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Someone is given an option he doesn't like, and promptly rejects it. The person who made the suggestion returns with something far worse, and On Second Thought, the first suggestion was just fine.
Hurley: Sorry, man. Your name's hard to pronounce.
Arzt: Oh, yeah? Well, I know a bunch of ninth graders who pronounce it just fine.
Hurley: How about I just call you by your first name?
Arzt: How about you don't?
Hurley: Why not? I remember it from the plane's manifest. I think Leslie's a bitchin' name.
Arzt: Arnzt is fine.
Desperate Housewives. Rex asks Bree to pick a "control word" for the sexual roleplay they're planning to do:
Bree: How about "Boise"?
Rex: "Boise"?
Bree: What's the matter with "Boise"?
Rex: We’re going to be doing psychological role playing here, Bree, and a funny word like "Boise" would ruin the mood. We need something that sounds serious.
Zoidberg: So do your worst. Because no punishment could be worse than denying my freedom.
Chief Justice: You are hereby sentenced to death.
Zoidberg: Wait, let me finish!
Subverted in Doctor Who when the Doctor's companion actually prefers the second alternative to her Overly Long Name[1], but he continues to use the first one anyway:
At the end of the Danger Mouse episode 100 Million Years Lost, the narrator turns the mic over to Henry V who drones on about the Battle of Agincourt before he switches to the weather forecast.