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  • Jeff Foxworthy, famed for the You Might Be A Redneck If... jokes, has one go "If you've ever had to carry a bucket of paint to the top of a water tower to defend your sister's honor, you might be a redneck." Awfully specific requirement in the test. According to the music video, it's "Dee Dee is a who". He's already painted over the rest.
    • A lot of those jokes could vaguely be considered Noodle Incidents ("If you've been blacklisted by a bowling alley," "If you were ever too drunk to fish," etc.). Subverted on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour by Bill Engvall with "If you've ever popped a beer during a eulogy," after which he went on to explain about his uncle...
  • Lewis Black's famous "If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college" bit is based on him overhearing said remark. He advises the audience not to think about it too much, lest their heads explode.
  • Steve Martin: I was sitting at home, doing horrible things to my dog with a fork...
  • Sean Lock, as the introduction to a series of jokes about shame: "You'll be walking down the street, and suddenly you stop dead in your tracks. Your friend asks, 'what're you doing?' 'I suddenly remembered that time in the hotel room with the badgers.'"