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 "Yes, Santa Claus, there is a Virginia."

back of the book


A book that professes to be written by schoolgirl Virginia Cary Hudson, it is a collection of essays written by her in 1904. At the time of writing, Virginia was going to an Episcopalian school, which shows in the various candid views on various religious events and subjects. That said, the book is primarily known for it's humour, the world as seen through the eyes of a ten-year-old girl.

Topics written about include:

  • ETIQUETTE -"What you are doing and saying when other people are listening. What you are thinking is your business."
  • MARRIAGE -"Your sweetheart is waiting up by the preacher, if he doesn't forget to come, and you get a shiny gold band on your finger and leave town."
  • EDUCATION -"What you learn in books, and nobody knows you know it but your teacher."
  • EVERLASTING LIFE -"God gives it to you and you can't get rid of it."
  • PERSONAL APPEARANCE -"Looking the best you can for the money. If you're born pretty that helps also."

The essays were reportedly rediscovered in 1962, which has caused some readers to consider the origin a bit shady. However, it is still a worthwhile read.

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