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Basic Trope: An artists disavows some of their earlier work.
- Straight: Bob and The Tropers are a generation-spanning band. They hate their first album with a passion.
- Exaggerated: Bob and The Tropers hate anything they haven't put out in the past year.
- Downplayed: Bob and The Tropers don't like their old stuff, but they can tolerate it.
- Justified: I Was Young and Needed the Money; that, or their musical tastes have changed over time.
- Inverted: Bob and The Tropers love their back catalog and hate their current work with a passion.
- Subverted: "What's that? You want to hear 'Our First Hit'? ...Sure, okay."
- Double Subverted: "...is what I'd be saying if that song weren't a piece of crap!"
- Parodied: As soon as Bob and The Tropers complete an album, a guest appearance, a tour, or even a song, they immediately disavow it as crap.
- Zig Zagged: "...But it's popular and the crowd seems to like it, so I can tolerate it!"
- Averted: They like all their stuff.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Bob and The Tropers are attempting to get their record label not to release a Greatest Hits Album, so they diss their old stuff.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
Ah man, I can't believe you want to go back to Old Shame. I can't believe I created that page - it's utter dreck!