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If Nobody Dies is known for anything besides being over-the-top and awesome, it's for its love of Shout Outs; quite a few so far, and more are certain to come:
Multiple references:[]
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us. Also, For Great Justice and How Are You Gentlemen.
Animaniacs/Pinky and The Brain
- Yui and Gendo pull an "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" exchange.
- "I'm waiting for an interview." "Why?" "Because I want to work here." "Why?" "Because it is interesting work?" "Why?" "Because I studied it in college." "Why?"
- Shinji unlocking the Magoroku prompts Misato to say that Unit 01 "went Voltron on the enemy's ass".
- In ch. 55, the Ree are implied to have actually built Voltron.
- Rei's first complete sentence in the story? "Come with me if you want to live."
- When Mana is revealed as a cyborg in Chapter 22, she is described as having a Terminator-like endoskeleton.
- Chapter 90:
GLaDOSNaok00 is nicknamed Skynet by Mana. - Ichi's words when firing herself from the Eva launch chutes into an Angel, so she can try to punch it to death. "I'll be back." And she wasn't even in her Evangelion body...
- ... and after catching fire and losing all her skin while doing so, her skinless avatar-body resembles the T-X.
- Rei's line in the Stuff Blowing Up entry on the main page. Also, there's Mana's Machine Man reference in ch. 33.
"Death to the fleshy ones!" |
- Evidently, Mana is also "full of useful devices" which can, among other things, make other girls pregnant.
- "Rei, do you expect me to talk?" "No, Mr. Kaji, I expect you to die."
- Kei deliberately emulating Blofeld while on a hijacked television broadcast and stroking one of Ritsuko's cats. Her line at that moment is practically a stock quote in that it references numerous previous invocations ranging from As the World Turns to Austin Powers.
- "It's like I'm wearing nothing at all. Nothing At All. NOTHING AT ALL." "Stupid Sexy Maya." Said by Ritsuko of all people. Cue Squee from Maya.
- "Can't sleep, ADAM will eat me."
- Rei on Shinji becoming an unwilling Chick Magnet: "Every girl in 50 yards kinda wants to strap him in and make him feel the G's!"
- In Chapter 6, Unit-01 dances to Higher and Higher in what's described as a "sympathetic reaction", similar to the red slime in Ghostbusters 2.
- "(Yui) has given (Rei) strict instructions on what to do if someone asks her if she is a God."
- Evidently firing two Positron cannons in two different dimensions at each other at the same time through the Sea of Dirac causes a controlled total protonic reversal.
- Chapter 52:
Mordin: Terrified. Beyond capacity for rational thought. |
- "This was not battle. This was pest control."
- After Junior swallows Kyoko, she notes that he's far, far Bigger on the Inside than the outside.
- Rei regrows her entire right arm.
- Rei brings home a decorative trash can with a plunger attached to it.
- Bingle Bangle Dingle Dangle Yikkety Do Yikkety Da, Ping Pong Lippy Tappy Too Ta, Poopy Pa Pippy Pay, Bib Bab Bip Bap Bibbim Boobim Ba Ba Bang.
- Ritsuko mentions having an Orange Box in her office when the Ree escape.
- Multiple references in Chapter 57, including "The Cake is not a lie" and Naoko Akagi reciting G La DOS' monologue from the beginning of Portal 2.
- The AI of Naoko soon actually gets nicknamed G La DOS among the whole NERV staff.
- Chapter 77: Naok00 sings a variation of "Still Alive" to Yui and considers not gassing her with neurotoxin.
- Chapter 84: Shinji and Hikari get trapped in what appears to be a Portal 2 co-op level.
- Chapter 95: Naok00 now has turrets.
- Chapter 95: Naok00 has an incredibly similar response to victims falling for her trap to G La DOS in Portal 2, to the point where they both say that "If I’d known you’d let yourself get captured this easily, I’d have dangled a turkey leg on a rope from the ceiling.”
- Chapter 97: Naok000 uses the "deploying smooth jazz" line from Portal 2. Misato comments that she's been abusing her video game privileges.
- After Go-Kun's Dynamic Entry in the virtual sim, his description sounds like a certain blue-haired, hot-blooded Badass.
- Rei and Go-Kun defeat the Iruel-possessed Rampel with a "GIGA! DRILL! BUH-REAKAAAH!".
- S2 engines generate power "by using the power of perpetuating spirals to generate energy from nothing".
- This is actually canon, if you count the N64 game.
- Jet Alone Prime's boot-up sequence: "Biolink established. Meta Encapsulated Granule Awareness System: Online."
- Kaworu mentions a "Game of Destiny that his brethren must engage in."
- Evangelion Provisional Unit 05 ("Go-kun") is Liberty fucking Prime.
- New Vegas apparently exists in the ND-verse.
- "Child, do you think you've accomplished anything? Your world is dying, and it's by human hands. We 'Angels' are your salvation through destruction. Each one of us is a harbinger to perfection. We are the only hope you deluded Lilim have."
- Mark 5:9. My name is Legion, for I am Many. This name is acceptable.
- From the forum thread:
- "Limited creatures of blood and flesh. You are brought into my mind and you fumble in ignorance, incapable of understanding that which is before you. Unaware of what you have done."
- Tali'Zorah vas Normandy's presence, due to the effects of Rei Ayanami Does the Multiverse.
- "You have FAILED. We will find another way. I am now assuming Direct Control." Zeruel's here.
- This later gets re-used by Kaworu.
- Chapter 98: Khalisa Bin Al-Jilani? Gee, wonder where else I've heard that name.
- "Ah yes 'SEELE' The supposed collective of old men who somehow manage to wield enough influence to manipulate the UN. We have dismissed that claim."
- "What do you want?" "My face on the one dollar bill. But that's more of a long term thing."
- "Well, that was fun! Who's up for Chinese?"
- Rei takes out Kaworu's bodyguards, leaving him screaming "Where are you?" She replies "Right here" as she hangs upside down behind him.
- Makoto dresses as the Riddler to rob a bank.
- Siyon and Zyuu's crime fighting costumes in Chapter 80 are modeled after Batman and Robin, respectively.
- "You will know fear. You will know pain. And then, you will die."
- Misato borrows a bit from Susan Ivanova's Badass Boast as she faces down Adam.
I am the right hand of retribution and the last human being you will ever see. |
- While looking for information, Uri knocks out everyone in a bar, and realizes that now he has to wait for someone to wake up.
- "Engaging ludicrous speed."
- Chapter 88: Kihl's safe combination is "the sort of thing an idiot would put on his luggage".
- "Did I ever tell you how I met your mother?"
- In ch. 54, Junior recites from the Bro Code.
- Go-Kun gets a Transformer avatar body, doubling as Misato's car.
- Several nods to the new movies:
- Rei slides Go-Kun between the legs of a Trident and shoots it in the crotch.
- During their Leliel-aided travels across several parallel universes, Go-Kun, who the author has stated would be voiced by Peter Cullen and who has uttered such lines as "Life is the right of all sentient beings", picks up some flame decals.
- In ch. 55, Kei and the Ree turn a bunch of construction vehicles into Devastator.
- Go-kun, ch. 78: "GIVE ME YOUR FACE!"
- And to the original franchise:
- Four-Chan has multiple faces, each with a different expression, which rotate on his head to suit his mood. In other words, he's a Quintesson.
- The N2 reactor installed in Go-kun is modeled after the Matrix of Leadership.
- Direct quote from chapter 39:
Prime, as they have come to call Jet Alone... |
- Also, from chapter 41: Life is the right of all sentient beings, not to mention One will stand. And one will fall.
- Chapter 68, SEELE 06: "The Angel must be stopped, no matter the cost."
- Mana's battle prayer:
- The game of Exalted 40K that the pilots play in Chapter 30 is one long homage to Shinji and Warhammer 40 K.
- Chapter 57: Rei is wearing a green and black plugsuit...just like another AU Rei does in Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA.
- The Eva convention features a nod to User:Earth Scorpion, author of Aeon Natum Engel and Aeon Entelechy Evangelion.
- "Of course, that doesn't help make up for the fact that she's running into a lot of cosplayers of herself, including one in Uri's plugsuit, with a lot of bandages who is pointing to random people and screaming that they're an Angel."
- Shateiel, Raziel and Turel are nods to unused Angel concepts from the original series: http://wiki.evageeks.org/Extracanonical_Mecha
- "Stop tormenting Ikari, you kraut bitch" - along with the speaker and circumstances - is a reference to the author's own earlier works, Shinji Almighty and the original version of Walking in the Shadow of Dreams.
- Apart from the aforementioned game of Exalted 40K, anyone familiar with Exalted's backstory will find Kei's experiments in Chapter Two of The Kei Files to be quite familiar. She also hosts her vaguely threatening dinner party in what is clearly Malfeas.
- Hikari regularly GMs games of Exalted with Rei, becoming versed enough in the game to start making references to it by Chapter 84.
- Drink Your God Damned
- "What. The. F____."
- Gendo's avatar in the Ree-written game is based on the main character.
- The "initializing" area where he selects his avatar resembles the Animus.
- The "little mechanical avatars" from chapter 19.
- In Chapter 56, one of the life-sized avatar units generates a plasma jet from its hand.
Bungie games
- The opening speech of Shalgiel, the first "Cherubim", references the Prophet of Truth's speech at the start of the second mission of Halo 3.
- While in the game, Kei describes the Narrator's bizarre behavior as the program having gone rampant.
- In chapter 100, Magi 28, 29, and 30 are named Durandal, Curtana, and Merchant, which are all AI's (or deliberate misspellings of them) from Halo and Marathon.
- "I! Have had! Enough! Of YOU!"
- Kei regrets the Large Ham narrator of her VR game: "I'd pay good money if he'd shut up."
- Nana has built a device that disrupts fusion in a star.
- "Activate weapons suite! Arm all weapons! Arm EVERYTHING!"
- Multi-vector assault mode.
- Shinji's predicament in Chapter 71 is quite reminiscent of Xander's in the episode "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered."
- Chapter 90. "Bored now."
- Go-Kun pulls off a Big Bang Attack during a fight with ADAM.
- In Chapter 87, Go-kun uses a Kamehameha.
- Tali, when suiting up into her Cain armor in Chapter 51, uses a floor with moving parts and manipulator arms that put on the armor piece by piece. The suit also has a built-in chain gun like the War Machine suit.
- Similarly, Mana's cyborg body is powered by an arc reactor.
- For her crime fighting, Nana built a suit similar to the Iron Man armor. She got it taken away from her.
- At the end of Asuka's fight with Mana, she's challenged by the Ree in the same manner as the Seven Evil Exes.
- From Nobody Dies: The Ayanami Sisters Fight Crime: "Oh no." "Oh no!" "Oh No!" "Oh Yeah!"
- Rei invokes For Massive Damage, then Shinji follows it up in the next chapter with a quip that they should "nuke it from orbit, just to be sure."
Yui: Oh dear Lord, she's infecting him. |
- Chapter 89: A Reego attacks Shinji like a Facehugger.
- Shinji's ability to see the programming code in the MAGI. (That's not air he's breathing.)
- Chapter 72: She now knows Kung Fu.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
- In Chapter 93, Mana and Zophael reenact the Black Knight scene.
- In chapter 14, Kaworu is forced by Rei to admit she's the ultimate life form.
- Which gets a Call Back in Chapter 93 when Rei does the same thing to Zophael.
- Chapter 93. "The Cherubim is a Spy! And she's sapping our pilots!"
- From that same chapter: "Sandwich restores all health!"
- "I am Mari Illustrious Makinami! And you will fear my LASERFACE!"
- During the Cherubrim attack on New Vegas, Touji, Hikari and Rei face down Kei (who they believe just pulled a Heel Face Turn). Touji's weapon of choice? An orange safety cone, referencing Grif's classic "Protect me, cone!" line.
- And earlier, her utter manhandling of the Section Two agents starts in much the same way as Tex's.
- Chapter 93: "Oh, son of a Bi-"
- "What's the capital of Latveria again?"
The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
- Chapter 71 reveals that Zyuu sees Shinji as the Old Spice Guy.
- Chapter 97: "Is on a Horse".
- "Kool-Aid!" *CRASH* "OH YEAH!"
Anime and Manga[]
- Rei's plot to blackmail the school principal is very similar to Haruhi Suzumiya's method of computer acquisition.
- In chapter 31, Rei's finishing speech towards the virtual Sachiel is a direct rip of Domon Kasshu's Shining Finger Sword, ending with Rei using Go-Kun's left arm to grab hold of Sachiel's chest and fire its cannon point blank into its core, ending, naturally, with a Shining....FINGAHHH!!!!!. Fuyutsuki questions if Unit 5 was built for such a thing, while Pieter simply replies that anything Rei does is impossible to plan via paper.
- During the battle against Iruel, with some prodding from Asuka, Ichi turns into a 200' Pikachu.
- The bodies of the Reigo/Reichigoma bodies sound awfully familiar...
- The random schoolgirl who hits on Shinji is named Kaname Chidori.
- Iruel's "Dating Sim" in Chapter 31, 32 and 41 has "Stick it in" as the fourth option in every dialogue choice. The dating sim in the fourth episode of Excel Saga has "Put it in" as the third option in every dialogue choice.
- Chapter 72. Hatchi. "DIVINE... BUSTAH!!!"
- Chapter 80. Most of the now-stabilized Ree have become costumed vigilantes in their spare time. Kiko has modeled her costume after Sailor Moon.
- Mark-09's activation sequence at the beginning of Chapter 101 closely follows the ones used by Alucard.
Comic Books[]
- "Fastball Special!"
- In the latest snippet of Rei Ayanami Does the Multiverse, Rei, Asuka, and Go-kun end up in the X-Men universe...where Go-kun promptly gets blasted by Cyclops.
- Jet Alone Prime is code-named the Big Guy. (And its pilot is code-named Rusty!)
- Rei was coached on how to explain her origin when she got on the Larry King live show. She proceed to instead talk about how she was separated from her brother in a plane accident over Alaska, and then trained to defend the human race so she wouldn't be persecuted for her unique abilities. And then a dying alien gave her a ring. Maya was just thankful Rei didn't say she was from Krypton.
- The Badass Boast that Ramiel in Mari's body gives in Chapter 22 is a direct reference to Darkseid's Badass Boast in Final Crisis.
- "Evangelion, Mark 09. RISE."
- Hatchi's costume in Chapter 80 was based on Captain America, including the shield.
- ND!Gendou's speech to canon!Yui in Chapter 42 is a reference to Batman's speech to Owlman in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths:
"I asked myself what it would be like if Yui went ahead with that damn experiment. And now I know what the difference is between you and my wife. The difference is, you both looked into the abyss. And when the abyss looked back... You blinked." |
- Merrill the Murder Kitteh is an expy of Dex-Starr.
- "Clever girl."
- When Yui blows her top at the Ree, she screams, "I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED!"
- Rei's driving lesson in 19 is insane enough, then she tells Aoba he should learn to relax, and puts on some Elvis...and then they enter a tunnel.
- Pieter Sorhyu dragging the "backup body" of Sandalphon all the way back to NERV: "And what the HELL is that smell?!"
- "Like. A. Glove."
- Tremors 2: Aftershocks: In Chapter 88, after Shinji nearly causes the end of the world in the previous chapter: "I feel I was denied critical, need to know information."
- Gendo decribes their relationship with SEELE as a Sword of Damocles handing over their heads.
- "I'm makin' WAFFLES!"
- Canon!Yui's Avatar body.
- In Chapter 49, when Lilly leads Shinji to the Reemobile and gives him Gendo's glasses via wormhole:
- "Hello," he says, "My name is Zwei, and I already love you."
- At some point in the game, Shinji dies...and returns as Shinji the White, complete with an Ian McKellen voice mode.
- Gendo breaks the game program by using a rapier to make a few swishing cuts that cause Yui's dress to pool on the floor, just like Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro.
- Chapter 56: "No. Not without incident."
- The cosplayer mentioned in the fan fiction section also ate a bug.
- Sandalphon "eats lightning and craps itself with thunder" when it dies.
- Iruel admits to Shinji that he's pointlessly monologing.
- Iruel says "Oh shit" and then explodes, like in the film version of Little Shop of Horrors.
- Touji describes the headlines of Shinji fighting the most powerful men in the world as "Until there can be only one".
- Rei's response to the End of Evangelion universe is to copy the end of Planet of the Apes.
- During the bar fight with the Isrefels, one of them blasts the jukebox with a shotgun from behind the counter.
- Kouzou kills one of the men who take a New Vegas casino hostage, leaving a note: "Thanks for the machine gun!"
- In Chapter 72, it's revealed that Asuka has programmed martial arts muscle memories into her plug suit, based on various movies. Unfortunately, this includes Kung Pow! Enter the Fist.
- Shinji, while being chased by Tamiel: "Must go faster! Must go faster!"
- The device that Shinji builds at the end of ch. 80 shoots its lasers just like the Death Star.
- Shinji and Hikari discover a hallway full of chompters (sic) deep inside NERV.
- Chapter 90. Mana refers to the effects of being around Lilith as "the Sexytime aura."
- In chapter 29, Rei activates Go-kun's Death Blossom.
- In chapter 5, Yui mentions some potential weapons give to Shinji, all of which are from Godzilla: "Zero Point Cannon" ala Kiryu's Absolute Zero Cannon, "Dimension Tide" ala orbital weapon of the same name, and "Triple Heavy Maser" ala Kiryu's Hyper Maser Cannon.
- Shinji is thankful to be fully clothed when meeting his teenaged mother in the past, having seen Back to The Future.
- After Rei knocks out a chunk of its core, the dazed and about-to-be-blasted-into-pieces Ramiel gleefully yammers on in a monologue almost exactly the same as the one the whale gives in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
- Kaworu's a sparkling supernatural prettyboy? Hmmm...
- At the beginning of chapter 42, Zyuu is seen riding a three headed dog named "Fluffy".
- In the game: Shinji's perfectly ordinary, unmagical sword that is nevertheless very good at cutting things.
- NERV has a Dirac ansible.
- I'd be as willing to believe that's to Ender's Game, at least directly.
Live Action TV[]
- Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are the American President and VP, respectively.
- Rei: Wanna play a game? Asuka: What's it called? Rei: Is there a God?
- "AlterShinji"
- "I love it when a plan comes together." Complete with cigar smoking.
- Rei shows that a window can be opened with the proper password: "HIEEEE-KEEEEEEBA!"
- Yui announces the construction of Unit-07 by paraphrasing the introduction to The Six Million Dollar Man.
- The reading of Kihl's will is a re-working of the "Boot to the Head" skit by The Frantics.
- All of this has happened before and can happen again.
- Chapter 50. Asuka raises her hand, parting her fingers in a V. "We come in peace."
- Chapter 106. Rei asks, "Who's the Stig?"
- Iruel's lead-in to his Badass Boast is a takeoff of The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil."
Heh. Heh heheheh. Oh, what the Hell. |
- Nena's "99 Red Balloons" is referenced as "a German pop song about the nuclear apocalypse."
- This could also be a reference to the fanfic Taking Sights, which uses a very similar line and has Gendo and Fuyutsuki of all people singing it at a karaoke bar, which is exactly where this chapter of Nobody Dies takes place, complete with Gendo singing "99 Red Balloons", which the perspective character doesn't realize until it's too late. [1]
- Chapter 50 "~Well the man in the back said "Everyone attack!" and it turned into a Ballroom Blitz-"
- Also, "Everyone was Kung-Fu fighting," Asuka says, oblivious to the carnage...
Tabletop Games[]
- Nana, one of the Ree, repeatedly uses the phrase "Boom for the Boom God!".
Video Games[]
- Rei's ringtone (Chapter 13) is the opening theme to Katamari Damacy.
- Rei, after being consumed by Ramiel along with Kensuke, attacks the core with an AT Field-boosted Megaton Punch that blasts a quarter of the core clear out of Ramiel's body. The last word we hear her say before impact (and before the scene changes) is "FAAAALCON-"
- As part of the aforementioned sims, Kei also built Rapture, complete with Evangelion-esque Big Daddies, and red-eyed, blue-haired Little Sisters.
- Given that President Colbert has an eyepatch, the author has taken to calling him 'President Big Boss'.
- The Gravity Gun makes an appearance in Chapter 43.
- "Wa-I feel fine, dOOd!"
- "Shinji's been kidnapped by some girls. Are you a bad enough girl to rescue your boyfriend?"
- "Pants. Off. Now."
- Oh, Shin~ji? Are you dead yet?
- The Beach Episode is crashed by a giant enemy crab.
- The AI of Naoko knows everyone calls her GLADoS. Ritsuko says she's lucky they don't call her SHODAN.
- Shalgiel's entrance: You are, all of you, Garbage. We shall burn the surface of this world until your carbon remains become like diamond glass.
- After gearing up to take Unit 00 into battle, Mari ponders what her Epic Mount should be.
- As of Chapter 86, Unit 01 (now Mark 01), now has Zero Shift.
- In Six A Is, One Continent, the Baraqielim are Tiberium. And it's strongly implied that Subject Kappa is Kane.
- Chapter 94. "SHORYUKEN!"
- Chapter 48 tells us Rei is a fan of Touhou. Just watching the first stage of some random game in that series caused Shinji to have a seizure and pass out!
- At the end of Chapter 53, the Wuffletron whips out 4 Heavy Mazers and says "Suck it down."
Web Original[]
- In EVA communications transcripts, Junior/Sandalphon is referred to as [REDACTED].
- During the Beach Episode: CRAB BATTLE!
- Ivy's war cry in Chapter 87 is "LEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JEEEEEENKIIIII-".
- The Reego make Shinji play Wolf Pack with them.
- Chapter 79: "Jesus Christ it's an Angel...GET IN THE CAR!"
- The Ree and the Reego constantly make references to the I'M CHARGIN MAH LAZER meme.
- Ichi punches an Israfim in the soul.
- Chapter 89: 00-EM is asking Shinji about how to be manly and tells him of his research on it:
"You even have a web page about you on the internet with all sorts of facts about you. Is it true the AT Field isn't supposed to keep the Evas out, but you in?" |
- Chapter 90. "What is this I don't even..."
- From the same chapter: Responsible Rei is Responsible.
- Chapter 97: "What is this I'm four."
- "It's an Angelic Bee. My God."
- Chapter 98. "I am a man!"
Web Comics[]
- After filming the PSA in Chapter 68: "Like a face full of angel wing wong."
Western Animation[]
- "What's up, Doc?"
- The acronym of Jet Alone Prime's startup sequence: MEGAS.
- "What'cha doin'?"
- "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my Ree-time gaaaaal..."
- The Israfels' habit of pointing accusing fingers.
- "The Angel's already gone down the hooole!"
- 2025. Island of Dr. Rei, off the Jersey Shore...
- And seven chapters before that, Dr. Akagi spouts the same line Dr. Weird gave when his "present" attacked Steve: "Oh, yeah! Take it to the bank, Daddy!"
- During Gendo and Hideaki Anno's fight, they smash into a vegetable stand whose owner bemoans the loss of his cabbages.
- Chapter 98. Ichi is the Avatar.
- The title of Chapter 80: "Asuka's Sister is a Big Fat Bitch".
- In Chapter 50, Shinji and Kaworu have almost verbatim the same conversation about talking to women as Fry and Zoidberg in the Futurama episode "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?"
- Chapter 100. A certain MLP DVD is used as a clue to find the secret entrance of Kei's lab.
- Chapter 105. One of Shinji's classmates' observation of Lilly: "She's so fluffy I could die!"
Combined References[]
- Parts of Iruel's dialogue while he's confronting Asuka are takeoffs of AM's signature quote and Batman's last words to Superman in The Dark Knight Returns.
"Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you Lilim over the past week." |
- Asuka's transformation in Chapter 31 is a two-in-one bundle: "Alexstrazha! Full Drive!"
- Pieter and Kyoko Make a Porno.
Something Pieter realized about Kyoko years ago, and probably one of the things that drew him back to her after their years apart, is that the terminology gentle, cuddling, and half measure are foreign to her. |
- And Kensuke puts it on YouTube. Yui not only refuses to take it down, but says she'll unleash Rei on both of them if either of them try.
- The Ree take up fighting crime, with identities based on Sailor Moon, Batman and Robin, Iron Man, and more.
- Chapter 72: Asuka fights Shinji's Seven Evil Half-Sisters like Mega Man bosses. Complete with exploding. And Spikes of Doom. Said Evil Half-Sisters also give themselves names according to the Metal Gear Solid name scheme (or possibly Mega Man X, considering how they also give Asuka weapons as she defeats them).
- Also in ch. 72: Gendo is one of the mini-bosses, and gifts Asuka with a gun, belt, and holster using the classic "It's dangerous to go alone, take this" line.
Real Life[]
- The robot avatar of Unit-02 is the Big Dog.
- In chapter 81, the robot that serves drinks and then falls down the stairs is a reference to the Honda Asimo and its infamous press conference.
- During chapter 30, Misato notes after a long night of drinking that the devil on her shoulder is bigger and taking food orders, a reference to Larry Miller's classic "Five levels of drinking" stand-up routine.
- In chapter 1, Rei refers to Ritsuko as a friend of Gendo's "in a Ugandan way".