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The cockroaches are in Hell.[]

Think about it. As shown in the opening, they got squashed by the falling brick. Throughout the series, they managed to come back to the life of the living to make Oggy's life a living hell. In some cartoons, Oggy manages to use the punishment against them. Therefore, the cockroaches' hell throughout the series is ironic.

Everyone is in Purgatory.[]


  • Jack: becomes much more famous in what he does more than caring the life of Oggy, and will be subjected to torment by the very thing he becomes successful of.
  • Joey: he's the one who tries, tests, and torments other characters.
  • Oggy: sent to an Ironic Hell to being the lazy bum that he is. He is forever lazy and never be satisfied.
  • Bob: his anger has lead him to be subjected to every torment that Oggy, Jack, and the cockroaches throw at him.