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Nosfera is the story of a vampire named, aptly enough, Nosfera, after her husband Brahm is killed by the vampire hunter Seymour Van Bellsing. She has to deal with learning about her new powers that she inherited from Brahm, revelations about him, and the vampire hunter coming back to finish the job. This comic can be found on Deviant ART and is made by the user BrokenTeapot. It is also a parody of Castlevania. It can be found here. The series ended with eleven chapters, and BrokenTeapot has begun a sequel series, found here.
- Anime Hair: Nosfera has a mild example.
- Anti-Hero: Nosfera is either this, or a Villain Protagonist.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Semour barges into Nosfera's castle, vandalizes her property, harms her minions, and took that pork chop Grimsworth was saving for later!
- Art Shift: Has gone from black and white to full color.
- Battle Butler: Grimmsworth, full stop.
- Benevolent Boss: Nosfera seems to truly care about her minions and servants and becomes furious when Seymour harms them.
- Berserk Button: DO NOT threaten Nosfera when Grimmsworth is around.
- Blatant Lies: Yes, Nosfera, it was CLEARLY the electric shock that increased your strength.
- Brainwashed: Bram used this to make his large harem of female slaves.
- Catch Phrase: To quote Iggy: "Puyo!"
- Classical Movie Vampire: Brahm fits this like a glove. Nosfera is less of this, but still has a few aspects of this.
- Disney Villain Death: Seymour, when he is blasted out of a tall window by Nosfera.
- Dumb Muscle: Junior, the muscle bound, incredibly innocent Frankenstein's Monster Expy most defiantly counts.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Junior is the monster Nosfera fights early on when he is turned on before he is finished. He doesn't reappear for several chapters.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Nosfera has several zombie servants.
- Expy: Doc Franken and Junior for Doctor Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster, respectively.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Nosfera is not this, and Brahm wasn't, either.
- Gentle Giant: Junior.
- Grim Reaper: Grimmsworth.
- Goddamn Bats: These are among the defenses Nosfera orders to combat Seymour's second invasion of the castle.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Seymour. See Complete Monster above.
- Heroic BSOD: Nosfera, when she finds out not only what Brahm planned to do with her, but that Grimmsworth was the one who set him up to be killed.
- The Igor: Iggy is one.
- Kick the Dog: Seymour does this when he kills some monsters after they had already surrendered, as well as when he almost kills Grimmsworth.
- Knight Templar: Seymour, who kills monsters. However, he kills the good monsters along with the bad, and even killed some monsters after they surrendered!
- No Kill Like Overkill: Brahm is stabbed in the heart WITH A CROSS.
- Pet the Dog: Seymour sparing the life of the Medusa Head in front of her kids.
- Playing with Fire: Nosfera can throw fireballs.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh: Happens to Nosfera here.
- Oh Crap: Seymour's reaction to Nosfera's revenge for his apparent murder of Grimmsworth
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Nosfera does this against Seymour after he almost kills Grimmsworth.
- Schedule Slip: The sequel series has been dealing with this lately.
- Space Whale Aesop: Never activate a monster without first installing the brain.
- Speechbubbles Interruption: Doc Franken does this to Iggy on occasion.
- Unstoppable Rage: Nosfera when she fights Seymour after his apparent murder of Grimmsworth.
- Unwitting Pawn: Seymour may be this.
- Vampires Are Rich: Nosfera has her own castle, complete with servants.
- Vampire Vords: Averted.
- Villain Protagonist: Arguably, Nosfera. She does drink the blood of several villagers and turn them into her zombie servants.