Fridge Brilliance: Why is Stranger's voice acting so oddly paced and somewhat off? He's a Steef. A side character's conversation reveals that Steefs can't speak. Stranger had to teach himself how to speak the native language, but is not fluent.
Early in the game, Stranger says, with regard to his surgery, "I need this to survive." Once we know what the surgery is, his use of "survive" rather than "live" seems telling.
Fridge Horror: Near the end of the game, Stranger's bounty device converts enemies into ammo instead of saving them for turn-in later. The enemies are used as food for your ammo, which includes rabid furry things, bees, spiders, and spiked slugs. You get more ammo from live enemies.
Porting Disaster: The Oddbox version. Broken textures, water that doesn't render right, and more crashes than a destruction derby. Its only saving grace is that it at least has the decency to wait until after saving to crash.
That One Boss: Packrat Palooka, especially if you are trying to capture him alive.
The Dual Boss fight against the two Gloktigi can be really frustrating- if you let them get close, they can spam you to death with their spinning melee attacks.
Demonic Spiders: Outlaw Bombers, who take out about 3/4 of your health if they hit you, are fast, and are a pain to capture (And are worth a lot when captured alive) because if you try to knock them out when their bombs are active, they explode and die.