Okay, Final Fantasy is great, but let's not forget Lost Odyssey, which also has music by Uematsu: the music frequently makes this Troper stop playing the game for twenty minutes just to listen to music at parts or roll around on the floor in ecstasy. Particularly, Main Theme, the dramatic, over the top, and just plan awesome A Formidable Enemy Appears!, and the soothing and emotional Prologue. There's plenty of other examples, however.
Your Mileage May Vary regarding Blue Dragon, but if God Himself decided to compose a song to be blasted during the Apocalypse, He would be hard-pressed to create one more Armageddon-heralding than The Seal Is Broken. That is all.
You think that is awesome? Take that song, lengthen it as shown here [1]. Not cool enough, how's this version from the DS game [2]. Now, let's take this Up to Elevenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQC 7 VBX Crx E
While not game related (except for one track from Final Fantasy), Nobuo's solo album Phantasmagoria is absolutely stunningly gorgeous to hear.
OC Re Mix's Black Wing Metamorphosis, the audible equivalent to the nerdgasm? And, generally speaking, all of their Voices of the Lifestream remix album is awesome. Do yourself a favor and download it - for free - right here
"Advent: One-Winged Angel". Say what you will about the movie it's from, but that track is a masterpiece!
While Chrono Trigger was mostly composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, Uematsu did contribute some music after Mitsuda overworked himself to the point of stomach ulcers. Tyrano Lair is one of those pieces.