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  • Arc Fatigue
  • Artistic License Biology
    • A conversation between Othala and Raigho seems to suggests that a female leading a pack is unusual. In reality, a wolf pack has two leaders (called alphas), and the female alpha is more likely to be dominate over the male alpha than vice versa.
    • The pack is shown hunting a bull elk. This is (possible but) unlikely because wolves, like most predators, usually target the sick, the young, the weak and anything else less hard to catch then a healthy adult animal.
    • Iki and a raven has Blue Eyes, while another raven has Red Eyes, mostly [1] unnatural colors for those animals. This is intentional, it indicates the color of their spirits.
    • Raigho goes on a tangent on how filthy and disgusting ravens are. Considering how often ravens and wolves interact, and even play together, this can come across as a bit jarring. Of course, this is part of his Suspiciously Specific Denial.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Anytime the story switches focus to the humans there are people wanting it to go back to the wolves.
  • Stuck in Their Shadow: After one of the authors became a real life example of this trope, they have tried to avert this by doing things like alternately posting pages on both their Deviant ART accounts.
  1. young wolves have blue eyes, but most change color as they get older