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  • An exchange from Odd Hours:
  • Brother Odd:

 Brother Quentin: We need to know the name of our enemy.

Brother Alfonse: We know the name. His name is legion.

Brother Quentin: I don't mean our ultimate enemy, Odd, we aren't going up against Satan with baseball bats, are we?

Odd: If it's Satan, I haven't noticed a sulfurous smell.

Brother Quentin: You're being evasive again.

  • A lot, mostly created by Odd's Deadpan Snarker personality. One of the ones in the first book is his repeated tellings that "A flipped fork flicked my forehead." When he says it to his dad's girlfriend, she gets mad, causing him to think "Alliteration seems to offend people..."
  • During a discussion with a physicist over a plate of cookies, Odd asks about the possibility of a tragic accident happening as a result of his experiments. The physicist replies that it's possible—though highly unlikely—for Odd to die of a brain aneurysm at that moment. Odd's first thought is that he should have had another cookie.