight Bit Theater gives us the most dangerous thing in the dungeon.
- In Gunnerkrigg Court, the first-year students' dorm rooms are stacked directly atop each other like bunks — 30 stories high. They can only be reached by ladder, and there is neither wall nor railing on the side with the drop. The unlined bridge over the Annan Waters, on the other hand, is actually justified: any railing would cast a shadow, which would allow the Glass-Eyed Men to cross. To offset the danger, it's at least twelve feet wide, so the only way to fall off is to be pushed.
- The proto-webcomic Henchmen introduces the concept of the Health and Danger Department, working on the logic that the best possible fighting force is one in peak physical condition and constant mortal danger. Hence deliberately moving walkways over vats of toxic waste and whacking the poor henchmen about the head with a cricket bat while they fill in a "Risk-Awareness Test" form.
- Irregular Webcomic spoofs lack of railings and Tolkien in this comic.
- There's also this.
- Minions At Work repeatedly invokes and discusses this—like here (the minion had said it needed handrails).
- Management has rejected our request for bulletproof vests, handrails on the catwalks, less-explosive patrol vehicles, or a safety cover on the "self-destruct" button.
- Penny Arcade plays with it.
- The classic short webcomic series The Repository of Dangerous Things has a hilariously OSHA-noncompliant workspace as its chief element. See, for example, the pantry.
- Schlock Mercenary plays this straight by blowing up athletes. Thanks to 31st century medical technology, however, that's just Amusing Injuries.
- Darths and Droids lampshades it, like every trope that's appeared in Star Wars. And again here, with inversion: the only places they have railings are the ones where a fall would likely not be fatal.
- Which is probably the reason there are railings: If you survive, you can file an official complaint.
- But then again, your grievance would probably be addressed by Vader himself which is even more dangerous to your continued existence.
- Which is probably the reason there are railings: If you survive, you can file an official complaint.
- DM of the Rings on Lothlorien:
- Girl Genius has the quasi-overlord of Europe using Castle Heterodyne as a prison. The Castle is run by a fragmented artificial intelligence that interprets every order creatively as to cause the most death. This Castle is Ax Crazy, it's inventive, and worst of all, it likes to think it has a sense of humor. Very rarely do the inmates actually complete their sentences. The Castle itself actually does employ some safety measures, primarily railings, but at the same time it has poison dispensers (clearly labelled - those are designed to curb illiteracy), giant killer jack-in-the-boxes in the nursery, a killer plant sitting in an open atrium, and a giant roaring fire consuming a section of the castle's basement (as a part of heating system). Considering the place was the home base of a family line of the most insane and violent Mad Scientists in history, the Heterodynes generally deliberately designed it that way.
- The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob has the peanut butter factory: a walkway over a huge open vat of peanut butter. At least it has railings.
- The building containing various Secret Government Departments in Skin Horse. Lampshade Hanging:
Tip: It's a nightmare of fungus, radiation, uncased asbestos and weird thing skittering. OSHA would have a fit if they were cleared to come down here. |
- Meanwhile, in-house security at black-ops agency Anasigma involves basically every lethal device you can imagine, and some you can't.
Nera: *staring at giant swinging scythe* Why do people even work here? |
- In Nip and Tuck, the Show Within a Show Rebel Cry features an attempt to avert an attack — impossible because their unessential reactors were shut down by regulations.
- The Snail Factory features industrial accidents as a recurring theme. In one episode it's even revealed that the factory saves money by not having guardrails around an open vat and allowing workers to fall in, thus increasing "the protein levels".
- Quentyn Quinn, Space Ranger had an arc mocking Star Trek, where the protagonist was deeply horrified by their ideas of safety and security about from the moment he flew into a hangar of Enterprise Expy and on... and on. It took two days of patching supervised by his AI before he dared to wear something other than a spacesuit on board.
Quentyn: Sorry, Captain. Old ranger cadet rule #1: "No matter how shiny the forcefield is, keep your helmet on until the airlock is closed." |
- It also was used for a sort of The Worf Effect - in a later arc mocking The Cold Equations the existence of a thick, blurry line between "No OSHA Compliance" and "Too Dumb to Live" was demonstrated when an engineer from this ship only managed to say "Oh you can't be serious" between taking one look at the schematics and collapsing in hysterical laughter.
Web Original[]
- A Let's Play of The Legend of Zelda Parallel Worlds had some fairly funny discussion of this trope. Including a short parody of Stairway to Heaven.
- Cracked mentions OSHA by name in #6 of 6 Sci-Fi Movie Conventions (That Need to Die).
Western Animation[]
- Although it predates the OSHA, the Popeye cartoon Lost And Foundry fits this trope perfectly.
- Batman the Animated Series had most of its fights in places like this, and the animated version of Two-Face can trace his origin to such an encounter (also, in the 1989 Batman movie, the origin of The Joker hinges on such a place).
- Gotham's power plant, for instance, seems to be composed entirely of ledges over a Bottomless Pit with a control center at the top.
- Even The Creeper got his origin this way. Ironically it was the same place where the Joker had fallen to the vat of chemical waste, yet they never bothered to change the places of the vats or at least make the rails higher.
- In The Emperors New Groove, the lever that flips you into Yzma's secret lab is right next to a lever opening a trapdoor to a crocodile pit. Lampshaded when Yzma's henchman pulls the wrong lever. Returning from her trip to the pool, the alligator-encumbered Yzma says, "Why do we even have that lever?" Kuzco would also like to know. This is also played with in the TV series. Every time Yzma goes to her lair in the school, she orders "Pull the lever, Kronk!" followed by something DIFFERENT happening to her each episode. Even Kuzco does this in a secret bunker that he had hidden in the jungle for some reason.
- Lampshaded in the Family Guy Star Wars parody Blue Harvest. One scene has a pair of Death Star crewmen complaining about the lack of guard rails and their attempts to get some installed.
- In the Transformers Animated episode "Autoboot Camp", they have simulated weapons that can be turned deadly with the flip of a switch. While there might be a legitimate reason to have some live ammo in a simulation training, there are none for having the things to be turned lethal at the flip of a switch (either through debris, cyber-fauna, or actual sabotage).
- The Simpsons Nuclear Power Plant is a safety nightmare. There are repeated scenes of Burns doing things to try and circumvent getting shut down, from running for governor or bribing officials.
- If only it stopped at Mr. Burns. His employees seem to be the most incompetent gaggle of nitwits ever created. They hired Homer Simpson for crying out loud, and have not fired him after numerous accidents that came within a hair's breadth of looking like the sordid offspring of a threesome between Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island and the Love Canal... Then there's Lenny, who refitted the soda machines in Sector 7G to dispense beer if one asked for club soda... The Only Sane Man in the whole plant was driven suicidally insane in short order, let's just leave it at that. Homer was once able to cause a nuclear meltdown in a test environment containing no nuclear materials.
- In various episodes, we see clips of plant workers doing everything from playing chess in the reactor core to holding cockfights in the lunch room to engaging in "Nap Time" in the middle of the day. They also scream and panic whenever there's an emergency, remove emergency procedure posters to make into get-well-soon cards, and engage in log-rolling contests using drums of nuclear waste.
- And perhaps worst of all, the employees at the nuclear plant are required to visit 3 separate rooms to get coffee, cream and sugar.
- Also played for laughs when Skinner and Bart where fighting over a large boiling vat of Peanut Shrimp (Bart is allergic to shrimp, Skinner is allergic to peanuts)
- Itchy And Scratchy Land had rides where people would come within inches of being gouged by spikes and have the ride hit a buzz saw. This was before the robots revolted.
- Particularly bad is the part where the spikes on top extend over the front seats. Apparently tall people sitting in front never occurred to them.
- If only it stopped at Mr. Burns. His employees seem to be the most incompetent gaggle of nitwits ever created. They hired Homer Simpson for crying out loud, and have not fired him after numerous accidents that came within a hair's breadth of looking like the sordid offspring of a threesome between Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island and the Love Canal... Then there's Lenny, who refitted the soda machines in Sector 7G to dispense beer if one asked for club soda... The Only Sane Man in the whole plant was driven suicidally insane in short order, let's just leave it at that. Homer was once able to cause a nuclear meltdown in a test environment containing no nuclear materials.
- Played for Laughs in American Dad!, where in one episode Stan comments that an old walkway might be unsafe before he promptly falls through it, and the dozen or so after that one-by-one. Meanwhile Steve takes the perfectly safe elevator to the bottom, reading a newspaper to Stan as Stan continues to fall through walkway after walkway.
- In Darkwing Duck the Liquidator has almost the same origin as The Joker. He was originally Bud Flud the owner of a bottled water company. He capitalized on a heat wave by poisoning his competitors' water supplies until he was interrupted by Darkwing. During the scuffle he tripped and fell into one of the already contaminated vats. He went nuts after his transformation into a super powerful water elemental and blamed Darkwing for "throwing" him into the vat.
- Referenced in a Robot Chicken episode, where a Cobra operative remarks that the Cobra workplace is completely OSHA compliant... The camera pans over to show a splattered henchman stuck to the ceiling.
"It's been thirty-three days since our last on site accident. The uh, Weather Dominator exploded. We lost about 133 guys. You can still kinda see what's left of Scott Anderson up there. We should really clean that up, we've been chucking a softball at it, so it's up there pretty good." |
- The record factory from the "A Star Is Lost" episode of Inspector Gadget is one of these. The conveyor belt that carries Gadget, Penny, and Rick Rocker is an especially notable example; there's absolutely no reason for the conveyor to begin at any point before the actual record press (To say nothing of the humongous size of the press itself).
- Referenced in an episode of "Aaaah! Real Monsters", when a tough monster suggests scaring some humans in what Ickis refers to as a "Fire and Clang Factory."
- A Futurama episode shows the Professor making safety upgrades to the spaceship "(the crew) has been suing (him) about". Among them: taping up the crack in the dark matter reactor, and putting the lion in a cage. Leela might also be considered non-OSHA, what with the whole not having any depth perception and all. Plus the current crew is at least the second (the other having been eaten by space wasps), and it's implied there have been more.
- This trope is the raison d'etre of many Thunderbirds episodes, like the Fireflash in the pilot episode, an atomic-powered aeroplane which would have killed all of its passengers by radiation poisoning if it didn't land within 2 hours, and the Crablogger, an atomic-powered logging machine which was going to blow up if not shut down properly.
Real Life[]
- The real facility commonly known as Area 51 was sued for its OSHA/EPA noncompliance and open-air burning of toxic materials and other poisonous/radioactive substances. The suit was thrown out citing national security issues, which kept virtually all the (classified) evidence from being seen by the judge or jury.
- The United States Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board has published a number of videos describing, in detail, the various ways that industrial processes involving hazardous or flammable substances can go very, very wrong.
- Dangerous factories that existed before OSHA came into existence, when corporations could get away with anything.
- The Hanford Nuclear Research Facility, by all accounts, is a mass of random radioactive chemical dumps, some of which are uncatalogued and all of which contain unknown dangers. A friend of a friend from there tells of a giant pit full of unknown radioactive chemicals that was sealed by a 500-ton concrete "lid". Every so often, on a semi-predictable basis, the pit "burps" a huge cloud of toxic gas that actually lifts the lid.
- Formerly the "mass production" site for the Manhattan Project's nuclear material, these days Hanford is essentially a massive government project to clean up everything. Recently they found the second-oldest known (artificial) plutonium in a glass jar buried in a safe. In a normal waste dump. Groundwater contamination is the more serious issue right now, because at the current rate, the contamination will reach the Columbia River before the cleanup can stop it. To be fair, the contractors hired to perform the cleanup are currently focusing almost entirely on the groundwater issue, and are making some headway. Just not enough, and the regular government interference only serves to bog the work down further. There's a fair number of folks in Benton, Franklin, Columbia and Walla Walla counties who are getting exasperated at the whole affair.
- Even better? You can actually TOUR the facility! Yummy!
- Formerly the "mass production" site for the Manhattan Project's nuclear material, these days Hanford is essentially a massive government project to clean up everything. Recently they found the second-oldest known (artificial) plutonium in a glass jar buried in a safe. In a normal waste dump. Groundwater contamination is the more serious issue right now, because at the current rate, the contamination will reach the Columbia River before the cleanup can stop it. To be fair, the contractors hired to perform the cleanup are currently focusing almost entirely on the groundwater issue, and are making some headway. Just not enough, and the regular government interference only serves to bog the work down further. There's a fair number of folks in Benton, Franklin, Columbia and Walla Walla counties who are getting exasperated at the whole affair.
- The Semiconductor industry had this issue for years. Fairchild Semiconductor Superfund site is infamous for this. Use of toxic gases in large volumes is needed, and there's a lot of power being used. The industry had a massive crackdown by the EPA and OSHA causing it to be cleaned up quite a bit. Some companies have overseas plants though without such regulation leading to sulfuric acid and some other nasty stuff being pumped out of the building causing all grass to die outside.
- In theatre, we call this making the OSHA whale cry, or in severe cases killing the OSHA whale. Usually seen in non-union houses, and university settings. Refers to cases where people do ridiculously stupid/dangerous things to get their job done faster, such as climbing a tree 30 feet in the air without a harness, or wandering around on catwalks without a harness, etc.
- Flawed design, among several spectacularly irresponsible and reckless things (like using the thing for an unauthorised experiment, which required disabling most of the failsafes), was one of the major reasons for the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. True, it was in the USSR and thus not subject to OSHA regulations. But even with Soviet safety regulations it was still guilty of some heinous design flaws. Likely because the lead engineer building the plant had no experience or training in building nuclear reactors, and had previously only built dams. Among said flaws:
- To reduce costs, and because of its large size, the reactor had been constructed with only partial containment. This allowed the radioactive contaminants to escape into the atmosphere after the steam explosion burst the primary pressure vessel.
- The reactor also had been running for over one year, and was storing fission byproducts; these byproducts pushed the reactor towards disaster.
- It was actually scheduled for shutdown and maintenance on the very day the disaster happened. In fact, it happened because it was scheduled for a shutdown, as it was deemed the good opportunity to test some possible upgrades. The outcome of this test is well known.
- And that test probably would have turned out better if it had been carried out by the technicians who had been prepared for it, rather than the next shift after the test was delayed due to complications.
- It was actually scheduled for shutdown and maintenance on the very day the disaster happened. In fact, it happened because it was scheduled for a shutdown, as it was deemed the good opportunity to test some possible upgrades. The outcome of this test is well known.
- The graphite-tipped control rods and their insertion system was designed in such a way that, when inserted, temporarily displaced some coolant, reportedly to decrease latency when in normal operation. This greatly increased the rate of the fission reaction temporarily, since graphite is a more potent neutron moderator (a material that enables a nuclear reaction) and also absorbed far fewer neutrons than the boiling light water. Thus for the first few seconds of control rod activation, reactor power output was actually increased, rather than reduced as desired.
- Even with all these design flaws and the Chernobyl accident as a precedent for catastrophic failure, there are still at least 12 reactors of the same design still operating in Russia and Lithuania.
- Given that an overheating mode was reached from another abnormal mode (at the end of experiment), reactor itself needs only pair of extra failsafe conditions preventing automatics from kicking in more rods at once than is safe and from going into any state when it may need to cool down too quickly. That is, allowing only normal usage for which it was designed.
- While the design flaws certainly contributed, a major cause was the under trained personnel ignoring several warnings from the plants computers.
- Indeed, while design flaws either contributed somewhat to the disaster or led to failure containing its effects, the reason of it was gross mishandling of the test by the operators, who violated every relevant regulation possible. The (above mentioned) fact that 12 other reactors of the same type have been running decades longer without incident shows the design is at least workable.
- Worth mentioning is the containment project to keep the slagged reactors at Chernobyl from leaking. Due to time constraints, you kinda have to rush when you're dealing with a ton of radioactive fuel, a large concrete bunker was built around the reactor and the fuel that had spread in the explosion was shoveled in by workers in HazMat suits, followed by the bunkers 'door' being closed. Due to poor construction it is now unsafe to be near the outside of the bunker and the Russian govt is creating plans to build a SECOND containment around the current one.
- The Ukrainian government, being stuck with the whole thing after the collapse of USSR, is asking Europe for funds to build a more permanent dome. Let's face it, if the first dome fails, then it will be everybody's problem.
- Narrowly averted at an air-cooled reactor Windscale. When the graphite core of the reactor caught fire, a colossal release of airborne radiation was prevented only by hastily added filters that Sir John Cockcroft had insisted be installed, which the government deemed unnecessary.
- If you read Fast Food Nation you'll find out just how much crap the meat and fast food industry get away with.
- If we're going to mention that, we'll have to mention The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Written in 1906 and showed what the meatpacking industry got away with. Yikes.
- China: where electronic equipment waste goes to die, be dismantled, and burned, exposing workers to loads of horrible toxic materials, and then made into children's toys and shipped back to the US.
- China deserves special mention with the products which luckily are not allowed in Europe and North America due to safety reasons. Among them are lead in colours, battery cells without any kind of fail-safe and desk chairs that can explode (due to the gas in the heightening system not being contained properly).
- Union Carbide's Chemical Plant in Bhopal. The plant design was modified to suit the Indian economic situation, the personnel were mostly untrained and those who were kept getting sacked. Also built next to a major population center with no contingency plan. But this example really fits the trope because the accident was caused by rusty pipes and lack of a chemical scrubber. So when something went wrong, it became the worst industrial catastrophe the world has ever seen.
- Union Carbide claims to this day that the leak was caused by a disgruntled worker's act of sabotage. The CEO of Union Carbide, Warren Anderson, fled back to the US to avoid prosecution or vigilante reprisals.
- Even if this were true, it would still count. No major chemical plant should ever be designed so that a single low-level employee can set off a catastrophe with a single act of sabotage.
- Union Carbide claims to this day that the leak was caused by a disgruntled worker's act of sabotage. The CEO of Union Carbide, Warren Anderson, fled back to the US to avoid prosecution or vigilante reprisals.
- OSHA's records claim that, in the last three years, the BP oil company ran up to 760 willful safety violations in their US installations alone.
- To put that in perspective, another company racked up a grand total of 12, and most companies on record had willful violations in the single digits.
- Clean-up workers for the BP oil spill were not allowed to wear respirators, as BP feared that would create a bad image. PR hasn't been their strong side lately.
- The 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal Fire was more of a Failsafe Failure as far as the explosion itself is concerned (a gauge malfunctioned and allowed a tank to overflow), but the decision to build several housing developments in close proximity to a tank farm full of explosive chemicals is less excusable.
- The Exxon Valdez oil spill. All the oil companies were ignoring regulations without fear of repercussions. several glaring problems were present including the fact that the crew of the Valdez was not provided its mandatory 6 hours of rest after a 12 hour stint, the radar on the ship had been broken for more than a year and deemed too expensive to repair and operate, and the oil industry promised but never installed iceberg monitoring equipment. Honestly, this was a disaster waiting to happen.
- And the Captain was a man with a known drinking problem and had known to have been drunk on the job before. Not someone a sane person would put in charge of an oil tanker.
- The Texas City Refinery Explosion was practically a textbook case of no OSHA compliance, at least judging by the number of OSHA violations present (coincidentally, or not, it was and still is owned by BP). What happened was that a system used for increasing the octane rating for gasoline overflowed, causing massive amounts of vapors to cover the area (this could only end well), because an overflow alarm was disabled. When they realized something was wrong, they opened a discharge valve, which overheated the heated stuff they released, which sent a large gas bubble, back into the tower that had overflowed, which caused a spewing of liquids and more vapors. The final straw was when a contractor tried to start his new truck several times (explosive fumes and internal combustion engines are always a good mix, yeah?), which, when the hydrocarbon level got low enough for ignition, created a spark that caused the fumes to ignite in a ball of fire, killing 17 people. Several things that could have been done to prevent, or at least reduce the scope of the disaster were not done, including replacing the atmospheric blowdown system with one that would safely burn off the gasses. OSHA cited BP $21 million, for 300 violations after the incident.
- One of these violations was for using a mobile home parked right next to the unit as a control room. Standards call for double-walled cinderblock buildings a hundred feet away.
- One of the reasons oil rigs and coal mines are dangerous is because it is hard to get a safety inspector out to them without the managers warning the crew. The inspector has to take a helicopter or a boat out to an oil rig, and coal mines usually have only one entrance.
- Many of the factories in China where subcontractors make electronics, particularly Foxconn's (a major supplier of Apple for iPads and iPhones). There was an explosion in one of Foxconn's factories caused by its simple lack of ventilation.
- The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 was one of the instigators of this trope. The owners of the factory had locked the doors to prevent the women inside from taking unauthorized breaks, which led to a massive loss of life when a fire broke out inside. The resulting backlash created many of the laws that OSHA would later enforce.