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The Feminine TV employees are playing Horizon and made a guild in the Coalition[]

All three media have shown Omega Zell play from work at some point and the comic has a story in which his boss turns out to have Coalition character. If Omega Zell actually installed the game on sevral of the channel's computers, she may be letting it happen beacause she sometimes plays from work herself. That my have led other employees to be in a similar situation, eventually meet each other in-game and end up making a guild. However, since the situation remains an Open Secret for everyone, the fact is never discussed during teamwork (and hence in front of Omega Zell) and all members of that guild think that one of their guildmates was the first one to install Horizon on her work computer, but stays silent about it to not get in trouble.


...will turn out to be using Arthéon all along.

  • Worse, she may turn out to be the second character or an accomplice of Relic Tracker's guild. Facts that go in that favor : same faction, Master Zen, who knows Arthéon quite well, is part of that guild, the guild may be named Relic Tracker's for a good reason. Following that lead, if it's yet another "Breaking the Noob guild apart" plan, it's working quite well.

...will join the Noob guild. In favor of that scenario, her Facebook profile picture showing her in a friendly back to back shot with Ivy (with her Order cursor, however). actually Précieux trying to avenge Dark Avenger. Having the Noob guil fall apart would be a good way to make sure no interference would happen while confronting Sparadrap. Précieux's enthiousiasm at finding a good time to strike at the end of episode 10 of Season 4 seems to confirm it. The theory however has a chronological problem : while Kary was introduced after the reason Précieux is after Sapradrap, one of the first tings mentionned in Season 4 prologue was the guild wondering why they hadn't seen Arhtéon recently despite him still regularly logging on. Dark Avenger leaving the game happened during the 2-3 episode "What is Arhtéon up to?" limbo.

Sparadrap started to play Horizon beacause his brother once forgot to close the game after playing[]

Saphir acted a lot like Omega Zell in her early gaming days[]

Omega Zell will eventually become Empire's top player and Gaea will become the Coalition's in the long run[]

... Or maybe even by the end of the series if the pace suddenly goes up a few notches. The theory seems to be around since Omega Zell is part of Justice guild and Gaea joined the Coalition. Episode 10 of Season 4 also gave Gaea a Not So Different moment with Amaras, that can also be seen as Ship Tease.

  • Alternatively, Fantöm and Omega Zell will be each other's Closet Key and the (two Omega Zell and Gaea) will end up as one the top player's significant other.