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When a character presents a hypothetical scenario, then sarcastically says something like "Oh, wait!" and observes that it's actually true. Usually used to present a Take That. Different from That Came Out Wrong in that the character knows full well what he said. Has nothing to do with Hey, Wait!.
- Inverted in Ultimate Spider-Man when the Kingpin asks Spidey why he thinks the public hates him despite all the good he does:
Spidey: Oh wait, I know why. It's because I run a criminal empire and cloak it in charity work and quote unquote legitimate businesses and try to sell myself as something I'm not. No wait, that's you. |
Fan Works[]
Celestia: Oh yes! Mmm... Sometimes I just see a colt and I think to myself, 'Oh, if only I was an immortal, beautiful, sexy goddess that all would love to mate until I couldn't stand up.' And then I think 'Oh wait! I totally am!' |
Sydney White: If only there were a place where a superficial, materialistic bitch could fit in. Oh wait, there is. |
Lisa: You should have said something. |
Live Action TV[]
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "The Prom":
Anya: All I know is I really want to go to this dance and I want someone to go with me. |
- Degrassi episode "Karma Chameleon:
Paige: I was hoping you could take drugs, act like a freak and destroy everything. Oh wait. You did that last year. |
- House episode "Joy to the World":
Dr. Taub: House always has an agenda, just screwing with us isn't... |
- Star Trek: Voyager episode "Q2":
Q: I wish you could see the look on your faces! Oh wait, you can! [Snaps his fingers and mirrors appear] |
- Angel episode "That Old Gang of Mine":
Cordelia Chase: And it's not like the last time she was out in the world, she got sucked into an inter-dimensional portal and ended up living like a hunted-animal in a hostile, demon, alterna-world, or anything? Oh, wait. Kind of is, isn't it? |
Ken Miller: Lindsay, here's an idea - how 'bout you break up our band so you can go make out with Nick? Oh, wait, you already did that. |
Lorelai: Hey, let's look into each other's eyes and say "I wish I were you" at exactly the same time - maybe we'll pull a Freaky Friday. |
- Triple Whammy: in the Frasier episode "Proxy Prexy", Marty runs for condo-board president to act as a mouth for Frasier's ideas, and tensions rise between the two.
Marty: Well, if you're so sure you're indispensable maybe you should run for president. Oh, wait. You did. Five times. |
- Top Gear, after Clarksons second-hand supercar develops severe engine problems, with an engine that had just had a 10 thousand pound rebuild...
Hammond: You know what could help? If you spent 10 grand on the engi... Oh wait, he already did, what a shame. |
- The West Wing: Leo claims to be unavailable in an emergency.
Bartlet: If only technology could invent some way to get in touch with you in an emergency. Some sort of telephonic device with a personalized number we could call to let you know that we needed you. Perhaps it would look something [grabs Leo's pager] like *this*, Mr. Moto! |
Bartlet: I'm not an economist, but... no, wait, I am an economist. |
- Doctor Who, "The Sound of Drums": The Master is monologuing about how he now has a pocket-sized version of Professor Lazarus's age-altering machine.
- At one episode of Becker, John tells Chris's ex-husband a fairly pointless story that ends with he and some friends watching the sunrise - he mentions this as if it was the most interesting part of it. Roger replies, "There's something you don't see everyday. Oh wait, you do."
- The chorus to the song "Invisible" by Clay Aiken has him singing about all of the things he could do if he was invisible, then says "Wait, I already am" referring to the way his Love Interest doesn't notice him.
Video Games[]
- It's possible to say this to Alistair in Dragon Age:
The Warden: I dream of becoming a Grey Warden. Oh Wait. |
- The Scout in Team Fortress 2 when he bonks someone with a baseball.
- In Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Jim Raynor may say this when you click on him in between missions.
Raynor: I should take a walk outside. Oh, wait. |
- Mind you, he's in his flagship the Hyperion while saying this line.
- Mass Effect 3, if you get the quarians and geth to end their war peacefully, Garrus notes, "Next you'll be telling me the krogan and turians are working together... oh wait, you did that too."
Web Comics[]
- Schlock Mercenary... Ennesby goes off on a rant about how biologicals underestimate the creativity of A Is, and comments that it's probably due to some lingering fear that the A Is will eventually grow so intelligent and creative that they'll just supplant the biologicals as the dominant form of life in the universe. "Oh wait... Petey and the Fleetmind already did that."
- This Darths and Droids comic. Though, as he says it a panel later that appears to be out of the conversation, it may have actually been a realization rather than sarcasm.
Obi-Wan: I'll call back when I've defeated Jango. He shouldn't be hard to catch. It's not like there are hundreds of thousands of identical copies of him running around. Oh wait. |
- Political webcomic I Drew This has a good example. The artist, David is making a comic in which Dick Cheney is out hunting, but due to incompetence hits a person in the face, and THEN makes the guy apologize for not looking more like a bird. David thinks this is totally original, but then Joe the Liberal Eagle comes up with the paper, which has the headline "All That Cheney Stuff You Just Said". Last panel is of David sobbing onto his drawing board saying "Satire is dead!"
- Drive:
Fernando: Do you know what my family will do to your people when they find out?? |
- In this Eight Bit Theater strip, Red Mage informs Black Mage that they made a new enemy. Black Mage says he'll add it to the list, but Oh Wait, the list already includes "Everyone in the world".
Web Original[]
- Yahtzee's comparison between Final Fantasy and Star Wars, with Final Fantasy XIII being "what you'd get if you took out everything that was good about Star Wars and replaced it with dodgy CGI and laughable angst. Oh wait."
- The Bum Reviews of Zombieland ended with Chester A. Bum insisting that more movies need to be mixed with Shaun of the Dead, "Like Shaun of the Dead mixed with Dreamgirls! Oh wait, that was called Glitter."
- Happens a lot with many of the works of That Guy With The Glasses.
- The Agony Booth, on Hulk:
That'd be like making an entire movie about death, the afterlife, heaven and hell, and never once using the word god. Oh wait." |
"Everything about Laika's journey seemed to go swimmingly, until we realized the Soviets never had a safe return plan for their pooch, and they planned for her to die in space all along. Which sucks, of course, but at least she died peacefully when she ate her poisoned food dose a week into orbit, as the Soviets reported. Except, oh wait, that's not how Laika died at all." |
- And another:
Is this any way to prepare our children for the adult world? By making them believe that authority figures often rely on unfair and arbitrary rules not based on any kind of logic or... |
Western Animation[]
- Justice League
- "The Balance":
Abnegazar: Or what? You'll kill me? Gosh, I might end up suffering eternal torment as punishment for my sins! Oh, wait - I already am! |
- From "Secret Society"
Clayface: You didn't think I came alone, did you? |
- Invoked and lampshaded in Futurama:
Fry: That's like digging up Lassie and putting her on display in the Louvre! |
- The 2003 animation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles uses this in one of the episodes where an alien invasion is faked.
Raphael: "Oh look, an alien invasion, we don't see that everyday... oh wait.. yea we do. |