She remarks Pterodactyl reminds her of an FMV game and wonders if Spoony should be reviewing it instead.
In Witchery seeing a woman being chased by a group of men in large hats prompts her to use the "No-one expects the Spanish inquisition" soundclip from Monty Python's Flying Circus
In one review she raises her arms above her head and says "Symbolism"- a trademark of Film Brain.
During her review of 13 seconds she refers to some heavy-handed imagery as a "Film Brain symbolism moment"
During an effect shot of a tunnel in Witchery she dubs the Doctor Who theme over it.
In her induction into the internet hall of fame she mimics Sally Field's "You like me, you really really like me" Oscar acceptance speech.
Upon learning that Richard Norton's character from Gymkata is adviser to the Khan she cuts to a famous clip from Wrath of Khan
After Jack in X-treme Fighter moans about orange not being his color it shows footage of Tim Gunn.
When Nancy from Angel of Fury visits an airport, Lupa dubs in music and dialogue from Airplane.
After a railing kill, Lupa had a caption on screen saying Railing Kill.
After noticing the resemblance between one thug in China O Brien and Ash Ketchum she yells "Gotta catch 'em all, motherfucker!"
She did a tribute to Rachelle Lefevre and makes several references to Big Wolf on Campus, her favorite show growing up. She admits the only reason she reviewed Teen Sorcery was because Aimée Castle was in it.
She made a quick nod to Pierre Kirby while riffing Howling IV. "What a useless guy!"
She peppered her review of American Ninja with "In America!" jokes.
In her Shark Attack 3 review, she references Spoony's Phantasmagoria review. "I heard that [Curtis]"
While watching Gooby, Lupa and Liz get so freaked out that Liz jokes, "This is the last known footage of this kid, isn't it?" This prompts Lupa to respond, "Aw, snap, this is going into Slender Man territory!"