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The North Sea Ice Palace (Chinese: 北海氷宮(Běihǎi Bīnggōng)) refers to a fictional location that often appears in Korean murim stories, as one of the Five Palaces Beyond the Great Wall. It may be based on the mongols, and is presumably located on Olkhon Island by Lake Baikal in today's Russia, which was formerly a part of the Mongol empire. The name North Sea may refer to how Lake Baikal is a large "sea" north of the great wall of China. Not to be confused with the North Sea between the British Islands and Scandinavia.

Examples of North Sea Ice Palace include:

Anime and Manga[]


  • Frenemies: Haon's ex-fiancé ends up working for the Por-Bazhyn fortress. All inhabitants have some command over ice energy.[74]
  • Nano Machine: The North Sea Ice Palace tried to invade the jianghu, but gave up after just a month in zhongyuan due to the difference in climate and food culture. Read more here.
  • Return of the Blossoming Blade: The North Sea Ice Palace is one of the five palaces beyond the great wall. Read more here.
  • Peerless Dad: The protagonist's daughter goes to stay at the Ice Palace.[261]
  • Warrior's Promise: One of the nine great human forces of the Central Continent, and is said to be located in the faraway North Sea. Read more here.