A conversation between Othala and Raigho seems to suggests that a female leading a pack is unusual. In reality, a wolf pack has two leaders (called alphas), and the female alpha is more likely to be dominate over the male alpha than vice versa.
The pack is shown hunting a bull elk. This is (possible but) unlikely because wolves, like most predators, usually target the sick, the young, the weak and anything else less hard to catch then a healthy adult animal.
Iki and a raven has Blue Eyes, while another raven has Red Eyes, mostly [1] unnatural colors for those animals. This is intentional, it indicates the color of their spirits.
Raigho goes on a tangent on how filthy and disgusting ravens are. Considering how often ravens and wolves interact, and even play together, this can come across as a bit jarring. Of course, this is part of his Suspiciously Specific Denial.
Just Here for Godzilla: Anytime the story switches focus to the humans there are people wanting it to go back to the wolves.
Stuck in Their Shadow: After one of the authors became a real life example of this trope, they have tried to avert this by doing things like alternately posting pages on both their Deviant ART accounts.
↑young wolves have blue eyes, but most change color as they get older